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I don't know if this topic belongs here, but I wouldn't know where else to place it.


I tried to connect to the tdn irc network, 'cause I'm always on IRC. But my lag is so amazingly huge, so here's the question:

Is there anything I can do to reduce the lag?


I live in the Netherlands, and I am using mIRC 7.22 with NNScript 4.22 (Still love NNScript!)


I'm not an expert1, so my only suggestion is to try a different client.



1. I'm trying to get an expert to look at your question.


Lets see if I can help you by stating what I have since I don't have lag and use mIRC as well.


Server: tdn.linuxmaniac.net

Port: 6767


mIRC v6.2

Scripts are a mix of many mIRC's found online, i combined them and added/edited some to my own liking.

I am not using wifi, so maybe that's different.

btw: How stable is your normal internet connection?


Other than that, I'm not sure what else could reduce your lag, I'm not an IT expert.


I'll try that server! Thank you.


I simply connected to the server given in the main topic about IRC chat (thedailyneopets.com)


they moved it recently so maybe the server isn't the issue anymore. But you could try. Also try to find out what channel you use for wifi, find out what your neighbors use and pick one that is free. There are ways to find out, programs. You could set your router to always pick the channel(s) that isn't being used by everyone.

Or try a wired connection if possible.


I'll send you a PM with a better explanation.

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