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Just saw one of the donation receipt items is the 'autumn baby dress' and boy do I want one! I didn't donate any NC items - I didn't realize there was a chance to get something baby related (esp something thats actually pretty cute).

Does anyone know if these items will be for sale (NC) later? Or how to get one if you didn't earn it?



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Hi Charelan, I think you'd need to go to this thread.




I don't do a lot of NC trading, so i don't know values or whatever they use, but you can certainly try asking to see if anyone has one they'd like to trade, and what they'd want for it.


I saw the NC items during the event, but since I don't have any baby neopets, I didn't get one when I cashed in my tickets from the few NC donations I made. I hope you can find someone who's got one for trading!




Hey I actually received one of the baby dresses. I thought it looked so cute but didn't realize at the time that you can only apply it to Baby painted pets! Since I'm not a fan of the baby choices for Peophins and Usuls and Vandagyres don't have that option yet I was just going to store it in my SDB until I had a use for it later. If you'd like it you're welcome to it! :)


Wow, that would be terrific! I've never traded an NC item before, I'm not quite sure how to do it. I'll send a neomail your way and maybe we can figure it out :)
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