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(I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic because it could also be in the help section, but it's also about the NC-mall)

So I was wondering if you buy an MME, and it starts as a background, and then it changes, do you still get to keep the background, and just suddenly own an extra item, or does te original background dissapear?


Thanks in advance :)


From what I can tell from the FAQ, at the end you get all of its various different 'forms'. You could get 3 or more awesome items or only one you really like. Which I guess is why it's an experiment. But only at the end of the experiment do you get all the forms separately in your inventory. Until then it's just one item that keeps changing for however many stages TNT decides it has.


Ah, okay, thank you! I've always thought it kept changing, which is why I never bought one, but now at least I'll consider it. Thanks again :)


How it works is you'll get all the items from your ID at the end of the morphing experiment. For example if there are 2 stages and you have stage a, then you'll receive all the items in stage a at the end. As the experiment goes, you'll only get to keep the current transformation. For additional information about MME's check out our guide!


I'm not sure if this is going to be seen again but just in case it helps anyone else who comes across this topic : I would keep the morphing items in your SDB - I previously had my items from the MME19 worn by my pets and by the end of the morph when all the stages are awarded, I was missing nearly all the stages for one of my IDs and it took two full weeks for TNT to address.


I'm not saying it will happen again, or often or that TNT doesn't deal with it - but it's a frustrating enough experience and though the fun is watching the item morph, it doesn't feel like it's worth it at the expense of possibly losing items and having to hound TNT until it's issued properly.


The MME20 is gorgeous so far!

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