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I had



DJ Skellington 1305

Cherry Blossom 580



Bancha Ninja 1450

Kikocat 1095



Breik 296


Switching Cherry Blossom for Señormalo and Breik for Binary Supagoo.


Like everyone else, I was disappointed with Breik and Lawyerbot. I'm following the common theme of swapping in DJ Skellington and Binary Supagoo to replace them. After seeing Rookie's scores, I'm replacing Kikocat with him.


So now my team is: Senor Malo, DJ Skellington, Rookie, Bancha Ninja, and Binary Supagoo.


WOW!!! My team did fantastically!!!! :woot: :woot:

Senormalo 1220
Drama Queen 1098
Bancha Ninja 1450
Rookie 1460
Binary Supagoo 1345


Total: 6573

And a whooping 3286 NPs prize!!


Notes: My decision of teaming up with Rookie was wise, look at that score!!! :thumbsup:  But I think I'll drop Drama Queen and go with DJ Skellington for this time, just to change things up and give him a little support too (since I wanted to pick him from the start, but I thought I should also give a new employee a chance)!


Rock on Team!!!  :rock:  Keep those NPs commin'!!


Round 2! How did everyone do?


Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 3457 Neopoints!


Senor Malo: 1355

DJ Skellington: 1305

Bancha Ninja: 1740

Kikocat: 1195

Binary Sugarpoo: 1320

TOTAL: 6915


Great scores this week from this team. I doubt I'll change them again.


I hit 7k!!! 7265


Senormalo: 1355

DJ Skellington: 1305

Kikocat: 1195

Bancha Ninja: 1740 (woo hoo!)

Ehlo Froyo: 1670!


Amazing scores!


DJ Skellington: 1305

Señormalo: 1355

Bancha Ninja: 1740

Kikocat: 1195

Binary Supagoo: 1320

TOTAL: 6915


I'm quite happy with these results! I guess I could switch Supagoo for Froyo, but I'm not sure yet.


Senor Malo: 1355

DJ Skellington: 1305

Bancha Ninja: 1740

Rookie: 1834

Binary Supagoo: 1320




Clearly, these choices were good ones.  I'm absolutely sticking with them. :D

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