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SSW not working?

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Any other Premium members having this issue? It's not even the same error it's been running before, where after the first search it won't do another. I can't get a single search to run today.

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I'm on my work computer (shhh, don't tell) so I can't post a screenie. But basically how it goes:


I open up SSW. It loads fine.

I type up what I want to search for and submit the search.



...Not really. That's where PacMan breaks loose. You know when your computer is being slow, it does that thing that looks like a black Pacman nomming? It just does that ad infinitum. I've waited (upwards of twenty minutes), I've gotten out of everything and gotten back in...nothing works.

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I had that problem a couple days ago. I found when that happened I had to keep refreshing the page and retrying the search until it worked. It's kinda annoying, but it only lasted one day then it went back to normal. Hope your's get better soon.

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For me, when I click on a shop (any shop; I tried all of them) it gives me the Oops! This shop doesn't exist line. So SSW is busted for me. For now.

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