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Isn't this right? I've pressed the clear all button like five times and re-done it.. :sad01_anim:

Sorry to cause so much trouble.


You left three white symbols but they must be purple. ;)



solution (scroll back a few pages for the code key i use here)


R3 R1 B3

Y2 B1 Y3

R2 Y1 B2


yours was pretty easy, let me know if you have issues, again if you complete it, please post your prize in the prize thread! :D good luck!



Hey thanks! Here's my prize: *drum roll*


The negg slowly opens, revealing a prize!



Quintilc Throwing Star


This prize is now in your inventory.


your grid is missing colors, so you have all the shapes in :) but they all need to be colored not just with the image :)




hope that helps clarify what i mean by all the squares colored (and thats your solution too, so just copy what i did :D )


and its no problem at all, this is a help thread ^_^ hope it makes a little more sense! when i first started these it was gibberish to me too :P




your solution:


R1 B1 Y2

B2 Y3 R3

B3 R2 Y1


hope that helps, if you can edit your original post if it did work? :) if not, please let me know :) good luck!

You left three white symbols but they must be purple. ;)


How dumb am I really? haha D:



I got:

Soothing Stones


Thank you guys so much for the help ^^



Isn't this right? I've pressed the clear all button like five times and re-done it.. :sad01_anim:

Sorry to cause so much trouble.


your grid is missing colors, so you have all the shapes in :) but they all need to be colored not just with the image :)




hope that helps clarify what i mean by all the squares colored (and thats your solution too, so just copy what i did :D )


and its no problem at all, this is a help thread ^_^ hope it makes a little more sense! when i first started these it was gibberish to me too :P


Can someone please help me with this puzzle? ^-^ http://i1154.photobu...su/d99ca455.png (I'm really bad at these >.> lol)


your solution:


R1 B1 Y2

B2 Y3 R3

B3 R2 Y1


hope that helps, if you can edit your original post if it did work? :) if not, please let me know :) good luck!


Hello everyone :) Need help with todays puzzle please, i was able to get it yesterday, but when they start overlapping, im lost, if you have some tips they would be appreciated as well




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Hello everyone :) Need help with todays puzzle please, i was able to get it yesterday, but when they start overlapping, im lost, if you have some tips they would be appreciated as well



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the trick is to see the images which CANNOT be repeated (which mean they overlap) see the red volcano appears twice? that means they overlap. and then you work out from there :)


don't have time to run into it with too much detail as i was supposed to be sleeping 15 minutes ago :P but hope that helps you along :)












hope that helps and please if it does don't forget to edit your original post to say its completed :D

I've been reading up and just cant seem to figure this puzzle out :/


Please help me out and a big thanks in advance :)




for yours since the image code didn't work for me i had to take your post apart in a separate post, see my second post below this one for the solution and good luck!


Hello everyone :) Need help with todays puzzle please, i was able to get it yesterday, but when they start overlapping, im lost, if you have some tips they would be appreciated as well




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Hope this help.


Red Shield - Red Swirl - Purple Shield

Yellow Fire - Red Fire - Purple Fire

Yellow Swirl - Yellow Shield - Purple Swirl


I've been reading up and just cant seem to figure this puzzle out :/


Please help me out and a big thanks in advance :)











last one :)


and guys thats it for me for the evening, have to get up early tomorrow so good luck all! ^_^


edit: one last one because otherwise i'm not sure who else is on.




I'm very well lost with mine, I understand the concept but I just can't get it to work. If someone could please help me(and if possible provide an explanation for me as well) I'd be extremely grateful. Thank you!










normally i would be glad to talk you through what i did but i'm too tired sorry D: hope tomorrows is easier so you can follow what I do to solve it.


Hi guys, please help me out with my puzzle D: I get what we're supposed to do but I can't work it out.








I'm very well lost with mine, I understand the concept but I just can't get it to work. If someone could please help me(and if possible provide an explanation for me as well) I'd be extremely grateful. Thank you!


I think this is the right answer but I am not sure, this one was difficult to me:


Yellow fire - Purple Fire - Yellow Swirl

Red Swirl - Purple Shield - Purple Swirl

Red Shield - Red Fire - Yellow Shield







Please help, thanks!


Purple Shield - Purple Fire - Purple Swirl

Red Swirl - Red Fire - Yellow Shield

Red Shield - Yellow Fire - Yellow Swirl


Hi guys, please help me out with my puzzle D: I get what we're supposed to do but I can't work it out.







Red Shield - Yellow Swirl - Purple Fire

Purple Shield - Red Swirl - Yellow Fire

Yellow Shield - Purple Swirl - Red Fire


I called Shield to the first symbol, fire to the second and swirl to the third one.










last one :)


and guys thats it for me for the evening, have to get up early tomorrow so good luck all! ^_^


edit: one last one because otherwise i'm not sure who else is on.












normally i would be glad to talk you through what i did but i'm too tired sorry D: hope tomorrows is easier so you can follow what I do to solve it.


Thank you so much! Comparing it with the answer definitely work and I understand why I was stumped (Just one little silly thing I kept overlooking). I completely understand it now I believe and it worked :)


Wow I found one almost similar to mine in the forum, and I thought I would be able to do it. I need some help again please!! Thank you!!





Can someone help me with this? Id love to learn how to figure it out :(






hahaha never mind!









The negg slowly opens, revealing a prize!




Lucky Pandaphant Doll

This prize is now in your inventory.






Would like some help today please! :whistle:

And maybe a clear explanation of how it was done so I don't have to ask tomorrow!


First you need to work out how the clues fit together. You must have 3 of each symbol, and they must all be different colors.


You have a clue with all 3 of the symbol 1 on. Then you have another clue with Y1 on, so they must overlap. The only way they can overlap is with Y1 going over the symbol 1 on the left, so put together we now have a big clue that looks like this:


?2 Y1 ?1

.....R2 B1


We have Y1 and B1 so the ?1 must be R1


?2 Y1 R1

.....R2 B1


Now look at the top left clue. There are two symbol 2 on it, but we already have two symbol 2 in out big clue so they must overlap.


The top "2" can't go over our ?2 because then Y2 would be over our R2, which is no good. So the "2" must go over our R2, giving us:


?2 Y1 R1

.....R2 B1

.....B3 Y2


So ?2 must be B2


B2 Y1 R1

.....R2 B1

.....B3 Y2


Now if you look and the bottom left clue, you can overlap it by lining up the B2.


B2 Y1 R1

Y3 R2 B1

?? B3 Y2


So the missing square must be R3.


B2 Y1 R1

Y3 R2 B1

R3 B3 Y2


Hope that helps! :)

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