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I feel like crap today. and homesick, I'm nearly 30 hours from home and won't be back for another three months. I have no motivation to do my homework, which requires a lot of inspiration and creative flow. Maybe I have a creative block right now. Whatever it is, I'm about to bang out the rest of my necessary homework tonight and get a pint of ice cream and watch some sex & city on the couch. And I won't feel bad about it. Well maybe just a little. 



Creative blocks can happen to anyone. However, it sounds like you've got several things to sort out at the same time. Is it being away from home for so long that is causing this, or the homework itself, even if you were home? How would your work be different if you were doing it back there? Is it a place or a person you miss, or both? Also, ask yourself: do I want to be gone to wherever this is for so long? What is the trade off? Assuming this job was your choice, why did you choose this? Plus, I still don't know (or can't recall, sorry) what type of job or homework you are dealing with.


Meanwhile, enjoy your Samantha Swirl , Creme de Carrie , Miranda Mint or Chocolate Charlotte. Maybe just a little. :icecream:


Ruts stink. And creativity blocks; artist, writer, composer, it's all annoying. I don't know what you're studying, but yeah, getting the necessary stuff done while it may be harder than usual because of your creativity block, is definitely, imho, where your focus should be. And then yeah, "rewind and unlax" as my late dad used to say. (He was a master at Spoonerisms. lol)


Is there some thing, some place, some game, some show, you like that could help relight those creativity fires?


It also stinks, when your stuck away from home, and/or loved ones. Maybe you could give 'em a call? I mean, a lot of people have Sunday off right? Also, if nobody happens to be home, leave a message with a time range that you'll be free to talk. Sometimes a little reconnection can help wonders, especially if you're feeling lonely and missing them terribly. :(


One bit of advice about breaking a creative block. I KNOW with homework and stuff you're on a limited time frame to finish, but try not to force it TOO much. I did that once, and experienced the worst burn-out of my life. Took weeks, maybe longer to start thinking of creative stuff again.

Lastly, sometimes it helps to have a sounding board. Someone to bounce ideas off of and around with. Is there someone like that in your life you could do that with? Maybe among the person/people you miss?


That's the best post of advice I can offer without knowing more about what you're facing. Best of luck with everything! I hope something I said is of use to you. :)

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