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What's the greatest thing that has happened to you on neopets?

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Ever got a mootix from a random event or found a rare paintbrush for a cheap price? I'm curious what it is. :)


I suppose it would be the time I picked up a Pirate Krawk Morphing Potion from the Forgotten Shore. I once found a petpetpet but I can't remember which species; it wasn't a particularly expensive one.



NP gains aside, some other great things have been the pets I've adopted from other generous users. Some are colours I never would have gotten on my own. :)


From REs, it was getting a Darigan Petpet Paint Brush and a Petpetpet.


Otherwise, affording a Draik Egg and getting my dream pet, as well as getting a FFQ and being able to paint her Water the day after it was released. Also, getting lent higher-end avatar items and finally being able to cross them off my list was a great feeling.


My account is only 5 months old but somehow I've managed to get a FFQ (though through many cookies), a halloween PB from Test Your Strength, uni morphing potion (Wheel of Excitement), found a nerkmid and Pirate Draik Egg (shore). I've literally done a happy dance each time!!


Other than that, years ago on my old account I found a tomato chia in the pound before users could send pets to particular users. That account was frozen shortly after, I never knew why :(


Mine would probably be morphing Organs into a Draik (thanks to my lovely bf ^^) and getting two FFQs - one for the avvie, and one to hopefully paint her Transparent on Draik Day. :*


Either a) getting a Pirate Paint Brush from Anchor Management (a few days after I started playing Neopets again a few weeks ago) or b) buying the full Secret Lab Map a long time ago. I remember when it was so hard to save up 1 million NPs back then, and it was such an accomplishment for me. Now it's more expensive I think.


The game has never given me anything good. I've had a couple devastating RE's but only a few mildly good ones (codestones being the best i can recall). Dailies range from mediocre to painful; in fact, i'm thinking of lobbying for a new avatar along the lines of "Stalked by The Beast" (picture of The Beast with little floaty hearts around his head) because 7 spins out of 10, that's what i get from the Wheel of Monotony. No joke! He seems to wuv me in a way that redefines the phrase "love hurts."


But recently a person from TDN did something very nice for me! I PM'ed her about trading for an NC item i coveted, and she just sent it to me. Refused to allow me to send anything back. I'm reluctant to say her name, lest she get trampled by people looking for handouts, but if she's reading this she knows who she is. And that is the best thing that ever happened to me in this game! THANK YOU, MYSTERY STRANGER! ;)


I think it was the time a while back when I got a Halloween Paint Brush from the neopets Fruit Machine! I sold it for 1.8M NP or so and then used it to buy the remaining Forgotten Shore and Lab Ray Map pieces.


Later on I got an Aisha zapped into Halloween too which was kind of cool but I didn't really like the outfit; it was kinda lame...


My account is only 5 months old but somehow I've managed to get a FFQ (though through many cookies), a halloween PB from Test Your Strength, uni morphing potion (Wheel of Excitement), found a nerkmid and Pirate Draik Egg (shore). I've literally done a happy dance each time!!


Other than that, years ago on my old account I found a tomato chia in the pound before users could send pets to particular users. That account was frozen shortly after, I never knew why :(


That's ridiculously incredible. I want your luck! Can you do my dailies tomorrow? :P


This new account has only been around for two and a half months or so, and the best thing that's happened is getting a nerkmid through a random event...and perhaps getting another nerkmid out of the machine when I used it for the avatar. Even in my seven or so years of playing before my hiatus, I can't say anything really spectacular ever happened to me. I can't help but be a little envious of all of these people finding paint brushes and morphing potions and what have you :P


Getting an FFQ event, and my Pirate Draik from the shore! Happiest days ever! Before either of those two things happened, I had previously gotten a Maractite Petpet Paint Brush from an RE, and the lab ray zapped me a Strawberry Cybunny (which, personally, is one of my favorites!). :woot:


3 FFQ's and finding a PDE at the shore. :D Non np was hatching my Draik Gunnslinger (with an egg that I bought, not the one that I found) and making other people happy by giving them their dreamie :)


Mmmm... For me it would be when they gave me a nerkmid in a random event (got the avy and another nerkmid that I sold for about 200k :3 :3). Also the time I got a tyrannian pb in key quest. But I'm not as lucky as you guys :(


If you can believe it, I actually found the most expensive Secret Laboratory Map Piece at the money tree. I was just quick enough to nab it, I was smiling so hard my boyfriend thought I'd gone nutso. Hahaha.


Finally getting the Blumaroo-Jester avatar! I was so sick of scrolling and clicking through the phrases every day, repeating the same joke over and over again xD

There was this one time I was one of six people who guessed one of the mystery pics correctly and was rewarded a handsome amount of neopoints.

In terms of Random Events, I can't remember getting anything better than the usual codestones you find on the ground...


The best thing that happened to me was not something having to do with NP. No, it was more valuable than that. It was meeting a very dear friend of mine. ^_^ We've been friends for around four years now, and I don't think I've been in contact with someone on the Internet that long.


We actually met on JN, due to our shared interest in the Altador Cup, and we've been chatting ever since. We even had a long and epic RP with our pets going on for... I don't even know how long. Maybe close to a year.


Finally getting a FFQ back in 2011 - I was able to paint my Kougra Pirate!!!


Also, having finally saved enough to buy the Darigan Paint Brush from the Hidden Tower in 2009, gaining the Fyora avatar and Shuhune's Christmas present - the dream colour.


Getting three Fountain Faerie Quests! I used the first one to get a wraith pteri, the second on a pea chia, and third, currently saving it for a draik. :))


I've had a couple PBs and Transmog potions through Random Events before- not in a loooooong time though. :(

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