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Does anyone know what I can do? :(


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Okay, so it's been two months now if not more and I've been locked out of habitarium ever since then. At first, I wasn't too worried. I sent in a ticket and figured they would get around to it eventually (what with all the war going on, etc) I supposed it would take more time than usual. No big deal. But I've sent in 3 and the last one is still "Open" which means they haven't read it, and I sent that one on the 5th of this month.


I'm at my wits end here because my bank account is going dry and I keep having to dig into it for stocks and training. :( I know there probably isn't much advice to be given, but any little bit would help. I need to get their attention somehow. >.< I need my gems! Ahhhh. :(

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I really don't know what to say, in regards to TNT.I guess just keep your eyes open on that Open Ticket, and see when they get to it.


In the meantime, you might want to slow down the training a bit if your bank is drying up. I've gotta take that advice too actually.. lol My training is sucking up more NP than I can put in with just flash games in a day. :-\ Anyway, I guess be patient and work on saving a bit more NP is probably the best I advice I can give right now. Sorry it's not more. :(


I don't really know the stocks system on neopets, but you should probably hold onto them for when they hit a high level to sell. I've heard, buy at 15, sell at 60. lol I've never done stocks, but some of my friends have talked about getting some high returns doing that. So, if it'll make you more NP in the long run, I think keeping your stocks is more important than training, for now. I don't mean you should stop completely with the training, maybe just do one or two sessions a day? With one being just before bed, and the other maybe before you go to school/work/wherever. Just a thought.


If you buy NC, you could get some Faerie Quest Cookies. (100NC each = $1 each) You have 7x24 hours for it, and each day you can claim a new quest after midnight NST. On the 7th day, at exactly the end of the final 24 hours, you'll have to crack open another cookie. ANY faerie can give you a quest from a cookie. Including, non-stat ones like the Crafting Faerie, and the Fountain Faerie.


Good luck! I hope that TNT takes care of your ticket soon!

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If you buy NC, you could get some Faerie Quest Cookies. (100NC each = $1 each) You have 7x24 hours for it, and each day you can claim a new quest after midnight NST. On the 7th day, at exactly the end of the final 24 hours, you'll have to crack open another cookie. ANY faerie can give you a quest from a cookie. Including, non-stat ones like the Crafting Faerie, and the Fountain Faerie.

Actually, the Crafting Faerie doesn't pop up with the Faerie Cookies- thank god! Hahaha. I've used over 45 of them, and I would be pretty angry if a bunch of them asked me to spend more NC. :) So the Cookies only give you stats or access to the Rainbow Fountain.


Sweetie, that sucks. That really does. :( I don't know why it's taking them so long to get to your ticket- I guess a huge backlog. :( If you want to try fixing it yourself, ~Nimmo has a great guide.

This http://www.neopets.com/~nimmo#Merge is the Merge method. If it works, it should unlock your Habi, and leave it at level 50. It may not work, in which case, you haven't lost anything.

This http://www.neopets.com/~nimmo#Mir is a little more drastic. It will reset your Habi back to level 1. Though, it may be smarter for you to do this than wait for TNT to get around to your ticket. I have twice reset my Habi after a lockout, and it took me 8 days both times to get back to level 50- and during that time I was still earning NP from leveling up. It's not as nice as farming the gems, but it is something.

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I was just going to suggest ~Nimmo when I saw this post, but it looks like Rebecca beat me to it!


Some additional advice:

If you're locked out due to gem overload (most common lockout issue, I believe), it is going to be much easier to fix your lockout than if you're locked out for another reason. If this is the case and you want to fix the lockout yourself, then you can click the Merge method that Rebecca linked to, and scroll down to "Step 7 UPDATE 22/10/2011." Before I tried this updated method, I had to reset my Hab twice because nothing else worked. After I tried this new method, I wanted to kick myself afterward because it worked like a charm. Saved me a lot of time. :)

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Thank you all. I've never attempted the merge method before because it always looked too difficult... and usually TNT would get back to me about my tickets in two weeks tops, so I could wait it out. Looks like it's time to start actively doing something myself, lol. The problem I'm encountering with the merge method though is that when I log into my side account and then click on habi, then go to my other tab and click on habi, it automatically logs me into my side account even if they're in different tabs. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be using two seperate browsers like Chrome and Firefox or will it work with just firefox if I have it in two seperate tabs?


Thanksss :)

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Thank you all. I've never attempted the merge method before because it always looked too difficult... and usually TNT would get back to me about my tickets in two weeks tops, so I could wait it out. Looks like it's time to start actively doing something myself, lol. The problem I'm encountering with the merge method though is that when I log into my side account and then click on habi, then go to my other tab and click on habi, it automatically logs me into my side account even if they're in different tabs. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be using two seperate browsers like Chrome and Firefox or will it work with just firefox if I have it in two seperate tabs?


Thanksss :)

No, you definitely want to do it in the same browser.


Open up two tabs with the log in screen. Log into your side, do the beginning part to walk through, then log into your main in the other screen (or vice versa- I can't remember the order right now, lol) and go to Habi. That way you're logged in to habitarium with two different accounts in one browser.

If you're logged in with DIFFERENT browsers, the merging won't work, since Neo can't tell that you're on both accounts on the same computer. Does that make sense?

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Xandria, I don't have much advise for you here because I am in the exact same situation!! I got locked out a few months ago, I've sent in two tickets, and I am still waiting. I've been reluctant to try to fix it on my own for fear of screwing something up. I was thinking that they'd have to get back to me eventually (especially with the war, and then prize shop) but it feels like forever. They are clearly very, very backlogged.


Here's to hoping we get some answers soon :s

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I'm in exactly the same situation!


I'd like to suggest submitting a question to the NT editorial, asking why they don't (a) answer people's tickets, and (b ) stop lockouts happening in the first place! I've been doing it for the last couple of weeks.


If enough people do it they might possibly answer...

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I believe they mentioned that they won't be addressing tickets or unlocking gem lockouts. You're not supposed to be leaving Habi open, unattended for a long period of time. That's their way of saying you should have listened to their limits.


Only thing you can do is the merge method, hope it works, and watch your habi more closely next time.


From experience they are very helpful and will unlock habi's if you have the lockout is due to too many items on the map or too many items in your bag. Gem lockouts are the only time they will not assist.

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I believe they mentioned that they won't be addressing tickets or unlocking gem lockouts. You're not supposed to be leaving Habi open, unattended for a long period of time. That's their way of saying you should have listened to their limits.


Only thing you can do is the merge method, hope it works, and watch your habi more closely next time.


From experience they are very helpful and will unlock habi's if you have the lockout is due to too many items on the map or too many items in your bag. Gem lockouts are the only time they will not assist.

Awww, that's disappointing to hear. Before they were very good about unlocking peoples' Habis due to gem lockouts. I'm glad I didn't wait on them responding to a ticket now.

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I believe they mentioned that they won't be addressing tickets or unlocking gem lockouts. You're not supposed to be leaving Habi open, unattended for a long period of time. That's their way of saying you should have listened to their limits.


Only thing you can do is the merge method, hope it works, and watch your habi more closely next time.


From experience they are very helpful and will unlock habi's if you have the lockout is due to too many items on the map or too many items in your bag. Gem lockouts are the only time they will not assist.

That doesn't make much sense, considering they have helped me with gem lock-outs before. But thanks for the info. I'm going to "attempt" to write into the editorial anyways. Whoever has the same problem as me *cough* gingerew and elbandito *cough* should do the same. :) I'm having trouble with the merge method, unfortunately. :/ I'll try again tonight though and write back here if I get lucky so perhaps I can help the two of you out.


I hope you guys get unlocked too. :( It sucks.

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That doesn't make much sense, considering they have helped me with gem lock-outs before. But thanks for the info. I'm going to "attempt" to write into the editorial anyways. Whoever has the same problem as me *cough* gingerew and elbandito *cough* should do the same. :) I'm having trouble with the merge method, unfortunately. :/ I'll try again tonight though and write back here if I get lucky so perhaps I can help the two of you out.


I hope you guys get unlocked too. :( It sucks.

Oh no, I'm sorry you're having issues with the merge method. :( If you can't get it to work tonight, check out the Waltons board on the Habitarium neoboard. They have SO much experience with lockouts and with the various fix methods, so they'll be able to help you, I'm sure!

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Oh no, I'm sorry you're having issues with the merge method. :( If you can't get it to work tonight, check out the Waltons board on the Habitarium neoboard. They have SO much experience with lockouts and with the various fix methods, so they'll be able to help you, I'm sure!

Thank you Rebecca. I went ahead and restarted my habi - way less complicated than I anticipated for sure! Anyways... considering I'm back at a level 1, if anyone has any spare storages/nests/etc that'd be a huge help! I figure me waiting around for two whole months was a huge waste of time. I should have started over a long time ago.


Never mind on sending me things!! I retained all of my items, they just got set back to level one. :) That was a pleasant surprise at least.


edit: 10 levels down, 40 more to go!

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Thank you Rebecca. I went ahead and restarted my habi - way less complicated than I anticipated for sure! Anyways... considering I'm back at a level 1, if anyone has any spare storages/nests/etc that'd be a huge help! I figure me waiting around for two whole months was a huge waste of time. I should have started over a long time ago.


Never mind on sending me things!! I retained all of my items, they just got set back to level one. :) That was a pleasant surprise at least.


edit: 10 levels down, 40 more to go!

It'll go so fast now that you know all the tips and tricks to making your Habi as functional as possible. :D

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So true Rebecca! It's already going by extremely fast. I just hit level 15. :D I'd advise the others that are in my position to go ahead and do the same, because you get to keep all of your building, eggs, etc. The buildings just revert back to level one. It's so much easier than the first go around though, you just fly through the levels. :) I'm wishing everyone else the best of luck and hopefully giving you a little encouragement to restart!


Edit: Level 20 today! Woohoo! :D I'm predicting it will take me 4-5 more days tops.

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