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Quoting their reply to my question on their Facebook. Looks like they're all for engagement, yay :D


Hi, *! JumpStart will be working with the existing Neopets team to continue to build, fix and expand on the product. Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have can be sent through our Facebook, or any of our sites for that matter, as well as through our customer support channels, by calling 310-533-3402, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST or emailing [email protected]. JumpStart, as a gaming company, is looking forward to listening to the fans of Neopets and all of our properties to create a better experience for you.



Great! Let's get this party started! Hopefully, we can have some of the changes we're all looking forward to. (I think I'd like faster ticket response times, for one. Anything else, I can take or leave.)


I could not be more exited. Nickelodeon was the worst thing to ever happen to Neopets in my opinion. I have been on Neo for over 13 years now, and personally the time in which I took the longest breaks was when they were in charge of the site.


I am really looking forward the what is going to happen with JumpStart in charge of the site, hopefully some changes will happen (much needed ones). But at least it cannot be worse.


I am still and forever will be hoping for being able to choose between converted and unconverted when we paint pets, that would be THE best thing that could happen! Well that and more plots and awesome site events (with a little less focus on NC events please)


What are you guys hoping for?


Something has happent!

*static* I need supplies to -- *crackle* -- is located underground. *sssss* -- in Magma City... my ship. I'll give you -- *BOOM* Hurry, would you? *static*



What do you think it is?


wow new owners of neopets!!


I am hoping that they have plans to make careful changes particularly in there customer feedback collection and dealing with tickets more quickly, this hasnt been a problem for me but it seems unreasonable for any company to allow months to go by without responding to a lockout type of problem ... after all it IS a business.


As an older user Im hoping for the mature end of the market to advance so that we can actually find more nc opportunities worthwhile.


Im trying to stay optimistic and I think this could be a very postive change for the users, young and old, Im sure their extensive research will have shown what the real problems the users have been having are and its up to them if they want to tackle those or ignore them as nick did.


I honestlycan't see how much they could affect the core of the game as long as the TNT is still the same. When NP went to Nickelodeon, I can't remember many changes in the day-to-day of the game. Sure, there have been updates but I'm not sure nickelodoen was really the force behind them.


But, we'll see.


I don't really have an opinion just yet on what this will mean or the effects it will have. Maybe TNT will be more active with more funding since this is a new backing company.


having read what jumpstart are saying ... goodness me they actually sound as though they are interested in getting and listening to feedback ... staggers with shock lol


There are so many niggles on neopets that do need to be sorted out, it was as though nickelodeon just told TNT to concentrate on getting NC sold and forget completing the battledome or sorting out frozen accounts..after all it was Nickolodeon paying their wages so they could hardly ignore them and just sort the niggles...now jumpstart will be telling TNT what to prioritise so we will see what happens??


It seemed like short sighted business sense pressing NC but ignoring ongoing problems, so Im suprised they held on to neopets for so long


The term 'older audience' that jumpstart found of interest isnt as hopeful when you think about it, after all their usual demographic is really young kids maybe up to 8, so older could just mean up to 12 ....so far Im nervous yet hopeful.


There is a new Editorial out from TNT that answers many, but certainly not all, questions that have been floating around about Jump Start! Read the full Editorial here:



I'm also going to quote some of the questions and answers I think are most interesting and important if you don't want to sift through the entire editorial.


About games:


Now that you guys aren't owned by Nickelodeon, what will happen to the permanent sponsor games like Big Time Rush Crowd Control? Are they going to go away completely, or will they be replaced with something comparable but from JumpStart? Thanks! ~kykygilde
BUSINESS SPEAK INCOMING! The Nickelodeon sponsor games will be removed unless they are fulfilling a previous agreement made upon how long they would run on Neopets.com.

So, if you see some games being taken down while others remain, then that just means that they have some time left! We may be creating some JumpStart sponsor stuff in the future, sure! Or maybe not. :) We haven't gotten that far in planning yet.


About Plots:


Hello, TNT! *throws invisible rock* Anyway... here's something I'm quite worried about. Many people at The Help Chat have been saying that you guys wouldn't make more plots. I'm worried, mostly because I love the plots you have made lately. So, are you going to continue making plots, or are you going to stop making them? Please remove my username. ~username removed
Plots aren't frequent because they take massive amounts of preparation, but there are certainly no plans to stop making them outright just because we're a part of JumpStart now. We're planning on sending out a survey so that you will have a chance to let us (Neopets and JumpStart) know what kind of content you'd like to see more of. If your answer is "plots," then let us know in the survey. :)


About NeoCash:


What a big surprise to hear that Neopets has joined JumpStart! I've read the FAQ about Neocash, but I still have concerns. Redeemed NC is mentioned, but not whether unredeemed NC cards will still work on Neopets. I bought a bunch during the last sales at Target (Nick cards) and Game Stop (Monkey Quest cards), and I wasn't going to redeem them until new prizes came out (it's been almost a year...). Should I go ahead and convert them to NC now, or will there be an announcement before the cards themselves won't work here? It's more NC than I can use in less than a year (I hope). ~purplebin
While we will, of course, be going through a change with our separation from Nick and their related cards, you don't have anything to worry about. Cards you have yet to redeem will still be valid. Until further notice, NC will work the same way it always has. If things change, then we will give you ample notice. :)


Changes / Why Jumpstart?


I, for one, welcome our new JumpStart overlords! Lol. Seriously though, JumpStart, welcome to Neopia, and I look forward to seeing what you do with the site. :) I'd like to ask you: why did you decide to acquire Neopets, and do you have any plans for improvements to the site? ~eyrielectricblumaroo
Here's your answer from JumpStart! (We'll have to get some staff aliases for these folks so you can meet them!)

"Thanks for the support eyrielectricblumaroo! JumpStart is really looking forward to the future we have with Neopets and the opportunity to improve this already great site. As we move forward, our team's top priority remains to stay connected as ever with Neopets' loyal user base and continue to create content that is always fresh, fun, and cutting edge! We decided to acquire Neopets because, similar to our sites, they have an amazing loyal user fan base, and an older audience. We love being involved with great communities such as yourselves."



Can we have a general outline of the changes that are coming for Neopets? Also, maybe a structure of the new company that owns Neopets as of now? Thanks for all of you guys' hard work; I hope it does not mean a new structuring of the Neopets personnel. ~princessflowwing
For the most part, only the upper management is changing. The members of TNT that have been creating content for you for well over a decade are still here and are excited about the change. As for what's coming up, we've only started working together with JumpStart as of this past Monday, so it will take time to figure out how we'll be going about making Neopets even better! (Your feedback in our upcoming survey would very much help with that!) ;)



Hey TNT, congrats on the move in with JumpStart! Now my question (a semi concern as well) comes with learning JumpStart was interested in Neopets because of the "Older Player Base." Does this mean they are interested in a game that can be geared toward adult players as well as children or by adult players who have children, or will Neopets become more targeted toward the adults (or at least college students) again? ~ivoryrosefrost
Neopets is "family friendly" for the enjoyment of all, but we know our player base is older, and the majority of you are 13+. We have no plans to kiddie-fy Neopets, and want to make content that you want. :) (Hey, here's that survey mention again! We're hoping to send it out on Monday!)



Hey, TNT! I saw that we're switching who runs the site -- thanks for the gifts! -- and I was wondering: is the staff who runs the site going to change as well? I would hate to see the Editorial and mods switch, because you guys are great! Thanks! ~kittyuni
We're still here! *waves*



I don't like change. I didn't like it when Neopets was sold before, but I grew to love it. I have spent thousands (YES, THOUSANDS) of dollars on Neocash. Will this all be wasted? If JumpStart doesn't see the profit they're expecting, will Neopets close? What will happen to my 'pets, my account, my NC, and the years of dedication I've given to you? Please leave my username out. ~username removed
On no! Please don't panic. Deep, calming breaths...

One thing we've seen mentioned on the boards is the idea that JumpStart wouldn't have purchased us if they weren't confident in their ability to make Neopets thrive. We agree! If it's any consolation to you, we're really excited about this! Many of us have spent the majority of our adult lives working here and we love the site just like you do. Healthy skepticism is definitely smart. But we want you to know that we're not panicking and hope that alleviates some of your fears. :)


Unconverted Pets:


Hey, TNT. Are unconverted Neopets going to be autoconverted at some point because of the move from Viacom to JumpStart? Please remove my username. Thank you! ~username removed
We're kind of scratching our collective heads over this rumour. We even saw someone claim they'd be autoconverted because Viacom owns the UC art, which we found a bit odd because that art was done before we joined Viacom. But hey, what fun are the Neoboards if not for panicked rumours and speculation, right? ;D

So that would be a no, just to be clear. ;) Our feelings on UCs haven't changed. If we do ever convert them all (which is unlikely, but things change), it wouldn't be because of a changeover to JumpStart.


Mobile App:


So I, like many fellow lifers on Neopets (12 years and counting), was floored by the news today! I must say that there is a great concern and excitement at this new prospect. I have to ask, though: does this mean we'll be getting new plushies at REAL stores? A sequel, perhaps, to The Darkest Faerie?!? A MOBILE APP?!? Could this be the return of the return of the return of Dr. Sloth? D: ~kinokiro
One of the things that JumpStart is really good at is mobile, so we'll certainly be doing something there. We can't offer specifics since we're still settling in here, but we're sure good things will happen on the mobile front. As for physical items like plushies, that requires a company that wants to licence Neopets merchandise, and we do think JumpStart is interested in finding those companies. We'll just sit here with our fingers crossed along with you guys, okay? :)

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