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                 I was playing Key Quest and suddenly I get the notice that you get when your away... but I wasn't away, I was waiting my turn... It's not the first time that kind of things happen to me at Key Quest, usually I just keep playing, but today I was not in the mood for bugs... so I closed the game... And few minutes after I receive this neomail:



Subject: Message from The Neopets Team Message:

Predetermining wins, skipping turns in KeyQuest to avoid power-ups played on you, or quitting games to avoid losing IS considered cheating and against the rules. If you are caught cheating in any way your account can be frozen.



                 I tried to answer but I couldn't, I tried to use the contact page but I couldn't access... Although the message doesn't say that they're planning on frozing my account... I want to make things clear, because in my opinion I wasn't cheating... I don't even play Key Quest to win (It's quite hard to win with my slooow connection), I play for the Neopoints. I've read some disturbing messages from people who had their account frozen for minor problems just because it's their second message of this kind...


If you frequently have issues with KQ I would recommend either always keeping track of the username of the person you are playing with (write it down or whatever) or only playing with neofriends/people who are aware of your situation.


Most people who play KQ are very understanding if you just shoot them a quick nm explaining you were having issues and had to leave because of that.


Unfortunately KQ requires a big time investment so many people are quick to report if they believe someone is cheating because they do not want to waste their time playing for no reward. And it seems that TNT is very quick to believe the reports they receive....the best thing you can do is be sure to take steps to play fairly/protect yourself if things do go awry.


If you don't think this will work for you then I would probably stop playing - KQ is a great way to earn np, but it is not worth losing your account over :(


                 But can't I send Neopet's team an answer or something explaining? Because I don't a warning for cheating, especially when I wasn't cheating. And although I'm not planning on cheating in the future, or doing something illegal on Neopets... I heard of accounts being frozen for nothing... so I don't want points for that happening to me...


You can.

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.Brianna. is just giving you tips for the future.


I don't think most people plan on cheating. Things just happen.

If it continues to happen, try playing with people who know about your situation.


                 The problem with that is that I play alone, I have some neofriends, but I don't exchange neomails with them... So I think I have no right to ask them for favors.



P.S.: Thank you both for your help.


As suggested already I think the best thing would be to find someone to play against that understands your situation so they wont report you if suddenly you leave a game. Maybe ask on the forums here for people to play against you who are understanding?


Its horrible that you cant let TNT know that you were not cheating but it seems like you will just have to do things differently now to be sure you dont get this happen again...TBH I wouldnt risk my account if I was worried and would just play something else instead


Good Luck


There's a topic here on the forums about KQ, you can go and post, explaining your difficulties with the game and ask if somebody would like to play with you. You can add me, for example, and when we're both online we can play a game or two, just for the fun and the NP, of course ;)


When I was playing keyquest, I always got dissconected just for a sec (old pc and bad internet connectio I guess), so one day sameone neomailed me and told me I was breaking the rules! The same things it said in the neomail you recieved.

I was so sad and afraid that I will be frozen, so I quit playing.

  On 9/10/2014 at 4:49 PM, nousha said:

There's a topic here on the forums about KQ, you can go and post, explaining your difficulties with the game and ask if somebody would like to play with you. You can add me, for example, and when we're both online we can play a game or two, just for the fun and the NP, of course ;)



                  Okay, thank. I'll go there and get courage to ask.


Key Quest is full of glitches. I think what happened to you is fairly common. Sorry that happened to you :sad01_anim:


I participate in a guild and usually try to play with people from my guild. We even have KQ nights. I few friends of mine actually have posted statements on their look-ups apologizing if they ever quit KQ on anyone because it wasn't done purposefully, and to not please report them.


I really enjoy profiting from KQ too. I play primarily for the nps rather the win also. Once again, sorry...


Well, I don't think you got an official warning, or the subject would have said it was. It sounds like whoever you were playing against reported you, and TNT was just responding to that. Sending the ticket explaining is a good start, and as long as you aren't doing this over and over again you should be ok.


It is full of bugs though, I've had my dice thing not show up, the other day I was playing a game and my piece was frozen...I could roll, but everytime I wouldn't move anywhere. I stuck it out though and let the person play through it, I must have been in a very nice mood :)


I would say, at least for a little while, be extra careful, play with people you know won't report you...and definately don't leave the game if you can at all avoid it.


                 I want to let you know that the ticket I sent was responded:



Sorry you had issues with KeyQuest. That was not a warning though, just a message, however I have made a note on your account that you had problems with the game.

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