triadinfinity Posted February 13, 2015 Posted February 13, 2015 I just got my copy! uwu I thought I'd have to wait until I could afford the new 3DS, but luckily it was released on the regular 3DS today instead of the new one. Did anyone else think it was the new system only? I don't wanna play it just yet, because I'm waiting for the guide to get here in the mail, but I can't wait! What's your favourite Zelda game? (Mine is Twilight Princess) Are you excited for Zelda WiiU later this year? Quote
juicebox Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 I'd be more excited if the NN3DS was coming to North America. I don't like the size of the NN3DSXL and the two colours they released for us are blehh. MM is the one Zelda game I played all the time as a kid so I'm really interested to play it again now. Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 Yeah, they released the game separately too. Not just the bundle or the collector's editions. I heard they completely sold out online in just a couple of hours, maybe faster. So annoying! I tried the new 3DSXL at a Best Buy demo last night, it had a demo version of Majora's mask. Looks pretty much the same, except, like Ocarina of Time, they spruced up the graphics a bit, and of course worked in the 3D function. So yeah. Plays pretty much the same, only you have 2 screens that get filled and access the sub-menus. The demo ended shortly after Link gets turned into the Deku Scrub in the very beginning. But I probably played about 5-10 minutes. The new button/stick thing on the right side doesn't move much, but it's probably meant not to, so that it doesn't break easily. It basically is an additional way to move the camera around Link. I don't have the game yet, but I am DEFINITELY thinking about it. I hope it's a little less annoying than the original n64 version! LOL There's almost no way to beat that thing without a guidebook or a trip to a gaming site that has help. LOL Especially the dungeon with the Lens of Truth in it in the original. Where they hid some of the key items were crazy. lol Anyway, enjoy Majora's Mask! I've been working on A Link Between Worlds, the last couple of days, finally taking Hero Mode out for a spin, almost done with the game. LOL For the first time, I was able to find all the Pieces of Heart without forgetting which one I didn't get. XD just the Ice Ruins, Treacherous Tower Advanced level 2x, and the final dungeon to go! (About the pieces of heart. I can find them, but then I often forget which ones I haven't collected near the end of the game, and have to start looking in random places) It's a complication when there are so many pieces of heart in these Zelda games. LOL Quote
Ruto Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 I managed to find a Gamestop that hadn't sold out of copies yet and got one. Been playing it on and off since I was with friends tonight. I waited so long for this moment. I'm so happy. From what I've seen so far it looks AMAZING. (My favorite is also Twilight Princess but Majora's Mask is right behind it.) Aquamentis12 1 Quote
Jaavje Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 I didn't know a remake was coming out, haven't really been paying attention since I started at my new university. i am a massive Zelda fan though, especially the Ocarina and Majora's Mask series. I remember playing in the attic on my brothers old N64 :D. Are the remakes any good? Quote
gamer_mommaof3 Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 Super excited!! I haven't got it yet, but definitely plan on it. I'm a big Legend of Zelda fan! Quote
triadinfinity Posted February 14, 2015 Author Posted February 14, 2015 @Jaavje I find that the 3D remakes are always a lot more accessible than the older versions. Not only are they on the handheld system, which means you can stop and start on the go, they usually add some features to streamline the gameplay. Like in OoT everytime you took out the Ocarina, it would show all the songs you know on the bottom screen. If your memory is as bad as mine, it helped a lot. @Ruto (is that a princess Ruto reference?) How is it? I watched the opening cutscene, but I really am waiting for my collector's guide to arrive bc I remember the N64 version being rather complicated. I hope you're enjoying it! @juicebox Thankfully you don't have to buy the new system to play the game. And I know what you mean! I got super excited about the various covers they released for the new3ds, only to find out they don't fit the XL version and that North America was only getting the XL. A stronger internal computer and better 3d tracking is a pretty good update tho, and probably worth the money. I hate having to hold the 3ds super still to enjoy the 3d graphics. @Aquamentis12 Good luck defeated Hero Mode! I haven't finished Link Between Worlds yet. I'm really bad at hopping from game to game, but I tend to finish more games on a handheld system than on a console. And if I remember correctly, the new stick is meant to function like the c-stick from the gamecube controller to control the camera better, so did it do what it was supposed to? Ruto and Aquamentis12 2 Quote
Jaavje Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 Hmm, I might check them out then. I'm always very dedicated to the originals and a bit conservative about trying out remakes :). Quote
Anime Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 I'm planning on getting it eventually, not entirely sure when as of yet. Probably spring break at the latest. I've never played MM (my first Zelda was Wind Waker, but Twilight Princess is my fav) but I have on good authority that it's amazing and I need to get it, hehe. Also its US release date was set and announced before we were told the New 3DS was finally coming over here so I wasn't worried. And even if that hadn't happened, the New 3DS stuff will likely be a lot like the DSi stuff- there will be some games that will only work on it, but most will either only have a few New 3DS-specific features (Amiibo compatibility, for example) or they'll just outright be the same on both. Especially when it comes to the big name franchises (Zelda, Pokemon, Mario) since they have absolutely no desire to alienate the 70% of the customer base that has an orig 3DS or a plain XL. And Zelda fans have been shouting for a MM remake since Fire Red and Leaf Green presented the idea of Nintendo publishing remakes of popular games, so they wanted it on every possible version of the current gen system. Ruto and Aquamentis12 2 Quote
Ruto Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 @Ruto (is that a princess Ruto reference?) How is it? I watched the opening cutscene, but I really am waiting for my collector's guide to arrive bc I remember the N64 version being rather complicated. I hope you're enjoying it! Yes it is. ;) I've just finished the swamp temple and I'm loving it. The controls are way more fluid than the N64 version, plus the graphics and scenery looks worlds better. They did change the strategy to defeat Odolwa, which was an interesting choice, but I think it worked out for the better. The only thing I don't like so far is being able to aim by using the 3DS camera. I haven't found if there's a way to disable it yet. But it does keep messing with me when I'm trying to use the c-pad to aim. Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 @ triadinfinity Did you know that many of the character names in Ocarina of Time, such as Ruto, and the 6 other sages, were the names of towns/villages in the NES Classic, The Legend of Zelda, the Adventure of Link? Awesome game, and I think the only true Legend of Zelda side-scroller Nintendo made for their consoles. It was the 2nd Legend of Zelda game in the line-up, and fairly tricky. I can get to the last palace, but I haven't beaten it, yet. ;) My NES and games is still packed away right now. Honestly, there are 2 moves in that game I wish were available in the non-3D games. Like A Link Between Worlds, and Majora's Mask. The Downward and Upward Thrusts you learn. Upward Thrust would be SO useful against flying enemies! Downward Thrust would be cool, but not as useful. ;) Also, Legend of Zelda; The Adventure of Link, first revealed the Triforce of Courage. I'm sure you can find youtube footage of the game, if you are interested. ;) Thanks on the finishing of Hero Mode. I haven't finished it yet, I've been distracted by a console game. lol I try to alternate games so I don't get too much of a good thing just playing one. lol With my NES games, I remember one time, I played through all of them. Not beating all of them, but getting close, at least until it felt tedious. XD Most tedious was probably the old Castlevania games, Mario Bros. 3 (Because I was playing EVERY level in all the worlds) and the NES Mega Man games. In around that order. lol The new "stick" on the new 3DS XL demo I played at Best Buy, does move the camera around, and it doesn't really move MUCH that I could tell, the stick itself, but the camera was certainly moving really well when I tried it. I'm guessing that the c-stick is made the way it is to reduce the chance of breaking, for whatever reason. Personally, I liked the N64 controller best as far as using the joystick part. Good for games where you could use the directional pad or the stick. But not necessarily in games where you needed the joystick AND the directional pad! ;) There are also new button placements, which are ok, and new R and L buttons added to the ones that already existed. Oh, and from what I've read there's not a Charging Dock that comes with it. I kinda wonder why, actually. The charging dock, on the original 3DS I happen to like. Oh well, "progress", I suppose. Quote
triadinfinity Posted February 21, 2015 Author Posted February 21, 2015 @Aquamentis12 I did not know that! That is some super neat knowledge, thanks for sharing it. The guide got here in the mail yesterday so I've finally started playing! And oh man I would be so lost without the guide. Does anyone else get super stressed out by the concept of a time limit? I went through the first dungeon, and even though I did it all on the first day I was so scared of running out of time before I'd finish, so it felt so many times better when I defeated the boss, just because of my stress levels. Quote
Ruto Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 YES, actually. I just finished the Stone Tower temple and had to go back to get the last stray fairy, and just getting through that dungeon took two and a half days in-game. Pressure was on by that point, lol. Quote
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