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Please help me! I'm another freeze victim. If you love mysteries, you'll love this.


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UPDATE: So, apparently the person that reported me went around reporting and harassing people randomly and was frozen for it. The account was only a week old with no trophies and 1 avatar. Good news. Hopefully, that means TNT will look into my case and unfreeze me.


So yesterday, I went on the avatar boards and asked to be lent a Chokato TCG. I had asked around before, but nobody would lend me, so I created a thread "Why won't anyone lend me anything?" Eventually, a very nice person let me borrow it for free, and I promptly returned it.


All the while, a bunch of people were attacking me, saying my account and pets were suspicious. They said it was suspicious that I didn't have any trophies, very many avatars, etc, yet my account was 12 years old. They said I shouldn't be lent anything.


What happened is that I played on a different account for the first 9 years on and off, and it was frozen. The reason was "this account has been frozen." I contacted support, but they said it had been too long since it was frozen. Luckily, I didn't have THAT much on that account, and I wasn't an avid neopets player at the time anyways. I left for a few years, and just started again last month. I used a side with some slight savings, which is 12 years old. That's the new account that was frozen last night.

To complicate things, I adopted a pet, Bugy_Eyed_Baby, with great battledome stats from the pound. It was an eventide kacheek. I was so surprised when I adopted it, and I thought it must have been a transfer from someone. So I went to the pound board (this was about two weeks ago) and created a topic, asking if anyone had lost their pet at the pound. Nobody replied, but I got a few trade offers.


From what I learned on the boards, this pet used to belong to someone called jjdrb. At least, I'm assuming it did--none of the other players would say anything, even though I asked politely. I'm sure jjdrb had something to do with the pet though, as one player's post consisted entirely of alternating links between jjdrb's profile and my pet's lookup. The account is now frozen. I don't know what happened, but he or she was apparently very famous (or infamous!). I don't know if the person was a scammer, or if they were scammed, or what, but I would have returned the pet if they had asked.


Soon after I borrowed the Chokato TCG, I was frozen. I try to log in, and it says the account was frozen for my own protection. Luckily, I was able to return the chokato to its owner. I sign in on my OTHER alt and go back to the avatar boards to see where my thread went. It was gone, but in its place was a new one by someone that was in the thread I had created. "It was called [myusername]: this account has been disabled."


I enter and read the thread, and apparently everyone thought that my account was purchased. I was even reported by one of the users, which is why I think my account was frozen. My heart sank when I saw my account frozen, but it sank even more when I read that all these users were actually accusing me of something that I hadn't done. It reminds me of when I first started playing in middle school and a bunch of users attacked me on the neoboards. It was really just a more subtle form of cyber bullying, with their sarcastic remarks and bandwagon mentality.


Even now though, I have no idea what all of this has to do with jjdrb, or my pet, or the accusations that I was purchasing neopoints/items. Here are the only scenarios that I can think of:


These are JUST HYPOTHESES as to what happened. It could be spot-on, or it could be far from the truth. I really have no idea. So if anyone here has a clearer story, please, please let me know.


1) jjdrb was a very infamous scammer. He scammed a ton and decided to move everything to a different account before he was frozen. This DOESN'T explain why he put my pet in the pound, and it doesn't explain why people thought my account was purchased.


2) jjdrb was someone that was THE VICTIM of a scam. They tried scamming more on the hacked account, then they moved all the items on jjdrb onto one account. They then abandoned the pet in the pound so that the new owner would take the fall for hacking the account, as they would have the new, nice neopet. This explains why jjdrb was well known, as well as well as why the pet was pounded. It DOESN'T explain why people thought my account was purchased.


3) jjdrb was a player that decided to sell accounts for money, and was known for it. That's why everyone knew about him and thought my account was purchased. This DOESN'T explain why the pet was put into the pound. This is also improbable, as he would've had his account frozen if he was known for selling things.


At any rate, none of that matters. I just want my account back. The message I get when logging in is


Due to potentially suspicious activity on this username, it has been frozen for the owner's protection. This can include falling for a scam or entering information into a fake login page. If you would like information on getting this account back, please contact us by clicking here.


I already submitted a ticket, but have not received any kind of confirmation email. Is there supposed to be some kind of email sent to me? I also can't click the "my support tab." Does anyone know how it's supposed to work?


My ticket included all the information on my account since its conception, so I should have no trouble getting it back (assuming I was frozen because they don't think the account is mine). I included all my old passwords, my address, and a photo ID matching my rare name (Jefferey spelled with an extra E) and my birthdate. I just don't know if they got it. I took a screenshot with my ticket number, but don't know how to look my ticket up.

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I have no idea but you ended up getting attention brought to yourself
by obtaining that rare pet. It seems like perhaps the person may have
been a scammer/seller; and perhaps because your account was old (but
appeared unused), they had assumed the account was made for the sole
purpose of eventually selling it one day. (Old accounts are prized and
can be sold to add "value", not sure at which prices, but evidently it
IS illegal.)


Tickets can take a very long time to
get a response with. I know it stinks, but I'd suggest writing
everything your suspect/think in your ticket like you have taken the
time here. State that you do not participate in illegal activities and
you merely wished for a neat per which you had spotted in the pound. TNT
has to be suspicious due to the sites which attempt illegally selling
pets/accounts for real money.


I hope you obtain
your account. Don't concern yourself with what forum people have to say.
They don't know and it's not their purpose to know. (They're not
employed by TNT).

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First of all, let me say thank you so much for the responses. It's good to know there are caring people after all that hate from last night.


I don't really care about the pet, as I wasn't much of a BDer before I got it. They can take it if they want. Would you suggest that I write another ticket to them? I really don't want to crowd their inboxes with spam; that might just annoy them.


Also, what should I do with the "my support" tab? I can't get in at all; it redirects to the neopets sign up page, even when I'm signed in.


Also, I'm fairly certain my account wasn't scammed from me. I have a very secure mac and don't visit random websites. I use google chrome and I keep it up to date. I'm very good at keeping information private.

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I'm sorry to hear that! :( I had to start from scratch myself last week.


A big plus in the whole story is, that your account was frozen for your own protection. You'll most likely get it back. Now it may take some time, but while waiting for the response, you can always create a new account and play Neopets.


For the board people.. I mostly don't go to neoboards, because I find people there often rude, specially to those who aren't gazillionairs with 300 avatars and 50 trophies and amazing pets. Now everyone's like that, I know, but my experiences are bad. So just leave them alone, and hang out with us here.


I'm keeping fingers crossed for your account and welcome to TDN! :)


Edit: Don't bother sending another ticket, they'll just close it. The "My Support" tab never works for me, but you'll get an email informing you your account is activated.

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I feel your pain and frustration.


I got the same message on my side account that holds my battle pet. I have no clue why. This happened on Feb6. I sent in a ticket with no response. I send in a ticket about a habitarium issue and I get a response in a day. I have also sent two email with the ticket number and additional info. I understand it might take awhile, but at least an auto response that says they have received my ticket and are looking into it. Heck, just send me a reply that says no. At least at I could move on.

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TNT freezes up old, unused accounts for protection (the same thing happened with me). You should try another browser for the my support page if it isn't loading for you.


I wish TNT was being less of a [curseword here] when it came to freezing. Taking out bots and people who obviously cheat at flash games, fine... But freezing accounts for their own protection without warning? One of my sides was actually stolen once, and TNT never froze that one. Turned out someone somehow got into my account and sold it to another person. This other person did not know it was once my account and immediately returned it to me. All TNT did was give me a warning for asking for her MSN information so that we could talk things over instead of via neomail. Sometimes it's really frustrating to see that many things in that company are so stupidly automatic, like freezing stuff and silencing.

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Things like this get super frustrating. It so annoying when legit players get frozen, yet obvious cheaters run rampant for weeks and months without anything being done. I WISH when I was having trouble with my old main I would have been frozen for protection. On two separate occasions, I logged in to find my bank account drained down to 0 (I'd had about 7 mil in each time). Sent tickets, nothing got done. Then one day, I login to see I'm frozen for supposedly "cheating at flash games." Guess It didn't occur to TNT that whoever was stealing from my bank account could be doing other things on my account as well. I'm so sorry you had to deal with Neoboard jerks. They can be quite mean.


A helpful tip to anyone else who might find themselves in a similar situation, returning to an old account without much activity and planning on being active and seeking lends, try to build up your account a tiny bit. Get all the clickable and super cheap avatars, play some games, grab some of the 1np stamps and get a couple of the easy trophies. It shows that you're interested in building your account. As a lender, I've gotten suspicious before when almost empty accounts request super expensive items. Unfortunately, the people who DO scam cause us to have to be super careful and, unfortunately, it can be hard to tell the cheaters from the people who play fair :(


On the neoboards, feel free to report rude messages. It's hard for TNT mods to e everywhere to see what's going on. Harassment is something they usually take pretty seriously, so don't be scared to report people who are being unnecessarily mean.

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Thanks for the response Emily!


I did build my avatars quite a bit. I got up to 180, which, despite what it may sound like, is quite a lot for me. I also went through the altador plot and got all the easy trophies, as well as a bunch of the cheap stamps.

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Good luck getting your account back! People can throw so much vitriol on the boards, it's like high school. I hope the staff who will be handling your ticket won't just send your automatic responses.


Even an user who appears to be trusted can turn out to be a scammer. I've read some accounts of "trustworthy" people self-freezing after getting an item lent. :/

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As if I needed another reason to steer clear of the Neoboards. The only reason I popped in the few times I have was to either ask for help for a Faerie Quest or to advertise a pet. The former I can now do on my side, and the latter I can do through my guild.


I'm sorry you lost your account, and I hope you get it back soon.

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ok so first of all, they can get in major trouble for posting your username. Number two neopets said it froze you for your protection which means someone was trying to hack into your account or purge your account. May take some time but you should get it back, depends on the ticket system. Also welcome back to neopets, time to start working on your account by getting avatars and trophies. Also, stay away from the neoboards. People were rude to me until I got a good avatar and all of a sudden I got the respect everyone should be given.

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UPDATE: So, apparently the person that reported me went around reporting and harassing people randomly and was frozen for it. The account was only a week old with no trophies and 1 avatar. Good news. Hopefully, that means TNT will look into my case and unfreeze me.

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