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Can someone tell me what's happened please?


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So someone in my guild has been doing guild trades, and since we've had new members, she's been reported a load of times to TNT. After them constantly saying she hadn't done anything wrong, they've now frozen her account, HOWEVER. Normally when an account is frozen, if you search for it it still comes up right? Well, hers doesn't, at all. And it's deleted all her messages from our guild :/ also, is there anyway AT ALL that I(the head of the guild)/she can find out who caused this to happen? I don't just want to delete all the new members, but I have no idea who did this, and I don't want them as a part of our guild any more :/

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well, if she's been frozen she had to do something wrong. Giving out items, holding contests, having members compete for prizes are not allowed in guilds. Messages do get deleted when you have your account silenced and I assume frozen. You won't be able to know who reported her. But it wasn't the fault of the person who reported her if she was the one doing some sort of freezable offense. Maybe you should consider other activities for your guild? 1 neopoint auctions could be a safer alternative to your activity. I'm not quite sure what your activity entailed but the rules of what you can and can't do when running guild activities can be kind of blurry. I would suggest checking out THIS page


hope that helped!

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That stinks! According to TNT they don't freeze someone just for being reported, they look for evidence of cheating. I am sure you love your guild, but it sounds like you guys have been having a lot of drama recently. Maybe you all should take a breather from all the activities and work on contests that build group dynamics somehow? (I'm drawing a blank on a good example of this but I'm sure the teacher in me will come up with something if you're interested in brainstorming with someone)

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That's what I'm in midst for doing, but it's just not working :( I think I know what has happened - she was running trades for non members, for herself, and then teh guild ones as well, that the nps were going back into the guild. I'm guessing because TNT can't tell what she's doing with each, that's what's caused this. I just feel so ARGH right now. Everything was fine, has been for months. Suddenly, new members and BAM all this starts happening. None of them really want to help with the guild, and am quite ready to get rid of the ones who aren't running a contest or actually active. ¬¬

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hmm I don't know. Were you just using the trades as a donation till? the whole situation seems fishy, I hope you can work something out with your guild :(


also I would suggest never using the word "contest" on neo in terms of your guild activities. I was silenced for a bit because I was advertising my guild and I accidentally mentioned our "customization contest". I didn't mention any prizes, in fact no prizes at all are given out for that activity.


so just be careful, I was a bit upset for getting a warning for that slip up! :(

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