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Hey yall! this topic is just for fun so think of a dream account you wish to have! :)

So here are the rules:

1.One normal pet that is painted with a paintbrush (Ex: Pink Xweetok)

One FFQ/LabRay color( Ex: Robot HIssi) One Limited/Restricted pet that's painted (Ex: Faerie Krawk)

And last but not least.. *drumroll*.... A UC pet!!!

2.Three Neocash and Two Neopoint clothes

3.One Battle Item and One Hidden Tower item!


So those are the rules of this creative game!

You guys can go first!!! lol


1. Normal: 2.pngMaraquan Shoryu

LabRay Color: 2.pngSponge Shoryu

Unconverted: 2.png Fairy Lenny





2. mall_claw_goth_blackreddress.gifmall_clo_dress.gifmall_acc_tophat_wig.gif

Black and Red Promenade Dress

Elegant Green Dress

Black and White Top Hat and Wig




The "Dark Uni Armoured Shirt" is 280,000np but the matching shoes don't seem to be available :(

There's one "Fancy Uni Wig" up on the trading post, maybe I should see how much they want for it...



3. Bag of Lenny Seeds (for my unconverted Lenny!)

Rainbow Clockwork Grundo (for my gallery)


hmmm I have several dream pets/stuff already, but lets see...


1. faerie xwee (love my first pet!), hmmm does mutant count? if so mutant acara/if not rebot xwee, Eventide Hissi, UC Grey JubJub :D


2. I dont get neocoash so I don't really know any neocash items D: I would like the mysterious forrest clearing background and the star gazing background~


3. Ghostker bomb and princess amira cape.




For me it would be:



Baby Xweetok (Have it! Yay!)

Robot Kacheek

Faerie Grundo

UC Baby Draik



I'm not really into customization other than painting them. I'll say a Moehug and the Star Gazing Background.



Super Attack Pea/ Bony Grarrl Club and Faerie Queen Doll. (Most of my Battle set would be Hidden Tower.)


My turn!


4.pngRainbow Usul

4.pngChocolate Usul

4.pngRoyalgirl Cybunny

4.pngUC Grey Aisha



Floating Battle Faerie Doll

Lavender Tulle Dress

Floating Jhuidah Doll



Bow of the Water Faerie

Rainbow Fountain Faerie Doll


EDIT:I don't want any neopoint wearables :)


-Normal pet/painted - Faerie Xweetok

-FFQ/Labray - Robo Aisha

-Limited/restricted (not like those pets appeal to me) Um...Fire Krawk?

-UC pet (again, these don't appeal to me) IDK, Maraquan Krawk???

-Three NC -

1. Black and Red Promenade Dress

2. Black and White Top Hat and Wig

3. Dashing Gothic Jacket

-Two NP -

1. Lotus Xweetok Dress


-Battle Item - Super Attack Pea

- Hidden Tower Item (actually two) Bony Grarrl Club and Faerie Queen Doll. Need them dang avatars. -_-



"Normal" pet: Striped Xweetok


FFQ/Lab Ray-only coloured pet: Chocolate Xweetok


LE pet: Pirate Lutari


UC pet: Faerie Pteri. Just absolutely gorgeous.


3 NC and 2 NP wearables: Layered Pirate Dress, Patterned Tunic, New Years in Shenkuu Background, Bagel Hat Wig, Hannahs Red Undershirt


1 BD item and 1 HT item: Wand of the Dark Faerie, Ghostkerbomb (am I allowed to pick two weapons? They're technically Hidden Tower and BD items... :P)


Well then, I'll give it a go...



1. UC RG Cybunny (ugh this ones hard...I also love UC Faerie Wockys/Pteris/Lennys/Shoyrus and UC Plushie Cybunnies)

2. Maraquan Draik

3. Woodland Uni (or maybe a White/RG crosspainted Kacheek or a Faerie/RG crosspainted Peophin or a Maraquan Shoyru or a Faerie Poogle)

4. MSPP (is that allowed?) or Chocolate pet (Gnorbu maybe?)

Uggghhh that was so hard...my answers will probably change tomorrow XD



NC - Scenic Purple Dusk Background, Butterfly Dress, Lavender Faerietale Dress (I also really want a NY in Faerieland BG, ugh)
NP - Valentines Earrings, Underwater Background
BD: Darigan Sword of Death :P
HT: Grimoire of Affluence

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