HomuraAkemiTheHero Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I was looking to see if there was a article where people could post ideas or suggestions for Neopets and I haven't seen one so I decided to make one. Anyways I'm not sure how long it's been since Ne0pets was making a new game so I was wondering what if Neopets could make a NeoQuest III? Although some people still haven't beaten one and two yet including myself it would be nice to see how they would make a 3rd NeoQuest or just a new game in general. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what might be cool to see on Neopets it would be nice to hear them. vespacide 1 Quote
auntziggy Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I think that they should have a morphing potion which changes only the species of the pet and not the colour. Even though it would be difficult because not all pet can be painted all colours, it would make things a lot easier emily_speck_15, MaraquanEyrie, Lady Lyuba and 1 other 4 Quote
emily_speck_15 Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I want them to allow dti's pictures on their site. HomuraAkemiTheHero and Lady Lyuba 2 Quote
CurlyFreys Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I want them to add new worlds and pets. It's been far too long since we've had something new like that. Quote
Lia Seeya Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 Since I missed several cool plots, I wish they would have a new plot. Although the Obelisk war is ongoing, so I guess that counts? I... Think? Quote
nightfall8705 Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I'd appreciate a few revamps myself. I got my hopes up during the Monster Hunting event we did recently that the Haunted Woods/Neovia would get revamped. Shenkuu could use an update, as could Altador, and a few more lands. I'd really like to visit Lutari Island in my Neo lifetime, so I have to also second the new worlds/new things to do idea. I've been trying for months to get a question in the editorial. I truly think we should have the pin code security on our Neodecks and also our food club bets/winnings. One of my older Neofriends told me once that somebody hacked into their account and changed her password. She caught it immediately and changed her password back. She didn't get any warnings or notices, so she didn't think there was too much damage. She had her pin code on everything that's possible at the time, but everything was safe... except her Neodeck. The thief was pretty smart and stole most of her Neodeck. She has since had to start nearly over with her Neodeck. Some of the cards in there were worth over buying price in shops. And since she (and I both) make quite a bit of bank from the food club in winnings, I feel like that should have pin security as well, or those winnings could be collected easily by peoples who take accounts from others. HomuraAkemiTheHero and MaraquanEyrie 2 Quote
wolfponies Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 To meet all wishes people have, they should start off by hiring people who actually develops the site because right now they're pretty invisible. For example it's rather absurd to not having Lenny Conundrum fixed almost a year after it broke... My wish would be to see more content. It doesn't matter what...anything would cheer me up :) Quote
lovedwallflower Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 At this point I kind of want to them to just finish up all the stuff they've already started and not finished / not updated... DoN for one. Quote
nightfall8705 Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I have to agree with the update of the Defenders of Neopia. Sandrea is strong enough to do a few more missions and it's a bit frustrating because the DoN missions still aren't available. Speaking of Sandrea, I wish TNT would give us a ticker for books. Maybe have a highlight or even a small red or green dot that would tell you if your active pet has read that particular book yet or not. Sandrea is the main one who gets books, and she has read over 900 books. It's hard to keep referring to that long list of books she's read while shopping for books on a whim. It sure would be helpful to keep people from overbuying books they don't need because they can't remember which pet read what. Quote
wolfponies Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 Nightfall, JellyNeo makes it easy peasy for you to keep track of books. Lists all the books you still need to read. If you find a book in a shop and is uncertain if Sandrea has read it or not, just search for the book in her list of books to read :) While such a list is fun to look at (even mentions approx prices!) it's probably just better to go to Sandrea's intelligence page and CTRL+F the book of interest. Quote
missmadiemay Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 At this point I kind of want to them to just finish up all the stuff they've already started and not finished / not updated... DoN for one. I agree!! I would like to check another avatar off! I also agree with needing a new plot. AND an easier way to collect the rarer stamps. I mean being really expensive sure, but completely unattainable? It's very discouraging. Quote
Novelista Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I can't even remember anything I suggested on the survey. Let me see if I said something here on the boards. *goes diving through the search feature* Yay! It didn't take me long to find myself. Rather than copypasta-ing everything I wrote in that particular post, I'll give you the link. :) Your TL;DR summary... Filters are too restrictive Hate the neoboards Guilds are just too much drama Even poorly run events are better than nothing at all And I'd like to see Shenkuu updated and Lutari Island come back. Among some other things that I'm sure people will suggest and I'll agree with. ^_^ Quote
Lia Seeya Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 And I'd like to see Shenkuu updated and Lutari Island come back. Among some other things that I'm sure people will suggest and I'll agree with. ^_^ Yes and yes! I really want to see more new things added to Shenkuu. I left for a while and come back to still the same things? Not cool, TNT. :| I didn't even know Lutari Island was gone. :( Lutaris are such cool-looking pets. (Also I would really love it if they fixed KQ glitches .-_-) Novelista 1 Quote
Novelista Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 When I was younger, I was like, "Oh, I'll get a cell phone and get to Lutari Island!" and...poof. Out. (And if you want a Lutari, they only come around once a year! No wonder lots of us get more than one. :P ) I like Japanese things (not a JPop/Kawaii nut, however), and think they could do a lot with Shenkuu. What, I don't know, but...*shrugs and smiles* HomuraAkemiTheHero and Lia Seeya 2 Quote
Shelley Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I think it would be awesome to have an instant messenger that you could chat with your neofriends more easily. I know it would never happen haha, but it has crossed my mind, trying to get together with friends to play KQ that it would be so much easier with an instant messenger. lol could you imagine how crazy that might drive the filters? XP they do have that instant messenger thing while playing KQ though ;) although we all know how fun that is lol oh and being able to.. RENAME PETS yeah that would be my biggest wish :p although again, I know, not gonna happen because of the system and all. even just being able to change a username. although I would still keep mine :p HomuraAkemiTheHero and Lia Seeya 2 Quote
Lia Seeya Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 When I was younger, I was like, "Oh, I'll get a cell phone and get to Lutari Island!" and...poof. Out. (And if you want a Lutari, they only come around once a year! No wonder lots of us get more than one. :P ) Oh, I've got a Lutari on my side account. I had no idea that they can't be transferred though, oops! Also I would love it if they could enable Lutaris being transferred. oh and being able to.. RENAME PETS yeah that would be my biggest wish :P although again, I know, not gonna happen because of the system and all. even just being able to change a username. although I would still keep mine :P Yes, omg! I look at some of my pets' names that I picked when I was much younger, and I CRINGE. Eeeek. :| Quote
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