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I got my 2nd FFQ! Help me decide what to get?

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This week I got my first FFQ, and I decided to get the avatar, because I figured I might never get another opportunity. But to my surprise, I got another one today! She asked for a UB item (250k), which I've already offered on at the TP (just waiting to be accepted).


I'm really happy about this, but I have no idea what to get this time! I don't have any extravagant dream pets...


My goal is to have a Royal Bori (which isn't available through FFQs), a Baby Bruce (which I already have), a Faerie Poogle and a Camouflage Cybunny, but I feel that using a FFQ to get either a Faerie or Camouflage pet is kind of a waste, since I can afford to buy the necessary paintbrushes/MPs.


So, I'm thinking I should either find another type of pet I like and keep them OR offer a custom to someone in exchange for an existing pet. I'm pending towards the latter, but I have no idea what kind of pet I can get for a FFQ custom.


Help me decide, guys!


You can get a draik, names, colors that aren't available via FFQ, etc. You best bet is to just advertise and see what you get offered!

I was hoping to get a FFQ from this event, sadly I did not. But there's always next time aha!


Yeah, I think I'll leave the fountain open for a while, so I don't rush my decision... I'm thinking I might offer a custom in exchange for a very nice name (not a RN/RW or 3L or anything like that, I'm not ambitious). I don't really want a Draik or a colour I can't get through FFQs, so if I can't find someone willing to exchange for a VWN I like, I might just keep it for myself. I've been looking through the Rainbow Pool, and I'm actually liking these:



(Or what the heck, maybe even the Faerie Poogle!)


You could also check what Crossdressing would do on any on your dream pet. For instance, what if you had the Desert clothes available on top of the Royal Bori? :D


Well at least you are pondering so that you don't make a hasty decision that you'll regret later (i.e. me!!). There's no rush (unless you do get another FFQ like Nimphal suggested) so just think about what you would really like to do.


I made a hasty decision with my first FFQ (yes, I've been fortunate enough to have had two and she wanted cheap items to boot) and I have a little bit of regret. However the person who now owns that pet is VERY happy with him so it all worked out in the end.


I keep hearing about an avvie associated with the FFQ, but I'm not sure I know which one it is...can someone clue me in?


I keep hearing about an avvie associated with the FFQ, but I'm not sure I know which one it is...can someone clue me in?


The Buzzin avatar is achieved by painting a buzz any color in the Rainbow Fountain after completing a Fountain Faerie Quest. c:


And congratulations to the OP for their second FFQ!


Thanks for all your input, guys!

I'm still thinking this through, but I've decided not to trade my FFQ. I actually adopted a pet with a lovely name yesterday, and I morphed her into a Poogle. So I already got what I was looking for without having to trade! As for the FFQ, I'm pending towards painting my new pet Faerie (even though it's not the most expensive colour out there, I'd be saving a lot of NP and I'd have a pet I've always wanted), but I'm not going to paint right away because I kind of want to see what new pet colours will be released throughout this year (if I can wait that long, haha). I'm particularly excited to see what will be released on Cybunny day! If they release Cybunnies in Pastel or Transparent, I might have to go with those. :P


Have you considered painting any of your pets Stealthy? They're pretty amazing too. I also think it'd be a good idea to keep an FFQ - I'm still hanging on to two at the moment, and if I'd ever use one, it'd be for a pretty bangin' Stealthy pet!

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