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Lenny Conundrum? No..? :(


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It said in the news yesterday it would be out today, but the page hasn't been updated with a new one and there's no mention of it in todays news :'(


Has anyone else been waiting on the edge of their seat or is it just me?

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I always thought they announced it in the news :S Not today though, which makes me think it wont be happening tonight. *refreshes page like a madwoman anyway*


When I read the news yesterday I thought they might be changing the day of the release, which would make things harder, but better I think in the long-run.


Perhaps the smartest person at the office is just off sick this week? :P


I feel like the new LC is late a lot of the time. I've been forgetting to participate the last few weeks. I need to start doing them again.


If you already have the avatar you should give the rest of us a chance! D:

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Lol I never do it fast enough to be in the top whatever it is. But I do like to see if I can get them right in general.


Ohh okay, I thought you might be like one of those Kad overfeeders but with the LC xP


Congrats on managing to get it in the first place though! I always to forget or am too stupid to know the answer x)

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I actually answered it pretty fast once, within 10 mins! But it was easy so I was beaten!


I've done that as well :'( /weeps. So rubbish when that happens!


Thing is with the Conundrum is that as soon as someone knows the answer they could tell someone else who tells someone else.. etc (even though that's against the rules). I've been told there's also sites that give out answers :( I'd like to win honestly, please! lol.


Doesn't look like it's happening tonight :/ I've been refreshing the page since news and naught has happened. D'oh...

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I always forget to check Lenny Conundrum & Better than You when they are first released, perhaps that's why I haven't gotten either avatar yet. I always find them very difficult though, or maybe that's just because the first one I played in a such a long time was the one that didn't get solved for like a month!

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I always forget to check Lenny Conundrum & Better than You when they are first released, perhaps that's why I haven't gotten either avatar yet. I always find them very difficult though, or maybe that's just because the first one I played in a such a long time was the one that didn't get solved for like a month!


You should put an alarm on your phone or something that reminds you :) For the past few (understatement XD) weeks I've just been like to my .. roommate now I guess, "WHATDAYISIT?!?!" and whatever day he says I'm like "Lenny Conundrum in X days!!!!" ... still haven't managed that avvie though XP


The Better Than You this month was pretty easy, and I think there was one a few weeks ago that was as well. I agree though they're normally like INSANE :O Keep checking and I'm sure there will be one you can get soon ^_^. If you're on the forums on a wednesday and the news posts go up that means the new one just came out :3

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the conundrum is always updated when i'm asleep D: so i've won, but not usually fast enough for the avatar or prize... so lately i haven't made an effort.


hope they update soonish.. but its probably going to be tomorrow. i've noticed they have been delaying them lately too.


except for that one puzzle no-one got for like.. 3 rounds :P that was probably a huge help to the person who does them xD

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No new LC today :(


"Our Lenny Conundrum judge is quite sick and cannot do the conundrum this week. :'( To make up for it, please enjoy these quality spyder and web smilies as promised by this week's Editorial!





I feel awful!!! I said maybe the person was sick earlier as a joke and it's true D: *feels somehow responsible*

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You should put an alarm on your phone or something that reminds you :) For the past few (understatement XD) weeks I've just been like to my .. roommate now I guess, "WHATDAYISIT?!?!" and whatever day he says I'm like "Lenny Conundrum in X days!!!!" ... still haven't managed that avvie though XP



That's actually a good idea, and something I've been advising others to do to remind them of other things, like Turmy. Maybe I should take my own advice :P So I am setting up my Ical as we speak so hopefully this week I'll be on top of it!

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That's actually a good idea, and something I've been advising others to do to remind them of other things, like Turmy. Maybe I should take my own advice :P So I am setting up my Ical as we speak so hopefully this week I'll be on top of it!


Turmy isn't random apparently! There's a petpage that's been predicting it for years that my friend showed me - I cant remember the addresss, I'll have to get it off him again.

Cool! I wish you the best of luck :)


*still feels bad about the illness thing* DX

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This one? http://www.neopets.com/~brownhownd

I find that it's not always accurate. I often forget to check it, despite having a link to it in my browser, so I can't say how often it's accurate.


Yes! That's the one :)


My friend used it to get the avatar and he said it was perf, but I have no idea.

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This one? http://www.neopets.com/~brownhownd

I find that it's not always accurate. I often forget to check it, despite having a link to it in my browser, so I can't say how often it's accurate.


It is accurate, but remember that Turmy dosen't wakes up for everyone.

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I never know there are time when the lenny will be up. I thought it's random in the day.

I haven't done it or the better than you for ages.


The Lenny Conundrum comes out with the news on Wednesdays, as does Better Then You :)

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