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Avatars: What have you got?


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Something Has Happened! smuggleddubloon.gif You are now eligible to use 'Smuggler's Dubloon' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Easy win, u know.. played it for first time since my comeback to neopets and in the same day i almost achieve a trophy, i died because a mistake i did :P

28 electroghotic 6,135

29 kittyko92 5,940

30 ____the__matrix____ 5,855

31 goonza93 5,745




another one:



Something Has Happened! snowmuncher.gif You are now eligible to use 'Snowmuncher' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Got 3 avvies today for now, i will continue
Edit 2: one more? haha
Something Has Happened! myncispike.gif You are now eligible to use 'Spike It!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
4 avvies today, going for more.
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Something Has Happened! quadrapus.gif You are now eligible to use 'Quadrapus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


And just got this one. Thank you so much for all lends ALP! Couldn't make it without you ^^


Nada, if you still need the Jetsam Chomp avvi, don't forget to feed it to that Jetsam! I almost did before I sent her to you haha.

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Look at the shiny new avatar I just got while NM:ing about some NC trades :P I don't think I've ever had this one before, haha :3


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Something Has Happened! devilpuss.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


going for the last neoquest 2 avvie =)


Edit1: here it is


Something Has Happened! bunninator.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
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i think it is just 3% discount.

3% discount is still better than full price, and for the Richest avatar, that actually saves 300k! Quite significant in the long run. Discount days are the only days I buy from the Hidden Tower.

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Something Has Happened! cheeseroller.gif You are now eligible to use 'Techo - Cheesy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Woot! I won't stop playing Cheeseroller so that I can still collect data, but I got the avatar!


Congrats :) What cheese did you use? I'm trying forever to get this avie

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