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What's your Favorite Pokémon ?


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Hey ! I thought i'd do this board since i'm a big Pokémon fan , and i wanted to see what you guys favorite Pokemon are ^^

You can even post multiple Pokemon if you want. Here are mine :



Liepard & Roserade & Haxorus

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It's been a while since I've played me some Pokemon, so let's see if I can remember my faves. (Not necessarily in any particular order.)

1. Feraligatr

2. Gengar

3. Persian

4. Umbreon

5. Mew

6. Mewtwo

7. Murkrow

8. Houndoom

9. Suicune

10. Misdreavus

11. Zorua

12. Gothitelle

13. Chandelure

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I've always been a big Eeveelution fan, and I have a deep love for Arceus. Infernape and Suicune are some of my favs to play with, and I'm quite fond of Kyurem (base form). I also really like Beautifly, but that has a lot to do with the shiny one I caught as a Silcoon on Plat.

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Hmm... I have a lot of faves I'm not sure if I can list them all. I think I'll just list the first that come to mind.


Of non-legendaries: Porygon, Jolteon, Ampharos, Umbreon, Shuckle, Porygon2, Swampert, Breloom, Flygon, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Mothim, Buizel, Floatzel, Lucario, Porygon-Z, Zorua, Zoroark, Whimsicott, Chandelure, Haxorus.


Of legendaries: Articuno, Mewtwo, Suicune, Lugia, Latias, Latios, Groudon, Uxie, Dialga, Giratina, Zekrom, Kyurem and Yveltal.


Of Fossils: Kabutops, Armaldo, Rampardos, Carracosta and Archeops.


I love all Pokemon and who's my favorites can fluctuate a bit while I'm building teams and such (I love Magnezone, Tyranitar and Cradily on my trick-sand team but I don't know if they're some of my fave-faves or just Pokemon that I really like). most of my fave-faves are up there though. I also aim to get all of my faves shiny at some point. I actually have at least half of the above shiny as of right now, because I'm a shiny hunter.

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I'm so sad that I had to look up so many of these and out of the 3 in the first post I only recognize that roserade might be the evolution of roselia.


But my favorites has to be in the original one 150 and I'm okay up to 250 too.

And it has to be the legionaries: Articuno, Zapdos, (no moltres because I thought she was useless because charizard was definitely the way to go, MEW, Charizard, Dragonite and of course Pikachu. Basically, more or less my starting line up in red.

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I've only played up to fourth gen. I can't even remember what gen they're on now.

Anyway, my favourites are probably dragonite, arcanine, milotic, vaporeon, lucario andddd scizor. But part of the thing I love most about the games is playing around with my team and trying out different pokemon, so my favourites kinda change all the time.

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My favorite Pokemon are separated by generation to be honest. The first and second generation always sort of blended in my mind, but that was how I identified my Pokemon.


First generation: I love Venasaur, Wigglytuff, Dewgong, and Dragonite.


Second generation: I love Ampharos, Espeon, and Celebi.


Third generation: I love Swampert, Flygon, Milotic, Metagross, Rayquaza, Jirachi


Fourth generation: Torterra, Spiritomb, Toxicroak, Darkrai, and Arceus


Fifth generation: Seismitoad, Gothitelle, and Zekrom.

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  1. Banette
  2. Umbreon
  3. Gothorita
  4. Houndoom
  5. Dragonair
  6. Charizard
  7. Suicune
  8. Meganium
  9. Totodile
  10. Cinccino
  11. Gengar
  12. Marowak
  13. Pikachu
  14. Rayquaza
  15. Druddigion
  16. Reshiram
  17. Skitty
  18. Gallade
  19. Bulbasaur
  20. Sandshrew
  21. Nidoking
  22. Ninetales
  23. Slowbro
  24. Skarmory
  25. Miltank
  26. Lugia
  27. Lunatone
  28. Salamence
  29. Latias
  30. Lopunny
  31. Weavile
  32. Sawk
  33. Onix
  34. Rhydon
  35. Clefable
  36. Durant
  37. Mienshoa
  38. Frillish
  39. Scrafty
  40. Zebstrika
  41. Mew
  42. Mewtwo
  43. Stoutland
  44. Shaymin
  45. Lucario
  46. Arceus
  47. Luxray
  48. Deoxys
  49. Metagross
  50. Tropius

That was a hard question :p

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I stick to 251 and under...starting from ruby/sapphire/emerald some of the pokemon get preeeetty strange, IMO. xDD;


My all time favorite pokemon is espeon, I love purple and they're so powerful with psychic moves x) but in general probably ice/water type pokemon!

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Scizor'd be one of my favorites. It looks so cool, has good moves, has barely any weaknesses, and has amazing type coverage and stats.

Banette is also pretty cool to me. Ghost is a pretty good type, and learns good moves.

I don't feel like going in-depth on these but I love Omastar, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Froslass, Gigigear, Scrafty, Ninetales, Flareon, and Glaceon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I was of the right age to be immersed in pokemon when it first came out in the UK, and I have always loved Eevee.
"I may look normal but I have a lot of potential."


I also love Mew & Ninetails.

Last weekend my friends and I sat down and watched our way through all the Pokemon movies - the first three were fine because I still recognised the Pokemon, but the newer they got the more lost I was; clearly I stopped at the wrong moment in time!


I still collect the cards as well, but only; original 151, fossil, jungle, & team rocket. I have special binders and everything D:



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Probably dratini, regigas, chatot, jigglypuff, patriciu, and like 40 more.

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