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playing neopets on samsung tab


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im trying to access the snowager but when i click (here) it says Error: You have been directed to this page from the wrong

place! If you KEEP getting this error, chances are you have

some security settings enabled that are not letting you play

Neopets correctly.

this isnt the first time it happened .... but today its not being resolved at all ... playing on mini opera btw ...

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Please don't hate me for mentioning, but have you tried clearing Opera Mini's cache and history? Have you changed any settings recently, like not to accept cookies, or "incognito mode" or enabled or disabled "desktop mode"?


Other than that, the latest version of Opera Mini appears to be 7.6.1 and was released on September 30, 2014. If you noticed that you started having the problems about a little over a month ago, it could be due to the updated version.


Do you have another browser installed on your tablet, like Chrome or Firefox? If so, have you tried the link with another browser?


Has your tablet had a recent update?


Have you tried typing the link directly into the browser and see if you still get the error (ie http://www.neopets.com/winter/snowager.phtml)?


Sorry for the many questions. Just trying to throw some ideas out.

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clearing the cache didn't help .. and i havent updated opera in a while ..


i typed the address directly , yes ..


i finally tried the default samsung tab browser and it worked like a boss :D

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If you still want to use Opera Mini, try updating it. It may work correctly after the update. (Yes, there still is the possibility it may still not work or work worse, as is the case with some updates, but you never know until you try)


If I understand correctly, you can access the Snowager, with Opera Mini, when typing the direct web address to him (or her?). If that is so, Opera Mini may not be passing HTTP referal information from the other page you are on, when you "click here" to access the Snowager. Still looking for info on that.


Does Opera Mini for Android have add-ons? It could be an add-ons causing issue. Try disabling them and see if it now works.


Anyhow, in any case, you either have a new primary way to get to the Snowager, or you have a backup method, until you can figure out why Opera Mini is not opening the page correctly.

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thanks for the help :) no i dont have any add-ons. i don't usually use the internet on my tab .. it's mainly for reading e-books .. but i was on the road and wanted to access the snowager haha .. can u say avatar addict ? :P


i just checked and apparently i do have the latest update installed :)



Opera Mini may not be passing HTTP referal information from the other page you are on, when you "click here" to access the Snowager


yes that seems to be the problem

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What is the full URL of the webpage you are using to get to the Snowager ("click here")? So far, it does not appear Opera Mini has a way to turn off/disable HTTP refering, at least I haven't found a way, yet.


BTW, I think the avatars one of the best things about Neopets, and being on the road can get tiring. Why not do something fun/you enjoy, if you have the means!? :laughingsmiley:

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i use this url //http://www.neopets.com/winter/snowager.phtml .. i know it by heart :D


but the few times i used it before it worked , and a couple of times i just clicked back , and tried again , and it worked , this time i spent half an hour trying


anyway it seems the default browser is fine .. i would download firefox for android except im used to opera on my phone , its small and fast ... so i got it on my tab too

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If you are typing the url directly, then I don't believe it could be a HTTP referal issue. I would try uninstalling and then reinstalling Opera Mini. That has worked, many times, for me, with Android apps. I have a Kobo Arc (eReader) which I installed Opera Mini and typed the url to the Snowager. It came up fine, no error.

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