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i hate that the new party members dont have the same starting exp. i seriously just spent 2 hours killing off party members, fighting, resurrecting, etc, trying to get their exp to not be so vastly different. -.- I hate when they level up at different times!


I have the same problem! Talinia constantly lags behind the rest of the party and refuses to level up at the same time. She's always two battles behind.


By the way, can I get your skill point distributions? I came back after a long hiatus and have no idea what to level my skills now because the guide I used two years ago is gone. I'm currently at the Lost Desert chapter, with everyone at level 32 (EXCEPT TALINIA smh)


of course : ) I dont know if they are the most awesome, but here ya go



Critical Attacks 10: Crushing Impact

Damage Increase 10: Matchless Agility

Combat Focus 0: no skill

Stunning Strikes 5: Surprise

Battle Taunt 0: no skill

Innate Magic Resistance 0: no skill

Innate Melee Haste 10: Flowing Steps I





Direct Damage 11: Vaporize

Group Direct Damage 4: Flurry

Group Haste 0: no skill

Slowing 0: no skill

Damage Shields 3: Wall of Flames

Innate Melee Defense 6: Avoid Danger III

Innate Casting Haste 11: Agile Conjuration II





Increased Bow Damage 10: Strong Bow

Multiple Targets 0: no skill

Ranged Attacks 11: Horizon Outpost

Shockwave 1: Disturbing Rumors

Slowing Strike 0: no skill

Innate Magic Resistance 2: Magic Resistance II

Innate Melee Haste 11: Flowing Steps II






Healing 0: no skill

Group Healing 11: Restoration

Group Shielding 0: no skill

Mesmerization 0: no skill

Celestial Hammer 11: Journeyman Blacksmith

Innate Melee Defense 2: Melee Defense II

Innate Casting Haste 11: Agile Conjuration II





I vote you become a loser like myself and kill off mipsy and rohane until you get even : P


edit: those charts became a mess : /



edit again: here are the links i cross reference constantly







I play NQ2 constantly. I have become somewhat of a "pro". lol. In my opinion, Mipsy does not need both direct damage and group direct damage. Do not waste your points on both of these. Group damage will damage all of the opponents at the same time, which is nice when you are fighting 4 at one time. However your max hit points will only be 64 damage whereas direct damage, although it only hits one enemy, will damage 100 points. It can be useful. Group haste is VERY necessary, especially later in the game. Definitely put points there. Also put points in melee defense for all of your characters. For Mipsy I would go, Group damage-10, group haste-10, Damage shield-10, melee defense-10, and casting haste-10. That is 50 points. The last 10 I would save until the end. See what weapons you have. They give you increase in skills as well. You don't want to waste points on a skill only to have a weapon to give you points in that skill as well, and you could have used those skill points on another skill instead.


The celestial hammer for Velm is a waste of points. You will find that Velm hits harder without the hammer than with. Spend your skill points on Group shielding. That is VERY important. ALWAYS cast group shielding right away too. You want your group to be shielded from attacks. Healing and shielding are Velm's main jobs. Haste and melee defense are important for velm too.


For Talinia you MUST have increased bow damage and multiple targets, as well as haste and defense. Rohane needs critical attacks and damage increase as well as defense and haste. Good luck.


i had that same problem when Mipsy joined Rohane but with time things evened out .. Mipsy dies on her own a lot .. I had Rohane & Velm level up together , then Mipsy & Talinia shotly after .. it didn't bother me at all since I was hunting almost the entire time ...


I dont find any benefits to the group shielding, and he actually hits harder with the celestial hammer AND he stuns, which I think is super amazing at shielding because they literally cant hit me. -shrugs- I know about the group damage, but I threw it in there before I did. I like it, I can use the group damage when an enemy has less than 20 hp and its her turn, and I dont feel like my 80 damage is wasted on 3 hitpoints


supposedly there is a guide to beating it in 10 hrs. but that just seems sort of ridiculous :/ I only have Rohane right now. Started not that long ago and i feel like ive already put too much time into it haha.


I don't think I can use your build then :/ I maxed two skills on all the characters already, without putting any points into the other ones. What should I invest in next? Here's what I've maxed now.


Rohane: Critical Attacks, Increase Damage

Mipsy: Direct Damage, Innate Casting Haste

Talinia: Shockwave, Increased Bow Damage

Velm: Group Healing, Group Shielding


I was thinking haste for everybody, is that a good option?

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