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Step 1: Pick a mask and head to the Wheel of Misfortune.

Step 2: Next, visit the Spooky Foods Shop.

Step 3: The next step leads to the Haunted Weaponry.

Step 4: Head to Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors

Step 5: Brave going to the Game Graveyard.

Step 6: Take a turn and head to Castle Nox.

Step 7: Lastly, head back to Saskia!



Bonus day solution! Love the prizes and the new bg(s)! Excellent trick or treating!


So that's for the last day? It didn't work for me... My first clue from Saskia says:

Find a shadow of a Gelert lurking in the Woods.


Going to the Slushie Shop didn't do anything. =/


[edit] Ah, I see it got fixed. Cool. =)


Oh my gosh, I just love love love all the prizes. I don't know whether to open the bags or sell, or perhaps save them in my SDB in hopes that they might inflate this time next year? I'm new to item investing, so IDK. Love the backgrounds and bags though. So cute! I'm glad TNT made it to where everyone could participate. You'd think something like this would be a NC only quest.


Wow, how cool!! I'm glad I got to participate in this, it was cool ;v;


Dunno if I wanna open the trick-or-treat bags, ahhh! :O


Most of the profit will come from the backgrounds that you can win from the bags. The bags themselves stay buyable for a really long time. The ones from three years ago are 40k, where as some of the backgrounds from that year are in the 300k range.


Last years Halloween bags are around 20k - their background counterpart, again, in the 250-300k (depending on the bg)


So, the backgrounds that were given out were random? (the ones from the trick-or-treat bags?) I'm kinda confused and new to item investment. Sorry if this is off-topic. If it is, could I possibly message you?


The prizes are epic!! So pleased I didn't forget to do it every day.


I decided to open my Magax bag and I got the Background and a book Ellos hadn't read yet ^^ yey!!


I had to have the bags for my gallery so I went ahead and dropped the money on them, but am still trying to hunt down the one background. The prizes are fantastic this year! I really like them. :D


:D I enjoyed this. I love the backgrounds. Now I'm debating opening my bags, hoping for the backgrounds or just buying the ones I want.


I opened mine and no background.

Though I found 2 wearables: Ghost Torch and Cute Dark Wig.


I decided to open mine and I got:

Games Graveyard Silhouette Background

Spooky Tower Entrance

Wheel of Misfortune Silhouette Background

Ghostkerchief Plushie

Ghostly Torch

Halloween Ixi Plushie

Halloween Meerca Plushie

Halloween Safety Procedures x2

Ghost Wrap x3

Slime-Frosted Pretzel

Gooey Bug Soup


I decided to open mine and I got:

Games Graveyard Silhouette Background

Spooky Tower Entrance

Wheel of Misfortune Silhouette Background

Ghostkerchief Plushie

Ghostly Torch

Halloween Ixi Plushie

Halloween Meerca Plushie

Halloween Safety Procedures x2

Ghost Wrap x3

Slime-Frosted Pretzel

Gooey Bug Soup

You inspired me to open mines!

Ghostly Torchx2

Halloween Safety Proceduresx2

Spooky Tower Entrancex2

Halloween Ixi Plushie

Wheel of Misfortune Silhouette Background


The Ixi Ghost Legendx2


Haunted Diary

Nox Castle Silhouette Background

EDIT: I decided to buy some more and I got lucky. I pulled 9 silhouettes.


LOVE the prizes!!! I opened three of my bags and am happy with the prizes. Still debating on opening the others... I"m not usually lucky in Neo with things like this. lol


SO happy about the prizes. I've been wanting the Haunted Wood Foreground for a super long time! And I, too, am having some difficulties deciding if I'm going to open my bags or not. :P


I'm opening all of my bags! I'm so excited! :D


Wheel of Misfortune Trick-or-Treat Bag

-Halloween Meerca Plushie

-Haunted Diary


Haunted Weaponry Trick-or-Treat Bag

-Halloween Ixi Plushiex2


Prigpants Trick-or-Treat Bag

-Halloween Meerca Plushie

-Ghostly Torch


Magax Trick-or-Treat Bag

-Spooky Tower Entrance

-Ghost Wrap


Castle Nox Trick-or-Treat Bag

-Halloween Meerca Plushiex2


So, lots of plushies! Haha. Wish I got a Silhouette background, but oh well! -pops everything in to my SDB-


I decided to open them all. Curiosity got the better of me! :)


Wheel of Misfortune Trick-or-Treat Bag

Cute Dark Wig

Ghostkerchief Plushie


Haunted Weaponry Trick-or-Treat Bag

Halloween Meerca Plushie

The Ixi Ghost Legend

Stale Candy Blade

Haunted Weapon Silhouette Background


Prigpants Trick-or-Treat Bag

Cute Dark Wig

Ghost Wrap

Tombstone Cupcake


Magax Trick-or-Treat Bag

Halloween Ixi Plushie (x2)

Games Graveyard Silhouette Background


Castle Nox Trick-or-Treat Bag

Ghostkerchief Plushie

Spooky Tower Entrance


I'm happy with that. Lots of great prizes!


Has anyone opened their trick or treat bags yet? If so, What did you get?

Spooky food, spooky books, a wig and some background.


By the way, has anyone else gotten Games Graveyard Silhouette Background yet?

There are none on the TP or AH. Searching on the shop wiz gets this:


Searching for:




I did not find anything. :( Please try again and I will search elsewhere!


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