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Cellblock avatar help


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Ohai guys! So, I'm playing Cellblock so I can get the avvie. TDN guide says it's random, but JellyNeo guide says that, even though it's random, you usually get it by the end of Tournament 10 or beginning of Tournament 11.


First I got confused with the levels and the tournaments. I thought I'd just have to get to Master Vex and win, and then I'd finish the game. Now I see that it's muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch longer than that, and the avvie is gonna take LOTS of time and talent! :ohno:


So I wonder: those of you who have the avvie, do you remember if you only got it by reaching that far on the game? :(

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I got the avatar not long before I got the gold trophy, I believe. It's a looooooong road, but using the TDN guide makes it a lot easier- you rarely lose a match. :)


I just went though my posts, and apparently I got my avatar at Tournament 9, level 7, just beat match 3.

You can do it! :)

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I see :(

But does the TDN guide work for the 11th Tournament as well? Because the JellyNeo one is excellent, but the say it only works till the end of Tournament 10, and that on Tournament 11 you need your own skills... :/


It's hard to type up a guide for Tournament 11 onwards because rocks appear on the board in random locations. But after 10 Tournaments, you tend to get the hang of how the game works so it should be okay. You can also take a look at this guide if you want.


I think I got the avatar some time in Tournament 11. Btw, you can get the avatar by winning, losing, or tying.

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TNT said in an editorial that it's not random, but no one has figured it out yet. I'm in Tournament 12, level 1, and still haven't gotten the avvie, so I really wish someone would.


The rocks aren't too bad if you can trick the opponent into thinking they can win by building through the rocks. It doesn't always work, but it often does. I think it can make it slightly easier than the levels with no rocks, to be honest (of course, it depends on rock placement; I've had boards where the rocks didn't leave enough open space to create good combos).

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TNT said in an editorial that it's not random, but no one has figured it out yet. I'm in Tournament 12, level 1, and still haven't gotten the avvie, so I really wish someone would.


The rocks aren't too bad if you can trick the opponent into thinking they can win by building through the rocks. It doesn't always work, but it often does. I think it can make it slightly easier than the levels with no rocks, to be honest (of course, it depends on rock placement; I've had boards where the rocks didn't leave enough open space to create good combos).


AW GOD! That's awful! :ohno: :ohno:

Gash, playing level after level after level is so INANE! So freaking repetitive. Gash, what a stupid game.

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I see :(

But does the TDN guide work for the 11th Tournament as well? Because the JellyNeo one is excellent, but the say it only works till the end of Tournament 10, and that on Tournament 11 you need your own skills... :/

I still used the guide to one extent or another- if the rocks were placed nicely, I used it. If not, I would do my best. :) You do get the game pretty well figured out by then!

Good luck! :)

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Well, I'll play a game or two a day for a few days, then take months (or years...) off, so it doesn't get too boring for me. I already have my Neopets goal laid out for next year: to get as many game avvies as possible. I plan to focus on one "regular" game per month, playing it 3x/day. And for Bilge Dice and Cell Block, playing each twice a week, just one game. Hopefully I'll blindly luck into the non-random solution eventually.

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WOW!!! Just got the avvie! I'll share as much information about it as I can so maybe someday one can figure it out:


I got it after LOSING to HASKOL (Guard Two). It was during TOURNAMENT 10, on my second match. I had won the previous match.

Screenie here (for some reason the Premium Toolbar got in the way, but you can still see it):








So anyways... YAY!!! :happydance: And goo luck to all who haven't gotten it yet ;)

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