Lady Lyuba Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 Any Doctor Who fans out there? I'm sure there's gotta be quire a few of you, and if so...then why hasn't there been a board of this yet? ;) So I thought I'd make one. Feel free to discuss the show here! I'll start.....I have been a Whovian for 6 years, the first episode I saw was "The Unquiet Dead", the 9th being my first Doctor. My favourite Doctor is the Tenth, played by David Tennant *swoon*, and my favourite companion is Donna Noble (And Rose, too). My favourite episode had to be "Partners in Crime", mainly because I found that episode one of the more humorous, and the Adipose creatures were adorable. "I'm waving at fat." XD andaraen, karmacow, tatartot and 1 other 4 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 Heh, I've thought of making a board! :D I am a huuuuge fan of Doctor Who- mostly of the classic series, but I do enjoy the new stuff a lot. :D My favourite Doctors are Two, Six, and Seven. :D They are just all SO lovely. <3 Awww, I absolutely love Donna- she's absolutely amazing. :D I hate how RTD wrote her out though- I think I would have preferred if she had died. D: Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted November 30, 2012 Author Posted November 30, 2012 Heh, I've thought of making a board! :D I am a huuuuge fan of Doctor Who- mostly of the classic series, but I do enjoy the new stuff a lot. :D My favourite Doctors are Two, Six, and Seven. :D They are just all SO lovely. <3 Awww, I absolutely love Donna- she's absolutely amazing. :D I hate how RTD wrote her out though- I think I would have preferred if she had died. D: I know, I don't like how her travelling ended, either. But I'd be equally as sad if she died. And I'm after the classic series, it's harder to come by however, especially since some episodes are "lost". I do know there are tons of DVDs of the classic series. Quote
Rebecca~ Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I know, I don't like how her travelling ended, either. But I'd be equally as sad if she died. And I'm after the classic series, it's harder to come by however, especially since some episodes are "lost". I do know there are tons of DVDs of the classic series. I just hate how she lost all the development she gained. She became such an amazing person who finally saw how fantastic she was, and the Doctor took it all away- against her wishes. Ugh. ;__; I have lots of Donna feels. It can be hard to come by! But you should try Netflicks, if you can (I hear it has a lot of Classic Who on there), or torrents. :D The only stories that are lost are from the first and second Doctors- after that the BBC stopped throwing them out, LOL. And yeah, tonnes of DVDs, since each individual story is released seperately. It definitely makes collecting them look scary, LOL. I have a bookcase mostly full of DW DVDs now. :P Quote
April Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I've actually just started the show and JUST yesterday got to where Rose... goes. And I haven't been able to go on yet. DX I love the 9th Doctor. It makes me sad so many people skip him. DX Lady Lyuba 1 Quote
andaraen Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I started watching the New Who earlier this year after I started hearing some internet reviewers make tons of references to it. (Prior to 2012, I'd never heard of the show!) I've had to slow down on watching, though, 'cause hubby got into it and we've been watching it together. :3 We just finished watching "The Impossible Astronaut" and I think I'm starting to like Matt Smith and/or grow out of my "you're not the real Doctor" phase. (Seriously, how is that still happening to me when I came into the series fully knowing what regeneration is? >.<) I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed about the way Donna Noble was disposed of! She started off as this bitter hateful..thing, but as she traveled with the Doctor, she quickly became my favorite companion. "Turn Left" is one of my favorite episodes, even if the development she got from traveling was gone. I love the 9th Doctor. It makes me sad so many people skip him. DX I love him too. He'd be my favorite if he'd stuck around longer. It make me even more sad that he left to work on things like. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Quote
karmacow Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 Total Whovian right here! I tried watching some of the original episodes, and I wanted to like them, but I don't think they have aged well. My favourite doctor is definitely Tennant. I really like the way he interprets The Doctor, all aloof and very in his head and subtle. He's also very charming and handsome. Eccleston did a fine job as well. but I'm not big on Matt Smith - if I didn't know any better, I'd think he was drunk most of the time. But I have accepted him and his quirks. Plus he's very good at wearing a bow tie. Amy Pond is hands down my favourite companion. Maybe it's the Scottishness and the red hair (I have a weakness for these qualities), but I like her a lot. I also loved the way she first met The Doctor. It was so sweet :) I have trouble with Catherine Tate in Doctor Who, only because I keep thinking of her work as a comedian. I like her, but she's so out of place in the Doctor Who universe in my mind. My all time favourite episodes are the ones with the angels. DON'T BLINK! And those that involve the daleks. And the ones where they go back in time to see historical figures, like Agatha Christie and Vincent van Gogh. Least favourite thing is the sporadic manner in which we get new episodes :( EDIT: Wanted to "like" this thread, but I'm out of likes :( Quote
Rebecca~ Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I've actually just started the show and JUST yesterday got to where Rose... goes. And I haven't been able to go on yet. DX I love the 9th Doctor. It makes me sad so many people skip him. DX Nine is so awesome- I hate that he only got one season. :( -patpat- Doomsday is pretty heartwrenching, but it's okay, you can keep going. You have some amazing stories and companions ahead of you! I started watching the New Who earlier this year after I started hearing some internet reviewers make tons of references to it. (Prior to 2012, I'd never heard of the show!) I've had to slow down on watching, though, 'cause hubby got into it and we've been watching it together. :3 We just finished watching "The Impossible Astronaut" and I think I'm starting to like Matt Smith and/or grow out of my "you're not the real Doctor" phase. (Seriously, how is that still happening to me when I came into the series fully knowing what regeneration is? >.<) I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed about the way Donna Noble was disposed of! She started off as this bitter hateful..thing, but as she traveled with the Doctor, she quickly became my favorite companion. "Turn Left" is one of my favorite episodes, even if the development she got from traveling was gone. I love him too. He'd be my favorite if he'd stuck around longer. It make me even more sad that he left to work on things like. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Ugh, I feel you for hating that he went to go work on G.I.Joe. But at least he'll be in the Thor sequel- it looks awesome. And yes, Doooooonna. D: Whywhywhy ;_; Total Whovian right here! I tried watching some of the original episodes, and I wanted to like them, but I don't think they have aged well. My favourite doctor is definitely Tennant. I really like the way he interprets The Doctor, all aloof and very in his head and subtle. He's also very charming and handsome. Eccleston did a fine job as well. but I'm not big on Matt Smith - if I didn't know any better, I'd think he was drunk most of the time. But I have accepted him and his quirks. Plus he's very good at wearing a bow tie. Amy Pond is hands down my favourite companion. Maybe it's the Scottishness and the red hair (I have a weakness for these qualities), but I like her a lot. I also loved the way she first met The Doctor. It was so sweet :) I have trouble with Catherine Tate in Doctor Who, only because I keep thinking of her work as a comedian. I like her, but she's so out of place in the Doctor Who universe in my mind. My all time favourite episodes are the ones with the angels. DON'T BLINK! And those that involve the daleks. And the ones where they go back in time to see historical figures, like Agatha Christie and Vincent van Gogh. Least favourite thing is the sporadic manner in which we get new episodes :( EDIT: Wanted to "like" this thread, but I'm out of likes :( Alas, the sporradic nature of the episode is the BBC trying to have a US-like season. :/ They're trying to stretch out their 13 episodes from September to April, or whatever. It was better when they'd just have 12 episodes in the spring, and then the Christmas special. VINCENT, omg. I love that episode so much. I have seen it so many times, and I weep each and every time. It's so lovely and heartbreaking. And yeah, some of the Classic stories are definitely hard to watch with a modern eye (-cough- Invasion of the Dinosaurs, I'm looking at you!), but others are amazing. The Aztecs, The Tomb of the Cybermen, Battlefield, City of Death, the Mark of the Rani, and the Five Doctors are just fantastic. They have good pacing, an excellent story, fantastic companion/Doctor teams, and decent special effects. It can be hard to watch wobbly walls and special effects made on a five pound budget, but the people that worked on Who really loved the show, and did what they could. :3 Quote
Emily Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I love the new ones, and I've been watching some of the old Baker ones too. They're... charming in their own special way xD Rebecca~, karmacow, Wildbreeze and 1 other 4 Quote
tatartot Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 I LOVE Doctor Who. I've been watching the new series since it started back in 2005 (and I STILL haven't grown out of my "Tennant is the real Doctor and Matt Smith is cool but just no" phase... ;P) and I'm addicted. I've never really been an Amy fan - it was Rose that totally stole my heart so all the episodes she returned in were definitely my favorite. Quote
neon_nightingale Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Count me in as another Doctor Who fan!! I love the Ten era - David Tennant is easily my favourite doctor and I adored Donna as a companion - she was like a breath of fresh air for me - and of course she had Wilf as a grandfather! I also have a soft spot Martha. I did like 9 as well - it's a shame his stint was so short. I have to admit that Doctor Who doesn't quite hook me now as much as it did during Tennant's era. Matt Smith's a good doctor but Amy took me a while to click with - it only really happened when we saw Rory (who I love!) more - he brought out the best in her I think. It's funny - just as I was really start to warm to Amy and when they introduced Rory's dad (who is adorable) - that's when the Ponds left. The stories haven't grabbed me as much either - although there have been some stand out episodes like, as someone mentioned, Vincent and The Doctor's Wife. Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted December 1, 2012 Author Posted December 1, 2012 But at least he'll be in the Thor sequel- it looks awesome. Oh, I know - he's going to be the main villain. This Dark Elf guy. *uncontrollably excited* But let me not get off topic! :laughingsmiley: I love the new ones, and I've been watching some of the old Baker ones too. They're... charming in their own special way xD HAHAHAHA, that picture!!! *rofl* Quote
Catzi Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Woo~ Doctor Who! Completely agree about Donna. She just reverted back to being clueless and super annoying. :( Rose was definitely my favorite. I do like the Doctor and Amy relationship, and though it's sad that she's left, I like how Amy left. It was well done and very fitting for her character. Mostly, it was just nice to have a non-romantic relationship between Doctor and Companion. I don't know about the old series, but all the recent companions are always attracted to the Doctor. So irritating- it's rare to see a platonic relationship between male and female on TV these days. Anyway, I'm excited to see the new companion. Come on Christmas special! Is the old series worth watching? I've heard mixed reviews. If I were to watch one of them, which might be the best doctor to watch? There are a few specials on Netflix. Quote
Rebecca~ Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Is the old series worth watching? I've heard mixed reviews. If I were to watch one of them, which might be the best doctor to watch? There are a few specials on Netflix. YESYESYES. SO much YES to that. Some of the stories are hard to get through, I will say that. They were streched out over seven half-hour episodes, when they only really needed four. Some of the special effects are really, really, really bad. And some of the companions are annoying- they have awesome traits too, but it can be hard to see them, and some people just always hate them. But the stories- the STORIES, They make the classic series, really. The writers came up with such amazing stories. And they did so much on such a limited budget! The production team saw that they had a 10 pound budget for an entire multi-episode story, and said, 'Whatever, we are going to make this the BEST we can.' And they did. The actors play the parts SO well, and they believe it, so you believe it too. They visit so many other planets, and see aliens that really are aliens. They had fantastic companions- schoolteahers! a highlander from the past! a brilliant young woman from the future! a bonanist! another Time Lord! an awesome lady who likes to make things explode! an alien that was trying to kill the doctor! a mouth on legs! THE BRIGADIER! his granddaughter! AND MORE. The way all of these different individuals deal with each crisis, and their relationships with the Doctor, make this show SO wonderful, and each actor BELIEVED in it. I would be happy to give you any recs you want. But seriously, I can not recommend the classic series enough. They are just SO amazing. It's hard to kind of tell you which Doctor to start with- everyone has different tastes- one of the most popular of the classic Doctors is my least favourite. One of my favourites is the one that is normally panned by everyone. The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) is almost universally loved- the quinisential Doctor, some say. His first story, Robot, is a tonne of fun. Another one of his stories, City of Death, is cracky fun that was written by Douglas Adams. I would recommend watching the first episode of the classic series- An Unearthly Child. But just the first episode- the other three episodes in the story are rubbish, haha. The pilot though, is fantasic. So well done. One is kind of a jerk, but he mellows- The Aztecs and The Romans are fantastic stories that show his companions off really well, and show him to be the cute little old man that he ends up being. :D I'm babbling. I really love this stuff, okay? What I did, and what I kind of recommend other people to do, is just watch one story from each of the Doctors. You can get a taste for the Doctor (it may change- it probably will, actually), and see where you want to go from there. You may find that you really don't like a certain era (The first three Doctors have longer stories for the most part- 6 or more episodes, rather than the standard 4 episodes that the Fourth Doctor onwards tend to have. The first two Doctors are all in black and white, and have some stories missing (either entirely, or just an episode here and there) thanks to the BBC. The 80s have some really cheesy special effects and costumes, etc). But at least you have a feel for them. You can go back and dip your toes in those uncertain waters again at another time, but if you feel really strongly for one of the Doctors, just keep going with them! There are what, 26 seasons of Classic Who? 159 seperate stories (and a movie!) for the eight Doctors that preceed the RTD era. Enjoy them. :3 Quote
Catzi Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 a mouth on legs!Just for that, you have me sold. I'm going to try to find some good old Doctors. :) Quote
Rebecca~ Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Just for that, you have me sold. I'm going to try to find some good old Doctors. :) :D Hooray!(The mouth on legs was figurative, not literal, alas, haha. Tegan is a lot of fun, and doesn't take any nonsense from anyone- hence why she discribes her self as thus. :P) Quote
eightbitdimwit Posted December 8, 2012 Posted December 8, 2012 I watched the 4th doctor as a child with my father, then fell in love with the 9th, 10th, and 11th doctor on my own later in life. I might give up the show after watching this year's season, though I'm only a few episodes in right now (I forget between seasons when I get busy). I always loved it because it appealed to the inner child, but the writing is now reading more like it's supposed to appeal to actual children. I don't have the heart to watch such a show be polluted by some hack who thinks dinosaurs that act like dogs and fetch belong in Doctor Who. Amy Pond meeting The Doctor was beautiful, sensitive, and kooky and is what a season opener should aspire to be (what the show has been about for some time, too, with different actors and writers trying to express this in different ways). The Daleks being too stupid to fix their own problem was unimpressive, Amy and Rory's fight and forgiveness was half-assed, and the episode had nothing in it for me until the very end. I'm on episode three and pretty much zero feels have been had. I guess I'll watch a few more episodes just to be safe. Quote
Rebecca~ Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 I watched the 4th doctor as a child with my father, then fell in love with the 9th, 10th, and 11th doctor on my own later in life. I might give up the show after watching this year's season, though I'm only a few episodes in right now (I forget between seasons when I get busy). I always loved it because it appealed to the inner child, but the writing is now reading more like it's supposed to appeal to actual children. I don't have the heart to watch such a show be polluted by some hack who thinks dinosaurs that act like dogs and fetch belong in Doctor Who. Amy Pond meeting The Doctor was beautiful, sensitive, and kooky and is what a season opener should aspire to be (what the show has been about for some time, too, with different actors and writers trying to express this in different ways). The Daleks being too stupid to fix their own problem was unimpressive, Amy and Rory's fight and forgiveness was half-assed, and the episode had nothing in it for me until the very end. I'm on episode three and pretty much zero feels have been had. I guess I'll watch a few more episodes just to be safe. I have also been pretty unimpressed with this season (and last season too, actually), though Dinosaurs on a Spaceship has been my favourite just because of the adorable character moments (and hey, dinosaurs!). I have high hopes for the Christmas special though- it looks fantastic from the preview. :) So hold out until that at least. Quote
Wildbreeze Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 I just started watching the 2005 season on Thursday. I'm on the 4th episode. I already love it. :) My friends that are super-Whovians just about died when I told them I'm watching it. Quote
andaraen Posted December 10, 2012 Posted December 10, 2012 Hubby and I are still getting through the older episodes of New Who on Netflix (we just watched the one with Stormageddon, Dark Lard of All last night) and I'm really starting to get annoyed at Amy's monologue at the beginning of every single episode. It might be just me, but it gives the impression that the show is about her, not the Doctor. Quote
eightbitdimwit Posted December 10, 2012 Posted December 10, 2012 I finished the latest, and I'm still pretty disappointed and sense a distinct difference that I don't like at all. There were always little things I didn't like, but it was always in such small quantities as to be entirely forgettable. There was one cute conversation in The Power of Three: "You're thinking of stopping, aren't you? You and Rory." "No. No, I mean, we haven't made a decision..." "But you're considering it." "Maybe. I don't know. We don't know. Well, our lives have changed so much. But there was a time - there were years - when I couldn't live without you. Um... When just the whole everyday thing would drive me crazy. But since you dropped us back here, since you gave us this house, you know, we've built a life. I don't know if I can have both." "Why?" "Because... they pull at each other. Because they pull at me, and because the travelling is starting to feel like running away." "That's not what it is." "Oh, come on. Look at you, four days in a lounge and you go crazy." "I'm not running away. But this is one corner, of one country, in one continent, on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying, and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And there is so much - so much! - to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things, I'm running to them. Before they flare and fade forever. And it's all right. Our lives won't run the same. They can't. One day, soon, maybe... you'll stop. I've known for awhile." "Then why do you keep coming back for us?" "Because you were the first. The first face this face saw. And you're seared onto my hearts... Amelia Pond. You always will be. I'm running to you. And Rory. Before you... fade from me." but except for The Angels Take Manhattan, which was okay, it was a complete letdown for me. Quotes from Moffat I found on the Wikipedia page: According to Dan Martin of The Guardian, Moffat stated that the goal of the series is "compressed storytelling"; Martin remarked that "Asylum of the Daleks" told more than some of the four-parters in the classic series. A.K.A. Less time for all those little human moments and passing characters that give the real meat of the drama and sentiment their weight, and more dinosaurs acting like dogs and mighty Daleks being unable to solve simple problems on their own that aren't even related to their excessively logical, computer-like reasoning or their creepy death culture. Moffat has stated that the seventh series will be the opposite of the arc-driven nature of the sixth, consisting of mainly stand-alone stories. This was inspired by fan reactions to the title of "Let's Kill Hitler" when it was revealed at the end of "A Good Man Goes to War" with no plot details; he told the writers of the seventh series to "slut it up" with "big, huge, mad ideas" and "write it like a movie poster. A.K.A. Less long-term culmination and more short-term hype. I can't wait for a show that made me feel from the depths of my heart to be "slutted up" like a big, showy movie poster. -_- Quote
Rebecca~ Posted December 10, 2012 Posted December 10, 2012 I finished the latest, and I'm still pretty disappointed and sense a distinct difference that I don't like at all. There were always little things I didn't like, but it was always in such small quantities as to be entirely forgettable. There was one cute conversation in The Power of Three: [/background][/size][/font][/color] but except for The Angels Take Manhattan, which was okay, it was a complete letdown for me. Quotes from Moffat I found on the Wikipedia page: A.K.A. Less time for all those little human moments and passing characters that give the real meat of the drama and sentiment their weight, and more dinosaurs acting like dogs and mighty Daleks being unable to solve simple problems on their own that aren't even related to their excessively logical, computer-like reasoning or their creepy death culture. A.K.A. Less long-term culmination and more short-term hype. I can't wait for a show that made me feel from the depths of my heart to be "slutted up" like a big, showy movie poster. -_- Yeah, I think Moffat has made a mistake to compress so much- what is wrong with doing two-parters? Ugh. It feels so compressed that the human reactions to what is going on basically aren't there. [spoilers for A Good Man Goes to War/Asylum of the Daleks] Where is the PTSD from Amy? She was treated abominably by Madam Kavorian- imprision, a forced pregnancy, and then the kidnapping of that baby. We get a single comment about telling the Doctor to keep looking for Melody, and that's IT. It seems so artificial, and not like how an actual person would react. Later, Amy responds to this by dumping Rory becuase she can't have children anymore, and then it's all resolved in just a moment, and there are no hard feelings? Ugh. Watching the last season or so of New Who makes me wish that the writers of Fringe could go over and teach them some tips. Horrible, traumatic things happen in Fringe- and we get people TALKING about how it makes them feel- some people actually mention they're seeking therapy! OMG. We get character development because people talk about feelings. But I suppose there isn't time for such a pesky thing in Who, not when you have compressed storytelling! Er. I didn't intend that to be a rant, LOL. Quote
Zooba Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 I just recently watched the new seasons last June, starting with the 2005 one with the 9th Doctor. I loved the 9th Doctor, and I felt like David Tennant really pulled off the transformation into the 10th Doctor. They both have the the character, like you can really believe that the same Doctor is talking through a different body. Matt Smith is good I suppose, but it feels like the Doctor I've come to know and love has gotten a complete personality transplant. 9th and 10th doctors are my favorites, it's a tie. Favorite companion is definitely Rose. I think Amy and Rory have stuck around too long and am hoping that now that they've left, the series will get a bit better. The last season has seemed so pond-centric, going on and on about Amy and Rory's relationship and their daughter. I preferred it when the focus was more on the Doctor's relationships with his friends and companions, not the companion's relationships with each other... He was in love with Rose, Martha loved him and left him, he was close to Donna, and you could tell that he missed her a lot when she left. Now he's a bystander watching Amy and Rory's drama, popping in every once in a while, they're not living with him anymore. It's like we no longer get to see the Doctor's life and adventures, we only get to see the adventures he has with the Pond's. Unlike before when the companion was always with the doctor and he didn't go off having adventures without the companion. Also the whole childish immaturity that is supposedly the 11th doctor's character trait that comes with his new incarnation is beyond annoying. The flashes of wisdom that (supposedly) come from his age and experience actually shock me sometimes, seeing as he acts like an 8 year old most of the time now. karmacow 1 Quote
andaraen Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 An internet reviewer I watch regularly did a retrospective on all eleven Doctors. If you're interested, have a look at Quote
karmacow Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 An internet reviewer I watch regularly did a retrospective on all eleven Doctors. If you're interested, have a look at http://thatguywithth...-the-11-doctors That was really interesting, thanks for sharing :) And give yourself a symbolic thumbs up, because I'm out of likes. Quote
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