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Hi everybirdy~ I'm zaciel, 22 this year (going to be 23 in a few more months :sad01_anim: )


I quit Neopets for a while, but getting distracted whilst studying for my exams made me rediscover neopets... Hehe.. So, here I am, addicted to Neopets again when I should be studying :thumbsup:


Everyone seems really friendly here on TDN, so I hope I'll get to make some friends here. Nice to meet you guys! (:





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Welcome to TDN, zaciel :) You're not the only one procrastinating studying! I have an exam coming up on Monday and reading? Ha, hasn't happened yet :P

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Hi and welcome Zaciel. Neopets is a very nice way to have some time out of studying (Maybe too nice) and TDN is a very nice community with friendly people! I'm sure you'll love it here.

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