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Anthro World

Guest Unequaledpyro

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"Where's who?" asked Ayde walking out of the kitchen.

"Lyed, this is my sister Ayde, I found her today downtown." Levy said.

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Carol Ann came running up soon after Lyed finished his sentence and whispered something into Levy's ear. He then got incredibly furious.

He grabbed Lyed by the throat, "How dare you visit my father's grave with the intention to desecrate his remains. Come near me or my family again and I will not hesitate to kill you." He picked up Lyed by the neck and threw him into the street.

Ayde came to Lyed and whispered, "I only allowed you to see where I was." She swiped her right hand across his face and cut his cheek slightly. His right sandy tan colored eye returned to its normal color, "Stay away from me, or you will suffer a fate far worse than death itself." she added, walking into the house.

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"I think i know that fate" said Lyed He threw a chain and grabbed Ayde, and stared her in the eye "Death and Ayde" He said and flew off leaving her in chains.

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Levy didn't hesitate, as soon as Lyed took to the sky, he started launching fire blasts right at him. Missing ihm by mere inches, before he disappeared.

The chains entangling Ayde simply dropped off when she stood up, "Let's go inside." she said looking up at the sky.

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Lyed opened a bottle of water, and lifted the water into the air without touching it, and spread it over his chest it started glowing and the area where he was impaled was healed. He turned the water into ice spikes, and through them at Levy just missing him on purpose "Don't mess with me i know you can do stuff with fire".

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Ayde walked out of the door and confronted him, "Why can't you just leave? Haven't you caused enough damage to this city already?"

Levy walked out the door, "If it wasn't for you, Dalasis would be dead already and his horrible tyranny over this city would have ended. It is because of you that small businesses must raise their prices to compensate for the enourmous payment of protection money they must give to Dalasis or his goons will rob them constantly. Now his protection prices are higher than ever so he can pay more security. The entire city is suffering, because of you."

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"Oh you think the Don is still alive guess who just climbed out of a sewer he is dead and its all because of three words," Lyed said "Death and Ayde".

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"I had nothing to do with his death, even though I did want to kill him for what he did to my daddy." Ayde responded.

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Lyed laughed a little "You mean you don't know,you didn't kill shadow in the sewers you killied the Don some how he switched they found the don's body about 10 minutes ago".

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Ayde cringed in stupidity, "Damn it all, I wanted to make him suffer. Oh well, you will just have to do."

She grabbed his head with her hands and gave him a stare which bore his soul clean out of his body.

Lyed was forced into the open, where time had stopped and he could see his body and Ayde still grasping his head staring into his eyes. Then he heard her voice, You have tormented my brother and my cousin for the last time. From this moment on you will not exist. No one will remember your existence and no one will be able to hear or see you. You are now to suffer a fate worse than death. You are a lost soul.

The Lyde's body faded into dust and circled Ayde, forming an imprint in her right arm that appeared to be a fire breathing dragon with wings.

Only I will see you and only I will hear you, whether I choose to return you to the material world will be only up to me. You brought this on yourself, you decided not to heed our warnings now this is your punishment. You are damned to wander this world forever, unable to die and unable to live.

Then the time returned to normal and Levy looked around, "What were we doing just now?"

"Oh nothing, just enjoying the afternoon sun." Ayde lied.

"Well let's go back inside." Levy replied.

Ayde turned to Lyed, who only she could see and hear, and she smiled and whispered, "Have fun." then she went inside.

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Lyed looked at a sewer he spun the water up around him he was now amde of water, he went through the door to Levy's house and saw Ayed. "Her arm!!", "I pulled it off i gave her the mark of the dragon", "Odd i'm the water dragon and this is the mark of the fire dragon" "It can't be i have her power but onlyif i can get into her body and to that mar then i'm back in my bod.... and she can hear every word i say".Lyed went towards Ayde's body about to go into it I can control blood its one of the many fluids i can...i hope then i can blend in and flow straight to the mark.

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Her soul came partially out of her body and forced his soul right through the ground and back up.

"Now you can't fly, or manipulate ANY object in the material world." she said to him and only to him, while her body continued her usual routine.

Then Ayde thrust her soul arm through his soul and launched him clear to the other side of the country.

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"That girl is a huge fool", "you can't just take away a dragons power he said in a stream he zapped the water and he was back in Levy's kitchen. "Hey Ayed" he said as he stuck his claws into her chest he took out her soul,time had frozen all was black,"I challenge you to a battle".

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"You don't know when to give up do you? Very well, but remember. In the spiritual world, I RULE!" she shouted, turning the ground around her into an ocean. Then she thrust her arm up and an enormous wave emerged.

"I still have your body and you abilities." she said before crushing him in the wave.

"What are you going to do huh? Even if you manage to defeat me, there is no way to return to your past self. Only I can bring you back. Keep that in mind young Lyed."

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"Hahaha" Lyed swung out his arm and his claws turned to ice he scped Ayed and kept doing it until she was covered in blood. "You will never be as good as me", "I know how to dodge every move with water." "Oh," "i'm sorry, for everything" "And if we stop now i can show you how to use your power to its fullest," Lyed held out his hand and a dark gass started coming out it surounded Ayde and started suffecating her. "I'll take this away when you agree to training and give me my body back," "Did i mention you can't get out of this cloud".

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Ayde was able to mutter one word, "Daddy."

Suddenly a flash of blue fire blasted the dome to scraps of glass and shrapnel.

There stood a tall fox with black as night fur and an angry stare to kill all opposition. His eyes were both sandy tan colored and he wielded a a black sword, the Sword of the Damned.

"How dare you!!! I, Drale, son of Satan himself, will destroy you!!!" he said, the most evil filled the cloudy darkness of the realm they were in.

"May the Sword of the Damned rip your soul to pieces like butter!" he said. And before Lyed could react, his wings were cut clean off and Drale stood right behind him.

"You are too slow." Drale said.

Then the Sword of the Damned bore a hole right through the middle of Lyed's soul, quickly cutting up through to his shoulder.

"You endangered my daughter and now you shall pay with your life!"


((Again, this is all random. But Ayde summoned her deceased father to protect her. And because he is not bound by a body, he cannot be harmed at all. All Lyed can do is beg. :evil: ))


Ayde took advantage and returned to Earth. But she was given a new hair color, black, while the rest of her fur remained the orange-tan color like Levy.

Levy saw this new hair color immediately and brought Ayde to the basement.

In the basement there was a large structure surrounded by five claw-like pillars.

"Levy, what is this?" asked Ayde.

"This is the reason Dad didn't want us down here, it is a meditation cell. Let me demonstrate." replied Levy walking between the pillars surrounding the middle of the circle.

Levy sat down and the pillars began to glow with a bright orange intensity. Then Levy began to levitate, then several unknown markings on his arms, face and legs began to glow. The markings seemed to be demonic and she has never seen them before. It made Ayde wonder what hidden markings cover her body and what would they mean.

Levy then opened his eyes and he stood up, "It let's me focus my abilities without putting myself or others in danger. It has taught me all I know. Now it is your turn"

Ayde walked to the center of the pillars and sat down. Immediately, she was taken to a world of her own. She wondered what to do next. Then a voice boomed into the world, "So, Daughter of Drale, I wondered when I would see you..."

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Lyed laughed "Your daughter has power so all i can do is surrender" he fell to the ground.As he fell he muttred a few words "Drale goodbye,forever" He stared into the spirits eyes Lyeds eyes started glowing a bright red,a red beam shot into Drales eyes he dissapeared "Lets see her call upon you again".Lyed stuck his hand into his chest and was now back in an open doorway infront of Levy's house I have got to get back to my body.

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((I kinda added alot while you were typing I guess. Sorry. And I am incredibly confused by your post too, it doesn't make sense at all.))

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