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BD Weapon Set Help, Please?

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Hey there everyone. I could really use some opinions on my BD set. I feel a bit silly asking but I have been so focused on training since the last plot that I don't really have much knowledge of what my set should consist of at my battling league. My budget is around 10mil, give or take.

Here are my pets stats currently:

Lvl : 303
Str : 605
Def : 606
Mov : 272
Hp : 594 / 603

Here is my current weapon set:

Sword of Reif
Wand of Reality
Velms Healing Potion
Snowglobe Staff
Hanso Charisma Charm
Patched Magic Hat
Parasol of Unfortunate Demise

I would like to upgrade my second constant, being WoR, and was thinking about a small upgrade of Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy as I can't afford/would prefer not to spend another 10.5mil or so on another Anagram Sword. I also was thinking I could use a better shield and have been really considering Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield. Though, I know I could probably use a better freezer too, I think I would prefer to focus on a shield and a better constant. Any opinions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :rolleyes_anim:

Oh, I should also mention that I ONLY do 1-Player battles. :)

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It sounds like you have a good idea of what you want. Those are all good options. The weak point in your set are the shields, and your defense is certainly high enough to make having a good shield worthwhile. If I were you, I would invest in Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, or another good one with full blocking like Faerie Tabard or Shield of Faerieland.


I'm not very familiar with Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy, but I've heard good things about it. I can relate to not being able to spend the NP on an anagram sword!


I agree that you could do with a better freezer. Scroll of Freezing was about the same price as Snowglobe Staff before inflation happened, so you may want to look into that. Also, you might have a good species freezer available like the Ancient Lupe Wand, so check out the species weapons at the Battlepedia to see about that. Or, depending on your intelligence points, Heavy Blue Tunic might be good since it's a little cheaper than the other 100% freezers. If you can't use that to freeze but want a reliable one, H4000 Helmet.


I think you're right on point with your weapon choices. Any of those upgrades would probably serve you well. Good luck!

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You pretty much had me at your stats =)))


So far, I think your set is pretty nice and I think you have a good grasp of what to upgrade to. I suggest if you want a better constant, sell your Wand of Reality and get a Kelpbeards Trident. Since you sold your wand, you're gonna have around 2-3 mil left of your budget. Velms Healing Potion is actually pretty good because your HP is really high. Hanso Charisma Charm and Parasol of Unfortunate Demise are both definite keepers and should serve you really well.


The only upgrade left is for freezer, shield, healer and bomb. For freezer, consider selling your Snowglobe Staff and upgrading to Randomly Firing Freeze Ray (although inflated, it will work well for you), or if you're willing to spend a few neopoints, go for a Heavy Blue Tunic or a Magical Marbles of Mystery for a 100% freeze. For bombs, Ghostkerbomb is the only way to go and you will do TITANIC DAMAGE when you freeze your opponent and then use a bomb + constant. I agree with your decision of Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield because it pairs well with HCC and covers every icon possible when paired with Clawed Shield. I suggest you get those when you have the neopoints. As for healers, you can only go for Bag of Healing Dust, Jade Scorchstone or Leaded Elemental Vial if you want to upgrade. There are species healers but I don't know what your pet's species is or if you would like to keep your pet as is.


But so far, with your stats, you can DOMINATE the possible upcoming war. I'm pretty sure you'll do far better than I (I have a measly 100k set xD) :D Good luck and just mail me or ask here in the forums for any questions you might want to have answered! :D

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