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Avatars: What have you got?


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After spending a lot of NP during weeks, I got the 'Lever of doom' avy today on my first try :D : leverofdoom.gif

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I finally adopted an Elephante for a few minutes today to feed it my Bag of Peanuts, so I guess I can add 'Elephante - Surprise' to my list.

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got bilge dice, double agent and chokato. it was a productive day. thanks to avatar lending for the plushie :)

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Kouba's Harris finally aged, and I got the avatar. :D It's one of my favorites~


That brings my total to 181, only one less than my now-side account. And most of the ones that my side has that this account doesn't are old plot avatars and random avatars I haven't been lucky enough to get yet. ^^ I've put a lot more effort into getting avatars since I made this account, so I have more game avatars and even some easy item avatars that I never even attempted before.

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Grarrl Keno' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I got it thanks to the advice and tips people gave on the "Grarrl keno" thread here on the forums. It only cost me 19 NPs. Thank you everyone who posted on that thread!


That makes 159 avatars. One more to go till my goal of 160!

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I checked my avvy list today afer wondering in shadows cuz I didnt know how many avvies I had (turned 13 today) I found out that i have alreay got the gormball avvy but I got the Rorru avvy today. I am gonna do the 2 board avvies now. I have 162 avvies now but I will have 2 more after a few minutes.

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I just got ZDAP, Chokato, and Pink! today. All in the same day. :) I'm so happy, Chokato and ZDAP are my favorite avvies.

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