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What?! I've been saying it wrong this entire time. -_-

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With "Pteri", ya need to remember the "p" is silent.

For me, Elephante is just "elephant". Heehee!


Here is how I would pronounce a few of the names:


Aisha - eye-shaa

Draik - draw-awk

Elephante - ella-fan-tay

Eyrie - ear-eee

Gelert - gell-ert

Gnorbu - nor-boo

Grarrl - graw-all

Grundo - groon-dough

Ixi - ick-see

Kau - cow

Lupe - loop

Mynci - min-see

Peophin - po-fin

Tonu - toe-new

Xweetok - ex-wee-talk


Here is how I would pronounce a few of the names:


Aisha - eye-shaa

Draik - draw-k

Elephante - ella-fan-tay

Eyrie - ear-eee

Gelert - gell-ert

Gnorbu - nor-boo

Grarrl - graw-all

Grundo - groon-dough

Ixi - ick-see

Kau - cow

Lupe - loop

Mynci - min-see

Peophin - po-fin

Tonu - toe-new

Xweetok - ex-wee-talk


For me, it's:


Aisha - eye-sha

Draik - drake

Elephante - elephant

Eyrie - ear-eee

Gelert - gell-ert (hard "g" like in "glue")

Gnorbu - nor-boo

Grarrl - as it's seen.

Grundo - grun-dough

Ixi - ick-see

Kau - cow (this is hard to put down)

Lupe - loo-pay

Mynci - min-see

Peophin - pea-o-fin

Tonu - tawn-oo

Xweetok - zwee-talk



  • 2 years later...

Here were my incorrect pronounciations:


Mynci as "meen-ki"

Blumaroo as "bluhm-ah-roo" (not bloom-ah-roo)

Eyrie as "eye-ree" 

Kyrii as "k-eye-ree"

Peophin as "pey-o-phin"

Usul with the same "s" sound as "usual"

Kadoatie as "Ka-doh-ah-tee"


Oh, and until last year I always read "Esophagor" as "Esphagor". I don't know how I subconsciously skipped that "o". 


I'm ashamed to say that for the longest time I completely missed the "a" in Blumaroo, so I just called them Blum-roos, haha.


Also, Grarrl is pronounced "grahl"?? What the heck is that about? What happened to those poor, innocent "r"s?! I was always torn on how to say "Usul", but I guess that's settled now...


Aisha, Elephante, Gelert, Grarrl, there are so many things I've been pronouncing wrong for so lont


I've always pronounced it, EYE-EE-SHA ... |: haha

Same here. 


I don't think I could ever stop saying loop-ay for it. And YAY, other people say Aisha the way I do! :P Hrm, tuskaninny? I think I just do that the way it looks? Tusk- ah -ninny? :D

I think I pronounce Tuskaninny the same way as well.  ;)


Okay, just gonna jot down the ones that I've been saying soooo wrong apparently

I've been pronouncing like follows;


Aisha - {Asia}

Blumaroo - {Bluhm-Ah-Roo}

Elephante - {Ella-Fahnt-Eh} I still think my way is better, plain ol' elephant sounds boring.

Meerca - {Mer-Suh}

Mynci - {Men-See}

Pteri - {Pee-Tree} This one blows my mind how it's really pronounced

Usul - {You-Zul} 


As for the rest, I think I got them all right! (:


You know, I never really even took the time to think about how the names are pronounced.  I'll just keep pronouncing them the way I always have in my head.  I doubt I'd really remember with the correct way was anyway.


I purposely mispronounce Peophin. I too, started off pronouncing it incorrectly. Peh/pay O-fin. But when I saw it's "PROPER" pronunciation, Pee-o-fin. Well, I'm not a big fan of "potty humor", so I still prefer to pronounce it Peh-o-Fin. lol


Heh, I think it's funny to see how people would say it differently. Especially because we have different accents and different main laguages.

I don't think I will ever talk about it to someone though, so I don't need to say the words. But they are pronounced in my head. 

  • 1 year later...

Just stumbled onto this old topic and had to bring it back... I was googling how to pronounce Pteri and found this, but then when I went to the OP's original link there was no pronunciation for Xweetok's and now I'm interested

  • 2 weeks later...

I think it might be pronounced: Zwee-tock. Or at least that's how I'm pronouncing it. I think I pronounce Minci wrong, too. Min-see is how I say it but I think it might be Min-key? Like monkey??

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