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Shop Lookups


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Just wondering what you guys think of shop lookups? Do you have one? I find some of them to be so annoying sometimes when you can't see prices because they're the same color as the background and things like that. Anyone else get annoyed? I kind of want to get one but I'm not sure. I don't want people to be annoyed when they go to my shop.

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If it's done modestly and isn't too ridiculous and loud, I quite enjoy shop look-ups. That being said, I've seen quite a few that are a jumbled mess and irritate me to be on. Also, the "malls" that are floating around have a huge wall of graphics before you scroll down to the item. I think you should go for a look-up if you want one, though. :)

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If it's done modestly and isn't too ridiculous and loud, I quite enjoy shop look-ups. That being said, I've seen quite a few that are a jumbled mess and irritate me to be on. Also, the "malls" that are floating around have a huge wall of graphics before you scroll down to the item. I think you should go for a look-up if you want one, though. :)

I avoid malls like the plague because they tend to have so many unnecessary graphics.

Also, they tend to be a bit overpriced, if you ask me.

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I don't mind them as long as they're not too in your face, or like you say when it affects how well you can see the prices and such. It's annoying having to scroll down loads so if you do get one try to avoid a massive header picture, I'm sure any Kadders that visit your shop would be very grateful of that also :P

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I think that there are lots of really nice layouts out there that are designed with enough sense to keep pages loading quickly, and without horrible little gifs that get in the way of people finding the item they want.

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I don't mind them as long as they're not too in your face, or like you say when it affects how well you can see the prices and such. It's annoying having to scroll down loads so if you do get one try to avoid a massive header picture, I'm sure any Kadders that visit your shop would be very grateful of that also :P



^ THIS! ohmahgerrsh, this so hard. Don't make kadders learn your name and avoid it. I have a list of names that i avoid because they carry the lowest priced kadfoods but their shops make me want to hurl my computer into the toilet.

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on my previous account , I used to have one .. I even got complimented on it ... but on this account i don't even bother LOL , I even forgot what my old shop used to look like or what gfx it had




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I used to have just a different background for the items area, but it broke at some point when TNT changed something about the coding. I prefer it simple and I hate image heavy shops like the plague. The "malls" are awful, even if I'm not in a hurry. I just want to get in, buy the item I need and get out.

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On my old main I used one of those basic lookups by Sugary, very clean and simple with only the one image for credit. All css so no overly slow loading times for people who are in a hurry - I myself can't stand a heavy load time!

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