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The Altador Cup VIII Sign-up Week has begun!


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And with it comes our first look at the format of this year's Cup. It appears that the bracket system of last year will be returning, and the tournament will be extended to last from May 31st to June 28th. The winners of the 8th Altador Cup are scheduled to be revealed, and the Prize Shop scheduled to open, on July 1st.




Here is a summary of the format this year as we know it:


- The tournament will take place in a total of five rounds (one more than last year). In each round, the 18 teams will be divided into three brackets with six teams in each.


- Each team will play each other one time during each round.


- There will be one break day mixed into each round. It will not occur on the first or last day of the round, however.


- Like last year, teams are awarded points at the end of each round, and they increase in subsequent rounds.


- If there is a tie that must be broken, it will take place on June 29th and 30th.


What we don't know yet:


- To what extent will the daily "head-to-head" results be considered when determining bracket standings, if at all?


- Will the "live updated" standings return?


- Will brackets be randomized at the start of each round, or will they be predetermined by TNT?


- The official Altador Cup FAQ mentions "Home and Away" for each team, as well as scores. There's no word on what this could mean just yet.

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I hope we'll be able to plan ahead for those "day-offs" within the rounds. It'd be nice to know beforehand that there's a break before I log in worried and find that there's no play.


Home and Away might be a way to mark whether a team had won their last game or not, or has a longer win streak than the other team i.e. Darigan (Home) vs Altador (Away). I don't see what else they could use the distinction for except to look nice.


Still don't know how to feel about the point system. They'll probably scale down with the fifth round being added too.

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Pretty excited about this home and away thing. Although it's quite confusing since the tournament will still be in Altador. Maybe a home 'field' for every team? It would be cool though if they at least have one round of games filled with literal home and away games... with teams going around Neopia.


It's very possible that home and away could be used for tie-breakers. The team with more away wins wins the tie-breaker, maybe?

That'd make sense as well.

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Why don't they just keep it the way it used to be, with the DRR? It worked for five years in a row - or shorten it to SRR. AND NOT CHANGE IT EVERY YEAR? It's making me actually not look forward to playing...but I'll still try to make it to All-Star. If not, well...I can create team support art. ^^

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However they format the tourney, I'll still be contributing as much as I can to my favorite team of Chillers.

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