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Nay for being a terrible person

Naamah D.

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All I want is to be feminine and doll-like. I can't be a proper member of the female race if I go up another pants size. I'm so frustrated!!! I enjoy dressing like a guy but I feel need to please other people and be that girl if you know what I mean. Neopets is all I have left for a hobby. If it ever shuts down, I'm doomed to live an even more horrible life.

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I don't see a nay for being a terrible person here. You should just be you, be yourself. Don't worry about pleasing others. No matter what we do someone's not going to approve and not going to like it. Do what makes you happy.


And I think we're all doomed if neo ever shuts down! lol

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I'm with Ashbash. I'm not seeing the nay for being a terrible person.

-hugs- (if you want them!)

I know it is really hard, but you can't let your self worth be determined by your size. It has absolutely no bearing on who you are as a person, or if you are a 'proper' woman. Quite frankly, in my books, to be a proper woman, all you have to do is feel like you are a woman. I don't care if you are a transwoman or a ciswoman, 90 pounds and short, or 400 pounds, 'doll' like, or more masculine looking.

Also, screw what other people want. If they aren't pleased by the person that you already are, then they aren't worth it.

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Agreeing with Ashbash and Rebecca. All that matters is how you feel about yourself, which is easier said than done - it has taken me a long time to get to that point. You just gotta ("Just", I know) figure out what YOU want and like, try to not focus so much on what other people's ideals are. Some people tend to be sheep when it comes to appearance, and everyone has to look the same and blah blah blah. This is not something to strive for. I mean people can look however they like for all I care, but it should never be a goal to look like everyone else.

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I'm going to say that this is a nay for other people being terrible persons.


If you genuinely feel like you have to be a different person to please people, then you are not the one doing it wrong. Those people are.


Don't be anything that actually is harmful to other people, but be yourself. If they don't like it, then maybe the change should be in them.

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So many wise words have already been posted; I agree with all of the above. You are not a terrible person and those who know you and love you knows that, I'm sure of it.

I've been (and, some days, still am) in pretty much the same situation, trying to be what I think everyone else wants me to be, and nothing good will ever come from that. And honestly, Rebecca is right; if anyone makes you feel that way, they don't deserve you.

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