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Habitarium Petpetpets?


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I was wondering if this was normal.


My P3's keep disappearing. I make sure they have full Hp/sleep/food/etc before I log off and always place extra corn meal/bacon bits/Droplets of nectar/etc. I always check two/three times a day.

This never happened before.

The amount of petpetpets disappearing starts doubling each day (ex. first it was three, then 6, and so on) I know multiple p3's disappeared within a 8-10 hour period today. I'm not sure why though.

I even tried placing them inside the house and half the p3's in the house just vanished.

I'm not sure if this is a normal thing or if this is a glitch.

Can anyone enlighten me? I would really appreciate it.



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Did you see any white gems? If so, it just means the P3s died.


If not, I've had something like that happen once. I put all my P3s in houses to rest, then refreshed to catch any that didn't make it in. Of course, none of them did, so I set up the houses and put them all in. Except this time half of my P3s were gone without a trace. I resolved the issue by refreshing a few more times with the houses on the board. (My guess is the game thought the P3s were in the houses, but didn't recognize that the houses were on the board.)

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More than likely your P3's died. They die each week and you have to hatch new ones. Either that or they are dying off early because you are leaving food out which attracts pests. If you just put them in the houses it fills their hunger bars too. :)

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Petpetpets that are inside houses can also turn into gems when their time is up, they don't need to be outside houses to do that. They simply disappear and turn into gems, the gems will be randomly scattered in your map, which I think is what happened to your p3s. They only live for a week, then they turn into gems. :)

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Petpetpets that are inside houses can also turn into gems when their time is up, they don't need to be outside houses to do that. They simply disappear and turn into gems, the gems will be randomly scattered in your map, which I think is what happened to your p3s. They only live for a week, then they turn into gems. :)

Oh, alright.





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Yes... Everything everyone said... (Dangit, was beaten to it.)


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