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I'm getting pretty close to broke! At np saving tips while training?


Really, the training academies are the cheapest ways to train reliably (unless you're training at such a high level that item training is actually cheaper). You can get stat increases in other, less reliable ways, such as Kitchen Quests, Faerie Quests, The Lab Ray, or other methods such as Coltzans Shrine, Deadly Dice, Scratchcards, the Fruit Machine, and Turmaculus. (Click on any of the above links to see the Battlepedia guide about that method.)


The Wheel of Extravagance can also give you stat increases, but at 100k NP per spin, it's probably not the cheap training alternative you're looking for.


If you want to get more Dubloons or codestones, I've found the Koi Warrior and other Dome of the Deep opponents in the Battledome tend to drop them pretty regularly.


I play habitarium, the dailies, and the wheels and scratchcards daily.

Habi is what keeps me in codestones. Also, battle dome gives me at least 1500 a day because of the items and np combined. Which is part of a codestone! lol

I also play games.

But really its the 45k-80k I make as an owner of a level 50 habitarium.


I'm currently working on training my pet and I've found the BEST way is to play Key Quest. After a week of playing and about 20 gold keys, my inventory is full of codestones now! Plus other items like paintbrushes, map pieces etc that sell for lots of NP.


Probably the least popular suggestion, but the only one I haven't seen suggested, would be limit how much training you do.

During the last war I ran through pretty much all of my codestones. With the prices since, I reduced my training to once a day. But I augment that with Using Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies from the NC Mall. I try scratchcards when I get them, for levels, Kitchen Quests for a chance at random stat points. Coltzan's Shrine can also sometimes give stat points out. moreso I think, if you're at a lower level. At my pet's level, the only stat increases he gets from the shrine is to his intelligence stat. lol

Anyway, with limited training, you can save some NP, and with fighting in the Battledome, you can get some codestones to help too. When you get some Red codestones, I'd suggest saving them, either some or all, because someday you will need them, and it's cheaper having a stockpile from the battledome, where you don't shell out any NP for them. It will save you MORE NP when you get to the 250+ levels of training. You can certainly sell any red stones you get now for some profit, maybe half and half? Sell half and keep half? LOL Either way, Whatever works for you. :) Good luck with your training!

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