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FINALLY! It just took buying a Snowglobe Staff to beat this little snot!

Something Has Happened! meukasnot.gif You are now eligible to use 'Meuka - Snotty' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Something Has Happened! kasukilu.gif You are now eligible to use 'Kasuki Lu - Heeyah!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I got the Meepit Juice one after 15+ hours in zen mode. :rock:


I got the Meepit Juice one after 15+ hours in zen mode. :rock:

-high five- Getting that avatar on zen is so exhausting, but it's done! :D


YES. Finally! Just a couple more dailies to go now! :)


Something Has Happened!


imposterapple.gif You are now eligible to use 'Imposter Apple' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


EDIT: Just got this a minute later.


Something Has Happened!


darklurker.gif You are now eligible to use 'Dark Lurker' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! islandmystic.gif You are now eligible to use 'Island Mystic' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Well, it's about time! I'm glad that I decided on a whim to go do my dailies. Thank heavens, I was getting awfully sick of trying for this one! I thought I'd never get it.


I got 3 avatars today and am now at 199!

I kind of want to do something special for 200! Any ideas?

Is there an avatar that you really like that you don't have yet? :) If it requires some work (like a game avatar, or the Chocolate one) then start working on it- if you get another one in the mean time, then so be it, but you may as well work extra hard to get an avatar that you really want! :)


I got 3 avatars today and am now at 199!

I kind of want to do something special for 200! Any ideas?


Maybe splurge on a paintbrush for one of your pets? Or some kind of customization?


Hmmmmm, I really wish I had more NPs. A grey pet has always been a dream of mine and that would be an awesome #200. Too bad my lab ray has subtracted 2 movement points for the last 3 days in a row, sticking with a Shadow Zafara for the past 2 weeks. :/


Hmmmmm, I really wish I had more NPs. A grey pet has always been a dream of mine and that would be an awesome #200. Too bad my lab ray has subtracted 2 movement points for the last 3 days in a row, sticking with a Shadow Zafara for the past 2 weeks. :/


Ohh, well the speckled paint brush isn't too much - you'd probably be able to earn enough to buy one after a day's worth of games, especially now that it's scores galore.


I've never found the Lab Ray to be a reliable thing for painting though. I've been zapping a new pet for the past month and it hasn't been painted once. The closest thing I got was the ray changing it from a green moehog to a red kacheek to a blue flotsam.


Something Has Happened! wishingwell.gif You are now eligible to use 'Wishing Well' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

I saved some np during last week to get it!


Yay for my #254


Something Has Happened! sdb.gif

You are now eligible to use 'SDB Pack Rat' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



YAY!! on my side account :D


err actually its kinda scary. all i did was move my closet into my SDB for a closet clean *i dislike how the closet constantly reverts to page one each time you remove something*


I'm on a roll this week!

Welcome to my #255

Something Has Happened! imposterapple.gif You are now eligible to use 'Imposter Apple' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

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