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I need help!!! FFQ, WHO SHOULD I PAINT!? :DDD

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Yay! Congrats Rayna! :D


I looked at the colors for the species, and I can't decide on voting for Wraith for Friepie, or Water for Zamaery.


If there really isn't one you like more than the other, I suggest playing with both colors on DTI and seeing which you enjoy customizing the most.

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OK, so, to help clairfy my thoughts:




Water is pretty rare and I LOVE, LOVE how they had designed her! It's beautiful!


Plushie is less rare, right? I just like how colourful Plushie is. Unfortunately, Plushie is NOT as cute as previously..




Now, as for Pteri, I've always sorta wanted a Fearie one, too. But I'm guessing I could probably afford it and he, being one of my few male pets. may look to femimine.




But Wraith is WAYYY cool, too. xD




MWAHHAHAHA. I'm so cool!

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Congrats on completing the FFQ; I'd personally go with the water Zafara. Looks really cool and it's VERY expensive/rare. I like it over the Wraith Pteri, which doesn't look as awesome as a water Zafara.

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Congrats C: That's wonderful! I really love the Water Zafara, sooo pretty c: Have you decided yet?

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Hey guys,


So after contemplating it, I decided to paint one of my oldest Neopets (Zamaery the Zafara) into the beautiful Water Colour! She looks brilliant. Thanks for help. =D




and congrats on your FFQ :) what was the item she asked for ? :)


She asked for a difficult one *I think*, called "Rest In Peace Chicken". I could only find one in the trades; and I have no idea it's worth. BUT, a nice user decided to send me the item when I had posted how excited I was to finally get one after 10 years. The users on the Quest Boards are VERY kind.

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She looks great! The customization you picked looks perfect and really compliments her color. :D


Awe. thank you Spritzie!!! You always compliment by styles even when I feel like I have no concept! I used the last of my NC though, so, I may have to buy more and spruce up Kia, the Water Wocky. xD Man, it looks accidentally like I'm Water obsessed! Anyway, I was VERY fortunate that some (seemingly) rich individual gave me such a great item, and now it's time to pass on the karma! :DD I think I'll be helping out more people now, especially from the kindness I received today. :3

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Congratulations on your FFQ! :D Zamaery looks lovely :)

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Congrats! Your Zaffie looks fab! :D I love the customisation too~

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