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Unfortunately, while I was having a break from Neopets, many of my P3s died... :sad02: All my soldiers died out! Normally, this wouldn't be much of a problem, as I am quick to adapt and "revive" my Habitarium.


But the thing is... The Professer is not giving me anymore soldiers! :sad01_anim: And my other P3s won't attack them— I can place them right beside the enemy and they would just walk pass, minding their own buisness. :ohno:


Due to the lack of the soldiers, the only thing I can do is watch pathetically as they wreck my hard work...

I've also tried getting the Nesters busy for a slight hope of getting a Soldier, but nothing! And without many P3s, I can't quickly gather resources to build more Nests...


HELP?? I am so confused on what to do right now! :S


The best thing to do would just be to have your nesters make more. I can send you a couple of nests--you'll need to build them with your workers, but then you'll be good to use them. I'm going to send you a friend request, okay? From silveryswirls.


Also, if your nests and buildings are tattered, neofriends can help you out by repairing a building. I've already used up my one help of the day, but if others can help you out, that would be great.


You could try letting all of your P3s die. The Professor only gives new P3s when all of yours have died out. (If you've recently hatched, that means it'll take a full week for them all to die.) Otherwise, keep those nesters nesting, and hope for some soldier eggs.


You have several options, let all your P3's die and the professor will give you more or here is what I would do if I didn't have any solider eggs harvested. Keep in mind my method works for me but I am level 50 and have 20 nesters.


I would have my workers repair all nests to perfect condition then I would purchase a decor item (I mainly use the tooth) and completely fence in my nesters until I get some solider eggs. I already fence in my workers around whatever resource they are collecting and I fence around my resources.


While pests can sometimes still attack resources your remaining p3s will be safe until your nesters have time to produce more solider eggs. If you haven't already upgraded your nests and p3s to their top level I would suggest doing so. If you need more neofriends to help with rebuilding resources or nests feel free to add me.


You can put your nests behind other things so that the soldiers cant attack them, storages, houses, decorations etc ... just hide them til they make you some soldier eggs then hatch them and problem solved.


refreshing helps if you can catch the baddies when they arrive, I have found that my laptop suddenly starts whizzing the fan when the baddies are about to appear, I dont know if that happens to everyone but it gives me a headstart on getting on to the habi page/tab so that I can refresh if I dont want them to wreck things.


you can also buy the little hammer things to repair buildings (the ones around the nests to protect them) if you have enough resources, but you do get xp for getting your p3s to fix them even your workers can do this, so its not all bad.


yes, the game makes a sound when you're being attacked by pests. it's one of the few noises that the game makes, so if your computer can handle it, you can turn sounds on until you get enough soldiers so you don't have to babysit them anymore. like kody said, refresh your habitarium when there are pests, and they will disappear. i often do this when i'm resting up my soldiers before i go to bed and don't want to deal with them.


I box everything in with decorations. Granted all my P3's are probably dead, and I too don't have any soldiers left. I only know because last time I checked my Habi was a few months ago.

I'm so lazy <.<


That happened to me before! But even worst I had a maxed out population. So yep, I just refreshed if any pests came in and I think in the end I decided to let some of them die so I could bring in soldiers.


One trick to avoid this is to store eggs in your bag earlier on, when you are active with the game so when this happens you can just hatch them right away. I recommend this for nester eggs too! So if the prof gives you only say mootix nester you won't have a population of only mootix.


I have to agree with the others. Yes, a sound is played when the pests appear, and refreshing the screen does get rid of them, but as the others have said, the best bet is get as many nesters out there as you can and hopefully you can get a soldier egg. The boxing in nests idea is a good one that I myself use on structures. Your neofriends can help repair buildings and give you nest gifts or whatever you need, but if you can't wait a week or so for your P3s to die out, then the nesters is the best way to go. Of course, I have 18 nesters in my Habitarium, so I have a ton of eggs... I'd give you some if I could.


Anyway, I would suggest getting a bunch of nesters together and watching the Habi for a while. At least for a couple of cycles so you can be sure no great damage is done until you get some soldiers. Most of the time, you can get a couple in the first egg cycle. I wish you luck on getting your little soldiers back to work!


One trick to avoid this is to store eggs in your bag earlier on, when you are active with the game so when this happens you can just hatch them right away. I recommend this for nester eggs too! So if the prof gives you only say mootix nester you won't have a population of only mootix.


that's a good point too. i myself keep about 5 pages of eggs, making sure to keep an adequate amount of each type of p3. that way, i can just hatch a new population if i ever take a break.

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