Neko-Tan Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 Did something ever happen to you that puzzled you? Was it strange noises with no source? Or perhaps a misplaced item that you swore you never put it there? I have a few strange things that happened to me: 1. I was home alone once and I was trying to take a nap, so I was laying in my bed. Then, I heard a weird scratching sound coming from my window. The only thing was that I was on the third floor and there are no trees on the property at all.. I wonder what was making the noise? It was daytime, a little after noon. So I don't think it could be a raccoon or something. 2. When I was 7, I remember books kept going missing from my bookcase in the summertime. I have no siblings, and my parents swore up and down that they never touched my books. I was always in my room, so I usually always knew who was in my room. Strangely enough, after I mentioned to my parents, I kept finding my books in odd places. Under the sink, in my pillow case, under my bed, in the attic (my parents were cleaning it out) and one was even found in the bathtub. I kept asking my parents constantly and even today, but they swear they have no idea what was going on. Whether they're lying or not, it was still creepy. 3. I like to keep my computer tidy, so I usually clean up my history, desktop, and the like (I have a macbook if that makes any difference). I went to clear my history when I saw what was on it: Bing searches of very... inappropriate things that I won't mention. And the last search was four minutes ago. Even though Safari wasn't even open four minutes ago, and I would search such vile things or use Bing, for that matter. Anyways, I deleted it and it never happened again. I am the only one who uses my mac and knows the password to it. It still baffles me. So, has anything creepy/scary/strange things ever happened to you? Quote
Naamah D. Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 I lived in an old house and heard whispers in my room. Also, and I think this was the same night, I played Pokemon Crystal and even after turning the game off I heard the music from the game. Either that or I accidentally left the game on overnight. Then at the same house I went to walk down one of the staircases and I fell down even though I didn't trip on anything. We found out the house was haunted so maybe I got pushed? I also have very repetitive dreams about the same stuff over and over again, but that's not creepy. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
BethJT Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 I've just been reading about this somewhere else and I thought of loads (I'm sorry) so I'm glad I have somewhere to share them! Most are a bit odd rather than terrifying. 1) When I was 5 I was in hospital twice in the space of two weeks. 15 years later I can't remember which of the times it was but in one of them I remember being hooked up to a drip (I do not know any correct terms at all) and having to wheel it round with me in the middle of the night when I went to the toilet. This memory wasn't triggered until a while later and when I asked my parents they had no memory of it happening whatsoever even though I remember it clear as day. The toilet was in the same place as it was on the ward and I remember me being hooked up during the day as well but my memory is stronger of that moment at night. 2) When I was 8 and it was approaching Friday the 13th my friends were joking around about it for about a week or two before but I've never been easily scared so I wasn't bothered about it. I'd also recently read about 3-4am being witching hour. One night either the night of Friday the 13th or a night or two before I'd woken up just before 3am and I couldn't get back to sleep and I kept wondering what was going to happen at 3am. Felt like I'd been awake for an hour or so and then suddenly my body just went still. I could think and I'm not sure if my eyes could move or not but I couldn't move my body and I felt really heavy and odd and then after about 10-20 seconds I fell back asleep. Same thing happened again a few nights after at the same time but I anticipated it happening and I was fine with it when it did. At first I didn't know better and thought I'd fainted and then when I was older I thought sleep paralysis but it doesn't seem to be either. 3) Someone once wrote 'kill' on the girl's toilets wall in blood in my primary school and the small mirror that was there was covered in it at the bottom. I was always scared of those toilets anyway but after that I refused to go in even though I knew it was probably another student. I was on door monitor duty during breaks and the doors were just around the corner from the toilets. One day I was hanging out the door and felt someone shove me outside. My friend was always messing around so I shouted at her but when I came in she wasn't there, neither was anybody else and someone definitely shoved me. 4) Bit older and my mum said she wanted to watch something on TV and the day after it had been recorded even though nobody did it. Then we'd bought some bottles of pop and after a day or so they started leaking cause of tiny perfect circles in them and then something else happened but I can't remember what. 5) It was the school holidays and I was upstairs and my sister was at her friends. I was coming downstairs and I saw somebody walk past the TV and into the kitchen (TV is under the stairs and kitchen door is next to the TV). It seemed so obvious it was a person that I shouted my sister but nobody was there. 6) A lot later when I was 18 and it was about 1am. I was in the kitchen and my cat was like....parallel to me but in front of me. I'm sure that made no sense. I heard a noise like a loud radio coming on (like a talking radio) and it sounded really close so I went into the living room to tell my sister to turn the TV down (seems I shout at people a lot) and when I turned round my cat was stood up and growling. My sister hadn't turned the TV on and she'd heard it as well and then we heard a noise like metal grinding together. It was a noise I'd never heard before and it happened once for a few minutes and then when I went upstairs eventually it happened again for another minute. For both I couldn't exactly put my finger on the sound. They just sounded near. Finally! 7) This was recent. One day when I was doing my makeup I just got a random cut on my finger and it soaked into my sponge so I washed it. A few months after I came out my room in the morning, checking there were no cats there and noticed my makeup remover wasn't on the landing like usual. Walked downstairs and it wasn't there so I came back up, walked past my room into the bathroom and it wasn't there either. Came out to look in my room and suddenly it was there on its side next to my bedroom door. Now our landing is tiny. You take like two normal steps forward and that's it and I had 3 opportunities to see it or touch it with my foot and nothing. Then I went to do my makeup and the blood patch was back on the sponge again. There's been a few my mum's had when she's been talking about her parents that have passed and a vase has moved or the TV has come on and things are always going missing and coming back in obvious places but that's all I can remember. Sorry it's all so long haha Neko-Tan 1 Quote
Neko-Tan Posted July 24, 2015 Author Posted July 24, 2015 I've just been reading about this somewhere else and I thought of loads (I'm sorry) so I'm glad I have somewhere to share them! Most are a bit odd rather than terrifying. 1) When I was 5 I was in hospital twice in the space of two weeks. 15 years later I can't remember which of the times it was but in one of them I remember being hooked up to a drip (I do not know any correct terms at all) and having to wheel it round with me in the middle of the night when I went to the toilet. This memory wasn't triggered until a while later and when I asked my parents they had no memory of it happening whatsoever even though I remember it clear as day. The toilet was in the same place as it was on the ward and I remember me being hooked up during the day as well but my memory is stronger of that moment at night. 2) When I was 8 and it was approaching Friday the 13th my friends were joking around about it for about a week or two before but I've never been easily scared so I wasn't bothered about it. I'd also recently read about 3-4am being witching hour. One night either the night of Friday the 13th or a night or two before I'd woken up just before 3am and I couldn't get back to sleep and I kept wondering what was going to happen at 3am. Felt like I'd been awake for an hour or so and then suddenly my body just went still. I could think and I'm not sure if my eyes could move or not but I couldn't move my body and I felt really heavy and odd and then after about 10-20 seconds I fell back asleep. Same thing happened again a few nights after at the same time but I anticipated it happening and I was fine with it when it did. At first I didn't know better and thought I'd fainted and then when I was older I thought sleep paralysis but it doesn't seem to be either. 3) Someone once wrote 'kill' on the girl's toilets wall in blood in my primary school and the small mirror that was there was covered in it at the bottom. I was always scared of those toilets anyway but after that I refused to go in even though I knew it was probably another student. I was on door monitor duty during breaks and the doors were just around the corner from the toilets. One day I was hanging out the door and felt someone shove me outside. My friend was always messing around so I shouted at her but when I came in she wasn't there, neither was anybody else and someone definitely shoved me. 4) Bit older and my mum said she wanted to watch something on TV and the day after it had been recorded even though nobody did it. Then we'd bought some bottles of pop and after a day or so they started leaking cause of tiny perfect circles in them and then something else happened but I can't remember what. 5) It was the school holidays and I was upstairs and my sister was at her friends. I was coming downstairs and I saw somebody walk past the TV and into the kitchen (TV is under the stairs and kitchen door is next to the TV). It seemed so obvious it was a person that I shouted my sister but nobody was there. 6) A lot later when I was 18 and it was about 1am. I was in the kitchen and my cat was like....parallel to me but in front of me. I'm sure that made no sense. I heard a noise like a loud radio coming on (like a talking radio) and it sounded really close so I went into the living room to tell my sister to turn the TV down (seems I shout at people a lot) and when I turned round my cat was stood up and growling. My sister hadn't turned the TV on and she'd heard it as well and then we heard a noise like metal grinding together. It was a noise I'd never heard before and it happened once for a few minutes and then when I went upstairs eventually it happened again for another minute. For both I couldn't exactly put my finger on the sound. They just sounded near. Finally! 7) This was recent. One day when I was doing my makeup I just got a random cut on my finger and it soaked into my sponge so I washed it. A few months after I came out my room in the morning, checking there were no cats there and noticed my makeup remover wasn't on the landing like usual. Walked downstairs and it wasn't there so I came back up, walked past my room into the bathroom and it wasn't there either. Came out to look in my room and suddenly it was there on its side next to my bedroom door. Now our landing is tiny. You take like two normal steps forward and that's it and I had 3 opportunities to see it or touch it with my foot and nothing. Then I went to do my makeup and the blood patch was back on the sponge again. There's been a few my mum's had when she's been talking about her parents that have passed and a vase has moved or the TV has come on and things are always going missing and coming back in obvious places but that's all I can remember. Sorry it's all so long haha Very interesting! It's not too long, don't worry. The more the merrier~! The school bathroom one was very creepy, though. I wouldn't even want to go near it.. let alone go IN it.. :x Quote
Pikky126 Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 Eh, our house is just straight up haunted. I constantly see shadow men in the corner of my eye. I believe I saw the moth man about a month ago, which was then soon followed by my dads' fuel line bursting on the way home and having to be towed. I also constantly get "feelings" when something bad is going to happen. I got a bad feeling just before my grandmother died, before my house was infested with termites, and several other things. And on a less ghostly line. One time, I was locked out of my chromebook, so I had to reset the password for some unknown reason because mine spontaneously stopped working (which is weird enough as is) however the password change took about a half hour and when I finally came back it told me that some information or data may have been deleted because of the change, so I went to go see if my browsing history was still there. When I went in there it said that my account had visited a page on "Particle-Wave Duality." Which I had never even heard of. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
Hugo_Renfield Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 I have a few, but they're mild compared to some of yours. I did theatre in high school. We did the play Harvey during my junior year (Harvey is basically about a guy who has an "imaginary" friend who is a giant rabbit, and throughout the play this rabbit moves things around). Anyway, I always keep a $5 bill in my bag. So I went out to get some food with friends after, and my money was not there so my friend payed for me. On my way out, I grabbed 2 mints and I put one wrapper in each of my jacket pockets. When I got home, I went to empty my pockets and there was one wrapper and one $5 bill. The best explanation we could come up with is that Harvey stole my money and gave it back. There was another Harvey experience around the same time. My friend's wallet went missing and suddenly ended up in the pocket of the jacket she was wearing. She had checked the pocket numerous times before and it had not been there. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
BethJT Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 Very interesting! It's not too long, don't worry. The more the merrier~! The school bathroom one was very creepy, though. I wouldn't even want to go near it.. let alone go IN it.. :x Believe me, I'd avoid it at all costs! Even when it was full I still didn't feel right in it. Remembered one more from work at Christmas when at half 6 before we opened I was stood behind the counter at the back of the front of the shop (if you catch my drift) and from right at the front one of the racks that held the sandwiches flew off. Someone had just been round there but I'm not sure how they could have made it move 30 seconds after. Being the idiot I am I just straight away went to the front and put it back haha Aaaand I once woke up one morning with my phone next to me like usual but the screen was lit up on a message to someone and it had random drawings I'd done on the phone and they were attached to the message but not sent. There was lots of windows open and one of them was Facebook which I don't even have on a page about Kuala Lumpur and it had a few other pages before that but I'm not sure what they were. I really don't think this is normal now.... Neko-Tan 1 Quote
Munchies Posted July 25, 2015 Posted July 25, 2015 I've had a few unexplained experiences: 1) The first one I remember was shortly after my great-gram died in the December of 2003. The doorbell would ring every day around 10:30 in the morning and then 5 minutes later the coffee pot would turn on. This continued in my grandma's current house (she moved in 2006) and stopped after my mom and I moved into our current home (which was a few months after my grandparents moved). I like to believe that it was my great-gram visiting us and making sure that we got out of that part of town safely. 2) A few years ago I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink. I walked to the kitchen and turned on the light and saw every single cabinet and drawer opened; something did feel right and I booked it back to my room and hid underneath my blanket until I fell back asleep. I woke up the next day and asked my mom about it and she said that she didn't touch any of the drawers or cabinets. 3) More recently I've been seeing black and white shadow figures out of the corner of my eye. On occasion I'll smell something putrid in my room; I don't know if it's because the cat box or something else. In the same occasion I'll feel a warm presence either over my hand or on my shoulder. 4) I saw the clasp of my favorite bracelet dissolve while the bracelet was on my wrist. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
mouch30 Posted July 25, 2015 Posted July 25, 2015 I was sitting in my living room reading a book and I felt something fall onto my head. When I looked down, I saw that it was a pistachio nut. No one believes me. Pikky126 and Neko-Tan 2 Quote
Rinielle Posted July 25, 2015 Posted July 25, 2015 I had two pretty weird experiences a few years back. 1) When I was living at home before University we had a doorbell that was set to just make a regular 'ding dong' noise, but sometimes - and, according to my parents, only ever when I was in the house - it would start playing a different tune and there was never anybody at the door. Anyway I put this down to some kind of weird fault with the bell and it was just this quirky thing that happened sometimes. Then when I moved into my first student house we got a doorbell and again we set it to 'ding dong' and the same thing started happening, and again, only ever if I was in the house. 2) In the same student house I was the first back after the holidays, so I was completely alone and nobody but my housemates and the landlord had a key. I was sat in the living room when suddenly I heard a loud alarm going off somewhere, I went outside to check it wasn't someone breaking into a car or something but there was nobody outside and anyway the noise seemed to be coming from inside the house, as I walked back I realised it was coming from my housemates room so I went in and it was super loud in there, after searching for a while I finally found her assault alarm (in a box and under other things) was the source, but I couldn't find the string you pull out of it to set it off anywhere near the alarm itself. I had to hide it under a mattress to shut it up, and later when she was back we had a proper search and found the string across the other side of her room. I'm not a believer in ghosts or anything but I have yet to come up with an explanation for the second. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
Panthersclaw Posted July 25, 2015 Posted July 25, 2015 Wow some of these are pretty creepy. I once had an experience. After our cat of ten years died, I had a dream where she was talking to me about how she knew she was going to die, she told me to be strong and to not be too sad about her passing and that she cared a lot for us. And after I started to wake up and she was saying goodbye to me, I heard a voice whispering, "Thank you for taking care of me" and felt her paw touch my forehead. Neko-Tan 1 Quote
Neko-Tan Posted July 26, 2015 Author Posted July 26, 2015 Wow some of these are pretty creepy. I once had an experience. After our cat of ten years died, I had a dream where she was talking to me about how she knew she was going to die, she told me to be strong and to not be too sad about her passing and that she cared a lot for us. And after I started to wake up and she was saying goodbye to me, I heard a voice whispering, "Thank you for taking care of me" and felt her paw touch my forehead. ..that was so sweet and heartbreaking. Just know that she is still by your side and in peace. Quote
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