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Hi, so I was just playing keyquest and my opponent quit on me just as I was able to win. I know their username, and I wanted to neomail them to ask if they quit on purpose. But I was just wondering if I could get in trouble somehow, or if I should just report them without neomailing them first? Or should I just let it go? Any help would be great :)


this has happened with me a lot! With friends sometimes too! supposedly their internet would cut out...but you know, it only happened when I was just about to win on my next roll. :/ If you mailed them they would never tell you they were doing it on purpose.


Personally, I would let it go, unless it has happened to me on numerous occasions and I was really fed up with it. It's annoying but I really don't like to report people. It's up to you though. Chances are that if they're doing this a lot, they'll get reported eventually.


I heard that you could be reported for harassment but I think that's only the case if you send multiple hate mails or similar cases. I would try not to report them first as it could have really been a genuine internet connection problem, and it would definitely suck to have your account frozen for such things.


If this was the first time that this happened to you, I would agree with Shelley and just let it go. Even if you neomail, they most probably won't admit that quitting was on purpose because that's just shouting "REPORT ME!". (:


You might also want to find other tdn members (or your own neofriends) to play with you next time to avoid some unpleasant situations. Here's an official thread of members searching for potential players, who knows, you could make some new friends too ^^ http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/13875-who-wants-to-play-key-quest-official-list/


I actually joined a Keyquest Guild to avoid just this sort of dilemma. :D


I am pretty sure that, as nabisonyeo mentioned above, you can get in trouble for nm'ing a quitter.


I think it is easier to just assume that it was an accident and move on with your Neo-day (perhaps not play that individual again if you have some remaining doubts).


Good luck!




I think that's the right call. This happened to me when I was pregnant (thought it said "afk") because of my need for many bathroom breaks. It's also happened since once or twice as my computer sometimes decides it hates me, and strong winds affect my connection quite a bit. There are also glitches on KQ sometimes. I left a game once, because the players weren't even on the board. The other people kept playing, but they weren't moving properly or even moving at all sometimes. I got fed up and gave KQ a rest for the day.

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