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On average, how long is it taking for scores to be reviewed?

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I have two different highscores that should be processed to earn both trophies and avatars.

I've been waiting about 7 days so far.



In the past it only took about 24-48 hours.

(Mind you the last time I'm aware of was pre-jumpstart)


I'm curious how long most people are waiting. 



*EDIT (for clarification)

I'm talking specifically about "Score submitted for review" times. Not when people received trophies after getting a highscore.


Not sure, as I am not a valid source for these kind of things, but when I got the high-score for Gourmet Club Bowls, it only took the 24-48 hours, as you mentioned. I know the trophies/high-score awards are awarded at/around 7:02 pm NST, every night. When I got the high-score for Gourmet Club Bowls, it was in the evening, if I remember correctly, before the award time, but I did not have the trophy that evening. It was either the next day or the day after that, I had the "gold" trophy in my user lookup. It was either this month or last month I got the trophy, meaning a recent time frame - not something I was awarded 3 to 4 years ago. 7 days seems like a long time, but what games/avatars are they for? I'm hoping one of the TDN moderators will post, as they seem more knowledgeable in that area.


Hrm. I hope I didn't fall through the cracks.


One was for feed florg, and the other is for meepit juice break.

Usually, for the avatars, once you "post" your score and it meets the point criteria, it is awarded "right then and there", so to speak" - "Something Has Happened!". It is possible you may not have seen the "Something Has Happened" message, or it didn't display. Check your "preferences" on the Neoboards page and see if the avatars are listed in the drop down box. As you are most likely already aware, they would be the last two listed. Unfortunately, Neopets seems to be down, at the moment. Are you sure your scores posted? I only ask, as I know, personally, that if you start a game before 12 am NST and finish it after 12 am NST, it may not take your score. Say you start playing Eliv Thade at 11:45 pm NST and finish it at 12:15 am NST and try to post your score. It may not take, due to the "daily" game roll-over time at 12 am NST.


Usually, for the avatars, once you "post" your score and it meets the point criteria, it is awarded "right then and there", so to speak" - "Something Has Happened!". It is possible you may not have seen the "Something Has Happened" message, or it didn't display. Check your "preferences" on the Neoboards page and see if the avatars are listed in the drop down box. As you are most likely already aware, they would be the last two listed. Unfortunately, Neopets seems to be down, at the moment. Are you sure your scores posted? I only ask, as I know, personally, that if you start a game before 12 am NST and finish it after 12 am NST, it may not take your score. Say you start playing Eliv Thade at 11:45 pm NST and finish it at 12:15 am NST and try to post your score. It may not take, due to the "daily" game roll-over time at 12 am NST.


No, both scores were during the day (In my time zone 12 am NST is at 3 am, and I am very much in bed by 10pm at all times for work)


and also I received the "Scores submitted for review" message that happens sometimes when you have a very highscore.


In the past, when I received this message I later received a neomail from TNT saying they had reviewed my score and awarded my the trophy.


I keep track pretty closely to which avatars I have. I have 284 checked off, I have 284 in my userlookup.


Are these completely new scores or have you played several times before? How much higher a score did you send this time from last time? If it's a new score or a super high score from last time, it's taken them as much as 2 weeks from my experience, though this is pre-JS.


It's also important to note that if you don't qualify for a trophy they won't send you a message. I think they do send you an NM for avatars but I can't remember since my trophy run was 7 years ago!

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