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Anyone have any interesting headcanons about any characters or pets? One of my headcanons is that Usuls are marsupials and they carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach (it's hidden by their fur)!


I think Ixi's are actually like the Klipspringer antelope. Klipspringer means "rock jumper" in Afrikaans and the info on the Ixi's says that they skipped into Neopia one day so it would make sense. Also I think Ixi's wouldn't drink water very much since Klipspringers normally don't drink water because they get enough from the plants they eat.


In their default state, Chias are actually Potato.

Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much I laughed at that... XD


And all these other headcanons are awesome! :D


I actually have an entire list of what animals the neopets are like. I used to have it all on a petpage, but I think that account was frozen...or I pounded the relevant pet.


On that same list, I've also started noting what I think the average height for each pet would be, as I don't believe they'd be as tiny as TNT would think (if they were real). I don't have that entire list done; but from what I have, the buzz would be the smallest at one foot (still too big for a stingie! YIKES!) and the largest would be the chomby, standing in at 6.75 feet. (My notes say that stegosauruses were up to nine feet tall, but I think a chomby would be a smaller and cuter species.) I imagine when I finish the list, grarrls will be the biggest, as Google tells me tyrannosauruses were fifteen to twenty feet tall.


The problem I see with that is that TNT has already assigned sizes/weights to each of the pets and I don't have any reason to give that they might get the imperative to change them.


But I'll try to remember to finish my list and make it into a chart on a petpage. Just keep on me about it! :D


Just Occurred Headcannon:

All of the plot characters, and shop keepers, are actually from the secret lab -I mean it looks like there's more to the lab than just the lab ray.

That's why

(Gnorbus, like Professor Lambert and Corbin, Boris, like Armin, Ixi, like Tarla, Sophie and Nanci, Wocky, like Kell and MAGAX




They have such different attributes than player neopets.


P.S. The links all lead to a neopets wiki, where I pulled most of the examples, because I knew there were some, I just couldn't think of any.

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