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Is it worth it for me to participate in the war?


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Hi guys, I made a post on here a couple of weeks ago asking for advice on my set. I recently picked up neopets again after a 7 year hiatus.


I'm wondering if it would be smarter for me to participate in the war, or just sell the weapons I have now and save up/train for the next war. Here are my stats:


Level: 41

HP: 203

Strength: 62

Defence: 24


And my set...


Ylanas Blaster

Rusty Pitchfork

Honey Potion

Greater Healing Scroll

Sophies Magic Hat


Prickly Potion

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray


My dream set is a Pirate Captains Cutlass, Kelpbeards Trident, Ghotkerbomb x2, H4000 Helmet, Crisp Blue Tunic, and Faerie Tabard, which would cost ~65mil. I have about 12mil in the bank, so I'm well on my way to being able to afford my dream set. Should I just sell my current set while the prices are inflated, buy a blue ss+dual scroll of knowledge and concentrate on the next war?



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Anime is COMPLETELY right. I was quite new to Neo when the Battle for Meridell war was released. I had absolutely no BD experience - I hadn't even battled against Punchbag Bog. I only had a couple of weapons that I had won from dailies or the Advent Calendar. I had only trained my pets on their pet days. They were just BARELY above starter stats.

I still participated. I was only able to fight the first level of baddies, but I squished those spiders, and I had a tonne of fun doing it. I got several awesome avatars out of it, a trophy (alas, all on a frozen account now).


Participate, even if just a little bit. If you stop having fun, stop participating, but I wager that you'll find it a blast, just as I did during my first war. I think I'm so into the BD now because of it.

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You have a decent set of weapons, and if you can train your pet up to 85 strength (two levels and 23 strength) you should have a good run and enough plot points to get some neat swag. Likely, just participating will get you some neat swag.


When the darkling daemons pour forth from the unholy tower, victims of the unknown plague that cause them to be entombed for eternity (or so they thought), you should be able to dispatch many of the damned souls to their final fate.

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Of course it's worth it to participate!


You could always sell those items anyway while they're inflated to help you get closer to your goal set. You don't need fantastic weapons to beat the easiest opponents with your stats - and that'd be enough to get the trophy, some prizes, avatar maybe(?)...if that's all you care about.


Plus, who knows when the next war will actually be!

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No one knows if it will be a "pure war", which I seriously doubt or something closer to the Wraith Plot where battle was a very important part. The fact that we are joining factions makes it seem closer to an old war but then the discovery dig would make it seem more like a puzzle plot.


Edit: Ah, you can't train to the 2.5 boost. My mistake


BTW, it does not seem to me that Prickly Potion is working. If you are against an opponent with heavy light attack you should carry Expert Lens, the other breakable reflectors might be a good buy. Other than that, can you make it to any of the Fae abilities? "An Icle" or "Sear" which cost 10 fae points are useful. You might also make it "Lens Flare" which is pretty expensive. I noticed that if you get fifteen air points for about 100,000 np than you just need to purchase eight Light Fae points (5 or six bottles at 350,000-400,000 np). That is pretty expensive. "Positive Thinking" would heal you 10 health points if used on the first turn, and that would cost you 4 air points, and then buy two light points which would mean you could get it for about 9000X3 + 1 or 2 X 60000np. A little expensive, and the problem is by the time you know the battle is going against you it is too late to use.


Many of the new Fae abilities make very subtle changes in past strategy.

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The first plot I ever joined, I was pretty new to Neopets and didn't really know what I was doing, but it was doing so regardless. It will help if you had higher stats, better weapons, etc., but there's absolutely no loss to you or your pet when joining the plot fun! There's also lots of opportunities to make money after the plot has ended, and there will inevitably be some nice prizes after the war is over. So yeah, I do recommend joining the plot just for fun and trying to get some plot points! Good luck :)

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Yea, I have to join my voice to the previous posters. I participated in The Faeries' Ruin plot a few years ago, and I had never even used the Battledome at that point. Chelinde was nowhere near as strong or well equipped as your pet (though as an ex lab rat she was not defenseless). Still, I was able to do well in the battle steps of that plot, unlocking pretty much all achievements and capping enemies (the reason that I got a "lesser" trophy is because I left on a backpacking trip halfway through the plot and came back only after it had already ended).


It was also the most Neopets fun ever! So yes, participate!

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