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For real?

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Ok, is TNt serious? I went to the Sign Up page and was typing random stuff into the username box, typed the word " Neopets" and it said " Please do not choose a username containing the word Neopets". Are you kidding me? Please tell me TNT is NOT for real with that. I can understand cuss words and sexual terms but the word " Neopets"? Really? You can't even have a name like " Neopetsfan01" or something like that. Does anybody know the point of this?


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It might have something to do with it being trademarked. I've never tried or looked for usernames with brands in them, but it's possible they're off limits for obscure legal reasons. I'm actually curious myself now. Might be a good question for the editorial.

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Yes, I was going to say the same thing as the-vast-derp.

Just imagine-- if the word "neopets" was allowed to be part of a username, then anyone could create an account like "neopets_monitor" or "officialneopets" and try to scam people into giving up their password or items.

Granted, the majority of people probably would not do this and would just create innocent usernames like "neopets_fan_14", but it could happen often enough to become a big problem. So the easiest solution is to block that word altogether to prevent problems from arising in the first place.

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I guess we have to remember the unfortunate fact that even on a website like neopets there are mean people who will try and take advantage somewhere along the way, so TNT have to take these obscure measures at times to protect the younger or more naive members

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