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The Season of Love is Here with New Dyeworks!

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To help celebrate the valentine season, Loic has released some new hues for previous valentines items. These items will only be allowed to transform colors until February 18, 2015. After which they will no longer be available in Dyeworks. A total of 10 lovely items have been added, with three colors available for each. Head on over to Dyeworks now to explore all your possible options. Good luck and happy dying to you all!

mall_wings_babyvalblue.gif mall_dress_heartwhite.gif mall_trink_hearttreered.gif mall_bg_heartporchpurple.gif

Click the above images for more information!

For more details on Dyeworks and all the possible colors available, please visit our complete guide.

Complete Dyeworks Guide

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I found the dye colors of that background so... lazy. They just splashed shades of each color on each background, it seems so artificial. The original background is very beautiful but I really don't care for the variations.

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I liked the grey abundant heart dress, all of the tree of hearts redyes, and the curly valentine wig redyes (which I am lending btw xD - the original one ).

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