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Welcome to March!


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TDN welcomes you to the month of March!

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This month, we have these events:

  • Uni Day on March 2nd
  • Cancelled due to lack of interest on March 3rd
  • Gelert Day on March 6th
  • Scorchio Day on March 14th
  • Illusen Day on March 17th
  • The Chomby Carnival on March 22nd
  • Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers
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Just curious, what was originally taking place on March 3rd?

I found this in the news from 2004: http://www.neopets.com/nf.phtml?nf_date=2004-03-01



March 3rd
  • Tomorrow has been cancelled!

    Yes, that is correct. March the 3rd will not be happening. Basically, we are now syncing the daily content once per day, and because of all the extra things we have to do (syncing to 120 servers, translating the site), it is happening much later than usual. As a result, by the time the site syncs the actual day that news refers to is over in more than half the world. The fact that we are 8 hours behind GMT does not help that fact either.

    Australians, for instance, will first hear about Uni Day (March the 2nd) at 4pm on March the 3rd, and those playing from Nuku'alofa in Tonga have it even worse!



    So anyway, we will be doing the content one day in advance from now on, and then sync at midnight on the previous day. We hope you like this idea!! All the stuff that will usually go up on the 3rd will be happening on the 4th, so don't worry about missing Mystery Pic :)

    Also, Half Price Day will be the 3rd as usual.

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I found this in the news from 2004: http://www.neopets.com/nf.phtml?nf_date=2004-03-01


So THAT'S when they decided to start launching the content a day early....and how! March 3rd is the anniversary!

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