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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup Player' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

^woohoo! :)


Finally just got this one!!!


Mike jumps out of the hole a few seconds later...


It appears that Mike came back a little richer. They must have found the 334 np in the hole...


You are now eligible to use 'Symol' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




Something Has Happened!


You are now eligible to use 'Imposter Apple' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Eeeeeeeeeeheeee! So excited. I've wanted this one badly. >w<


King Skarl thought my joke was terrible:


Q: Who will you turn electric Kadoatie apart wanting to Garon the Lupe?

A: By equipped with a retro gold Jelly Chia Krawkade toothbrushes!


I suppose I agree. So, now I have "Skarl - Moody" and just this week I got "Blumaroo Court Jester." No more Grumpy Old King for me!


...now if only King Hagan would stop calling me dense...



You are now eligible to use 'Mutant JubJub' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Since my pet got zapped from zombie to electric I might as well get the avatar now.




I adopted a Starry Skeith from the pound (name's Keeyblur, and I'm not keeping her) and fed her a Skeith Chocolate Dubloon, and got this.

175 Avatars right now.


I only adopted her to get this avatar. :P


I just got "Keep Smiling" :D I don't know if I'll ever play the Hide and Seek game again. I'm super happy since it's been about a week since I've gotten an avatar. Though I'm only keeping even because I lost my Deadly Dice avvie :sad01_anim:



Got the Dark Nova avatar yesterday after buying a Scroll of Dark Nova and equipping on one of my pets, and got the Hello, Little Lupe... BOOM! avatar after adopting a Speckled Lupe (her name's Xiphilas, and had no plans on keeping her), and making her lose a fight.


Got 177 avatars up to date.


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Island Mystic' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



I've been trying for this daily for a week or so now! I'm still working on the haiku one.


Something Has Happened!


You are now eligible to use 'Must... Keep... Smiling...' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


lol, I used to play Kacheek Seek obsessively for the NP/Avatar, but this is the first time I've played in months & I got it on my first game. XD


Working on the Kad avatar too; sooooooo hard. >.<


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'HT - Rich' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


My account turned 4 months old today so I was finally able to buy something from the tower!



EDIT (9:15am):


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Tuskaninny - Spotted' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Just got another avvie!!!


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


And, I only spent about 3k! ^_^

Guest gabbyrahwr

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Ace Zafara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


You are a Top Tycoon. You placed 266th in the Plushie Tycoon competition. You have won a trophy and 2000 NP's.



The Neopets Team



.................... annnnnd .. an avatar :woot:



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