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Who else is desperate for a plot?!


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Why do so many people like wars anyway? I don't want to be THAT person, but I never really got into them. :/ Killing the same opponent over and over and over and... just doesn't excite me that much. It's about as fun as grinding in a Pokemon game imho.

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I am! I was really excited about taking part on another plot, I am online on summer so it would be perfect for me if it started sometime soon...


And I agree with most of you, I am looking foward a war plot.

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Why do so many people like wars anyway? I don't want to be THAT person, but I never really got into them. :/ Killing the same opponent over and over and over and... just doesn't excite me that much. It's about as fun as grinding in a Pokemon game imho.


Far more exciting than the AC though wouldn't you agree? Pokemon is one of the best selling video game franchise of all time, I guess you're in the firm minority :-P


I can think of a few reasons though, there are different enemies, and they get stronger with every kill so you keep battlign until you can't beat that opponent anymore, the story of the plot is exciting. But most of all it's just great to make use out of the BD/training.

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I don't think it's more exciting than the AC. Both require you to perform repetitive tasks for hours on end. The only two things separating the two are the story (or lack thereof, for the AC) and the fact that one's a game and the other requires the BD. I never understood why people differentiate the two, unless one of those two factors is significant.


And I love Pokemon, but nobody plays it because they like grinding. :P They play it for the Pokemon and the competitive battling.


I think it's just because we've all been raised on video games. Action video games, at that, not puzzles. Thus, we like using combat rather than puzzles to solve conflicts. That's my theory.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want no battling. I just want puzzles and battling to be equally important. I get the feeling we want the same thing, though, and I'm arguing just to play devil's advocate. xD That, and I guess I'm in the tiny minority that actually prefers puzzles to battling. :P Give me LDP over the Meridell-Darigan wars any day.

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I don't think it's more exciting than the AC. Both require you to perform repetitive tasks for hours on end. The only two things separating the two are the story (or lack thereof, for the AC) and the fact that one's a game and the other requires the BD. I never understood why people differentiate the two, unless one of those two factors is significant.


And I love Pokemon, but nobody plays it because they like grinding. :P They play it for the Pokemon and the competitive battling.


I think it's just because we've all been raised on video games. Action video games, at that, not puzzles. Thus, we like using combat rather than puzzles to solve conflicts. That's my theory.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want no battling. I just want puzzles and battling to be equally important. I get the feeling we want the same thing, though, and I'm arguing just to play devil's advocate. xD That, and I guess I'm in the tiny minority that actually prefers puzzles to battling. :P Give me LDP over the Meridell-Darigan wars any day.


Battling/plot is far more varied than the AC, that's basically fact given all the different opponents. A lot of people don't view it as grinding, especially as like I already stated the opponents get harder.


Anyway BD seems to be neglected on neo, the only reason I want some puzzle elements is because there are a lot of moaners out there and it just spoils the atmosphere.

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I'll give you the different opponents thing. I'll admit, I never considered that, although I don't think YYB is as mindless as people make it out to be. But that's another argument for another day.


The reason I never considered that is because my battle pet is already very strong, so unless I'm facing a strong opponent, it takes me a very long time to notice the increase in strength. The weakest Wraith in TFR took 550 wins before he started doing significant damage to me, and even then, I could have beat him many more times if I wanted to. That's why it feels a little boring to me.

But of course, that's just my personal experience. I know not everyone has a powerful battle pet, so it is more challenging for others. I apologize for not realizing this. :)


I just think plots should appeal to everyone and not just the battlers, because not everyone on the site likes battling. A little variety isn't a bad thing.

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i just want a really good plot! no matter if its puzzles or battling! gimme a good plot to grind like the space plot and the faerie plot. now those are great! there's a limit to how many times u need to battle so it's not so boring and those with non- battle dome pets can go enjoy the group or single puzzle activities. i still remember the group puzzle activities fondly!

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I am looking forward to a plot, too! I was hoping for one over the summer when i had a little more time, but that didn't happen. I do hope for one that's a combination of puzzles and battling. Those are always my favorite. I think my favorite plot was the Tale of Woe, except I didn't know that battling multiple times would be beneficial so I only did each enemy once. Plus, my battle pet wasn't nearly as strong as she is now. I want a similar plot so I can have a chance to redeem myself!

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I'd love a war plot :) I was a newbie when the Meridell vs Darigan wars took place, but I wasn't upset that I couldn't get the top trophy. I am still proud of my serf trophy because I worked my buns off to get it! It's all part of the game; working hard and getting better. As OP mentioned, there are always going to be newbies, so it's never going to be possible to give everyone a shot at the top prize (for a war plot anyways).


Whatever TNT decides to do, I am sure there will be many unhappy people. You can't please everyone!

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Which is why I think a route similar to TFR is the best one. It pleases everyone. TNT might not have called it a war, but most people actually consider TFR to be a war, and it did have all of the elements of one except for being able to choose sides. But even that's unnecessary. A lot of people liked the Battle for Meridell plot, and you didn't get to choose sides in that.


And, of course, TFR had puzzles to please the puzzle fans. Sure, they weren't like Temple of 1000 Tombs challenging, but they were still engaging and fun.

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I would love a war, but I am happy having it put off for a while- I have LOTS of training I need to do! haha. :)

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