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Who else is desperate for a plot?!


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I love plots, I always want a plot! I hope the next one will be a puzzle, but I guess it's been a long time since there was a war, so that's what the next one will probably be.


Yeah, it should be a war to justify spending NP's on training! I don't see why some Puzzle elements can't be included to keep everyone happy though.

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I'd love to have a plot! I haven't participated in one since Meridell v. Darigan Citadel since I was gone from neopets for so long.


I don't have a decent BD pet right now or anything, but...it's still exciting :P

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I'd love to have a plot! I haven't participated in one since Meridell v. Darigan Citadel since I was gone from neopets for so long.


I don't have a decent BD pet right now or anything, but...it's still exciting :P


You have time to train! Dubloons don't cost that much :-)

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Pretty much everyone is desperate for a plot, including myself. xD But I'm fine with waiting. I'd rather TNT take their time to make a great plot rather than rush a mediocre one just to appease the people complaining. I'm sure you guys don't want another AotA style plot :P Not that we'll get one, because TNT knows people hated it.


And when they release the next plot, I'm hoping it'll be puzzles and battling, rather than just battling, because an old-school Meridell vs. Darigan style war would exclude newbies, and I have a feeling TNT wants everyone to have an equal shot at getting the top trophy. Something newbies have zero shot at, since it takes time to train pets. Besides, if TNT wants to do a full-on war, I feel like they should update the Battledome first. It's always felt "incomplete" imho.


That said, my Techo should be fine should battling come up.

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Didn't TNT kindasorta hint at an upcoming event a few weeks ago? In the editorial or something? Maybe I just want one so much I'm imagining things :laughingsmiley:

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Pretty much everyone is desperate for a plot, including myself. xD But I'm fine with waiting. I'd rather TNT take their time to make a great plot rather than rush a mediocre one just to appease the people complaining. I'm sure you guys don't want another AotA style plot :P Not that we'll get one, because TNT knows people hated it.


And when they release the next plot, I'm hoping it'll be puzzles and battling, rather than just battling, because an old-school Meridell vs. Darigan style war would exclude newbies, and I have a feeling TNT wants everyone to have an equal shot at getting the top trophy. Something newbies have zero shot at, since it takes time to train pets. Besides, if TNT wants to do a full-on war, I feel like they should update the Battledome first. It's always felt "incomplete" imho.


That said, my Techo should be fine should battling come up.



Well hopefully they've been working on it for sometime now. I'd say 3 months is long enough to get a competent BD pet.

Didn't TNT kindasorta hint at an upcoming event a few weeks ago? In the editorial or something? Maybe I just want one so much I'm imagining things :laughingsmiley:


Mid July yeah, they responded with Yes to someone asking for a new plot, BD avatar or reward system.

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Yeah, but 3 months isn't enough to get the best prize. No, only the oldest, richest users on the site have a shot at that.


TNT is always hinting at plots/events. :P They had a non-answer to a question about a Tyrannia revamp, and I definitely recall them hinting at Hanso starring in another plot and us learning more about his past.

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Yeah, but 3 months isn't enough to get the best prize. No, only the oldest, richest users on the site have a shot at that.


TNT is always hinting at plots/events. :P They had a non-answer to a question about a Tyrannia revamp, and I definitely recall them hinting at Hanso starring in another plot and us learning more about his past.


There will always be newbies so by that logic never is a good time for a plot. I don't see the issue though, the top prize will be out of reach for a lot of people regardless of account age. Their response this time wasn't a non-answer either it was a Yes.

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If we do a war plot, I'd like it to be like the Curse of Maraqua so you can choose a side and what you want to do, so for those of you into battle you can fight enemies, and if you prefer puzzles you can be a supporter. I'd like that very much. :)

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There will always be newbies so by that logic never is a good time for a plot. I don't see the issue though, the top prize will be out of reach for a lot of people regardless of account age. Their response this time wasn't a non-answer either it was a Yes.

For a war, the top prize will be out of reach for anyone that doesn't have hundreds of millions of NP and doesn't have a battle pet that's FAR stronger than my Techo. And all that's doing is making the rich richer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against battling in plots. I just don't want it to be the primary feature. I like the way TFR did it, personally.


And please don't suggest they bring back the train wreck that was the CoM battle/support system. It sounds nice on paper, but it would favor the battlers over the puzzlers, since the battlers can get infinite points, while the puzzlers are limited. And the supporter role in that plot was terrible. All you did was play games and buy horrendously overinflated items that only the rich people could afford.


Also, the Editorial response I mentioned was this:

PLEASE TELL ME THAT TYRANNIA WILL BE THE NEXT WORLD TO GET A MAKEOVER! I don't even like Tyrannia that much, but... its graphics are really out of date, so I think it deserves a revamp. :) ~zeldaisdabomb

Oh, what's that? Sorry, we didn't hear you. Ask us a little louder and maybe we'll tell you. ;)

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I'm desperate for a plot! I do hope it's something that non battledomers can enjoy too. My pets would need some serious training and I just don't want to spend the money. Also, I find puzzles to be a lot more fun than battling. But hey, that's just me. I hope that they do a combo so that everyone can be happy.

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I wouldn't mind a plot, either - I don't think I've ever truly participated in one (at least, not since I was very young and would have had no idea what was going on hahaha)! I've never had much of an interest in the battledome so I'd really prefer if they did it in some way that there was an alternative to battling, but still an equal outcome for everyone.

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I'd really love a war. I don't like puzzles and I feel bd has been neglected for quite a long time. Also, I hope those uc prdk hoarders will start trading their treasures for bd pets, they obviously don't understand how lucky they were to get a cheap paint brush/mp before the conversion when bd pets costs tens of millions and years to train.

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We need a proper plot with BD challengers and lots of puzzles! I was really busy working during the last plot and didn't get to participate at all, which really bummed me out because I'd been training my BD pet specifically for a plot! I'd love to have a new one so we can flex our BD muscles again.

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I swear there was a thread about this really recently


But yes, war. Give me war.

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