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Ohmai - Yay!


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Yay! First time ever happening to me, the scarab landed on the NC spot, puts me to 350 NC.


Now to figure out what to get with it... Any suggestions?

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Congrats! :happydance:

When I won NC from the Expellibox, I let it sit for a while, browsing the NC mall for anything I'd like. Didn't find one, not too fond of the clothes, so I just bought a Faerie Fortune Cookie to get the daily quests. :p

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whoahhh I'm so jealous :O


that's awesome!! :D


I actually would spend it on something to customize my pets with. But that's just me. and I would probably wait until there's something that really catches my eye

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I can not believe I forgot about the cookies o.o

Been on a semi-hiatus, but TDN is my homepage, so I don't forget to do the lab ray and other dailies.

After a few month hiatus to WoW, I'm back again, finishing up end-game and farming stuff. Takes up a LOT of time <.<

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I would go for clothes or my pets, but I'm a bit of a customization junkie - or at least I would be, if I wasn't saving all my points and out of neocash. Otherwise, you can't really go wrong with cookies as long as you choose one you'll use.

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OMG, you are so lucky!! I've never won NC from that game, but I hope I do soon! I'm not too fond of Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, so, personally, I would just save the NC in case TNT releases a awesome NC item in the future.


*cough cough* Near future, that is. :shiftyeyes_anim:


But, hey! You never know! :glasses:

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Wow, I didn't know you could win 350 nc from there! I thought 150 was max. :P


I already had 200 NC left over from when I got some a few months ago. It was just sitting there, the 150 from Expellibox made it 350.

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